

Alginate for dental impressions, the ideal solution for younger patients

Taking impressions in adults does not usually involve any particular difficulty for either the dentist or the patient, unless in exceptional cases. The same...

11 Most Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Have you ever wondered what the fuss on white teeth is? For most people, having white teeth is of utter importance. For one, white...

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency precisely is any dental condition that presents a threat to one's dental health. Any dental problem that needs to arrest bleeding,...

10 Home Remedies for Tooth Ache

Let’s begin by clarifying that the best solution to toothaches or any dental problems is to see the doctor. The reason is simple – toothaches...

What Causes Mountain Dew Mouth?

If you come from the region extending from the southwest to the northeast of the US, you’ll be no stranger to the term “mountain...

What is a Dental Bridge? 4 Types of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed/permanent restoration designed to replace one or more missing teeth in the mouth. Dental bridges mimic the look, shape,...

Clear Aligners: How To Care For Your Teeth During Straightening

If you're looking for a way to straighten your teeth without braces, clear aligners may be the solution. They're made of transparent, plastic material that's...