10 Home Remedies for Tooth Ache

HomeDental10 Home Remedies for Tooth Ache

Let’s begin by clarifying that the best solution to toothaches or any dental problems is to see the doctor.

The reason is simple – toothaches rarely go away on their own. The pain can last months if you don’t see the doctor. Worse still, dental problems only get worse with time. If you don’t see the doctor on time, you’ll likely lose the tooth in the end.

It’s also worth noting that dental issues can worse than you think. The mild pain can indeed be a fractured tooth. Or it could be a gum infection. Some of these issues can lead to more severe health problems.

For instance, noma, a severe gangrenous disease that begins as a soft tissue lesion of the gums, can progress quickly into acute necrotizing gingivitis and ultimately destroy the soft tissues and hard tissues around the mouth. Without treatment, noma is fatal. According to the World Health Organization, 90% of people that don’t see the doctor on time die.

Therefore, ultimately you should see the dentist for a diagnosis and treatment of the issue. The doctor will likely recommend pain meds and perhaps a dental procedure.

10 Home Remedies for Tooth Ache

However, there are steps you can take to minimize the pain before you get to the hospital. Consider the following;

1. A cold compress or ice pack 

Holding an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas, for instance, against the outside of the affected cheek for a few minutes is a sure way to minimize the pain. The procedure constricts blood vessels in that area, thus slowing blood flow to the affected area. Reduced blood flow means less pain sensation.

2. Saltwater treatment 

Heat a cup of water and dissolve in it a spoonful of salt. Then gargle some of it, making sure to swish the liquid in your mouth repeatedly. Salt is a natural disinfectant that heals swellings, cleans infections, and loosens food particles.

3. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and can also reduce plaque and heal bleeding gums. Make sure to dilute the hydrogen peroxide before use. Once it’s diluted, gargle some of it and swish the liquid to reach every corner of the mouth. Don’t swallow it!

4. Use a hot pack 

Although cold packs are the most common pain relief strategy, hot packs work just as well. If you don’t have one ready, make a basic one by filling a clean sock with rice, tying one end, and placing the rice-filled sock in the oven for a few minutes. The heat interrupts pain signals from the mouth.

5. Try peppermint teabags 

Peppermint tea bags are another safe and easy way to numb pain, at least for a short time. You can cool the teabags in the freezer before use. You can also apply the bags while still warm. In addition to numbing the pain, it creates a pleasant sensation that may distract your mind.

6. Garlic also works 

For thousands of years, people have used garlic for various medicinal purposes, including toothaches. For one, garlic is a natural pain reliever. More importantly, it kills harmful bacteria that may cause dental plaque. You can slowly chew a clove of fresh garlic or crush it into a paste before use.

7. Try vanilla extract 

Vanilla extract contains alcohol which can help numb pain. Additionally, it has antioxidant properties which can counteract free radicals to prevent infections or treat present symptoms. Dab a small amount of vanilla onto a cotton ball and apply to the affected area, allowing it to rest a few seconds.

8. A few oils may also work

Oils such as tea tree and thyme are also proven pain relievers. Tee tree also has antibacterial and antibacterial properties to prevent infections. Meanwhile, thyme is an antibacterial as well as an antioxidant.

9. Cloves 

Cloves contain a chemical compound known as eugenol, which functions as a natural anesthetic. The plant also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it a good choice to fight tooth and gum infections. To use it, soak a small cotton ball in clove oil and apply it directly to the affected area. You can also chew dried, whole cloves.

10. Over-the-counter painkillers 

If the concoctions don’t work, you’re allowed to use over-the-counter painkillers to minimize the pain. Excellent choices are acetaminophen and ibuprofen. However, remember that aspirin must never be administered to children below 16 years without the doctor’s authority.

Other Options

Other home remedies for tooth ache include wheatgrass, guava leaves, and lemon. However, as mentioned earlier, make sure to see the dentist if the pain persists.

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