Swollen Hair Follicle on Scalp, Groin, Thigh, Pubic Area, Causes, Treatment for Inflamed Hair Follicles


Incorrect shaving can aggravate or cause inflamed hair follicles. Infected or inflamed hair follicles are the prominent defining features of the medical condition popularly known as folliculitis. Your hair follicles are bound to become irritated when they are damaged, according to MedlinePlus. Common factors known to damage hair follicles include:

  • Shaving
  • Presence of an inflammatory skin condition e.g., acne
  • Regularly wearing very tight clothing, which rubs against your skin when you make the slightest of movements.

When your follicles become damaged, they are prone to be infected by viruses, fungi, and even bacterial organisms, which can then make the inflammation to worsen, this according to Mayo Clinic.

Even though a mild case of swollen hair follicles is likely to clear up on its own without any intervention being necessary, there are severe cases that may call for medical intervention. Additionally, there are some practices that can be used to prevent a recurrence, as well as reduce inflammation of your follicles.

What is an inflamed hair follicle?

Also known as folliculitis, it refers to the infection or inflammation affecting your hair follicles; it could target a single or more of the follicles. The hair follicles, in this case, are the small cavities that are surrounding your hair roots. The condition can take root in any part of your body, provided that hair grows in that area e.g., the scalp.

In many cases, folliculitis will occur in your armpits, buttocks, thighs, and neck—all of these are places where friction is likely to occur at any given moment. It comes in the form of small bumps and may take the appearance of a rash or acne. There are cases where it could be isolated to a single follicle, and there are times when it may affect multiple follicles. Folliculitis can either acute or chronic, with acute cases only occurring for a short duration, while the chronic cases tend to be ongoing.

Causes of swollen hair follicles?

The primary causes of folliculitis are fungi or bacteria. A person can contract staph fungi or bacteria by coming into direct contact with someone who is already infected. Additionally, it can also be contracted by sharing personal items e.g., soap, clothing, or towels, with people who already have the folliculitis infection. The staph bacteria can be picked from using unclean spas and public pools.

Folliculitis risk factors are:

  1. Having a weak immune system
  2. Failure to shower after excessive sweating
  3. Wearing clothing that is too tight, which then ends up irritating your skin surface.
  4. Skin injuries e.g., those sustained when a person is shaving


For a physician to make a folliculitis diagnosis, the doctor will need to examine the surface areas that are either irritated or inflamed. You have to tell your medical professional:

  • The length of time you have had the bumps
  • Any other symptoms that you could be experiencing since the appearance of the inflammation
  • If you have a history of getting this condition

Apart from listening to what you have to say, a good physician can be able to tell whether a person is suffering from folliculitis by looking at the skin appearance alone. But, for the physician to be able to tell what is causing the folliculitis, a bump will have to be removed for testing purposes.

Swollen hair follicles on the scalp, pubic area, groin, armpit

Folliculitis is a widespread skin disorder, which manifests in the form of red bumps, with each bump growing on one of your hair follicles. The bump is then accompanied by pus or a small dot at the very top. Inflamed hair follicles is a disorder that can affect any person, regardless of age, gender, or even race, as it is also seen in people who are otherwise quite healthy. Folliculitis can be cured, but, given time, it can clear on its own as well.

The only place that is immune to this condition is the palm of your hand. It is also worth mentioning that removal of the hair in the infected follicle is not a proper solution.


Inflamed hair follicles appearing in the groin area are often caused by genital folliculitis. It is the swelling of hair follicles around your genital area, including the scrotum. Staphylococcus aureus is the causative factor for genital folliculitis, which mainly targets your groin area, and nowhere else.

Typically, it is caused by a viral or bacterial factor, even though it can also come about when a hair follicle gets damaged, leading to an infection, which then causes genital folliculitis.


The scalp is not spared as well, with inflamed follicles in this area being a result of scalp folliculitis. The condition, which appears as small itchy pustules located in the scalp area, is an inflammatory disorder targeting the hair follicles that are in this region.

Pubic area

The presence of ingrown hairs mainly causes an inflamed hair follicle appearing in your pubic area. These are hairs that have curled back after shaving and have begun to grow back into your skin. The result of this is the emergence of raised red spots that can easily become infected. Upon infection, they are likely to become pus-filled sores, which tend to be very painful.

Apart from being painful, ingrown hair can also be very itchy as well as embarrassing. The good news is that with time, they can go away without you being required to take any action at all. With ingrown hairs, there is always the possibility that your hair follicles could become infected, which may then lead to inflammation and the development of pus-filled hair follicles.

Infected hair follicle from hair transplant

Hair follicle infection is one of the possible side effects after the hair transplantation. In some cases, during the new hair growth, the inflammation of the hair follicles develops. Antibiotics should help solve this problem, but in this situation, you should consult your doctor. Also, having a head skin infections in the past is one of the common hair transplant contraindications. In general, the risk of skin complications after a hair transplant is relatively low.

Infected hair follicle under the armpit

Infected hair follicles under armpit can cause a lot of discomforts and even make you unable to move the arm. If they are very painful and reoccurring, they may be so-called boils. Sometimes they break spontaneously heal itself – then you can apply ichthyol ointment.

They should not be popped manually, because it can lead to the spread of bacteria on the skin and the blood. Usually, the best solution is to use antibiotics. If the fever occurs, you should see a doctor immediately, as there is a risk of a widespread infection, including sepsis.

Sometimes it is necessary to empty the boil surgically. However, a doctor visit should be a priority.

Folliculitis: the various types available

Folliculitis can be categorized into:

  1. Superficial folliculitis
  2. Deep folliculitis

1.     Superficial folliculitis

Its various forms are:

  1. Pseudomonas folliculitis (hot tub folliculitis)—Pseudomonas bacteria is the primary cause. You can become exposed to this bacterium in a broad range of places e.g., heated pools and hot tubs. Hot tubs and heated pools have one thing in common: chlorine and pH levels in the water are not properly When exposed, you are likely to develop itchy bumps and a red rash between one and four days after initial exposure. With time, the round bumps could develop into pustules.
  2. Bacterial folliculitis—it is widespread and is characterized by the appearance of white, itchy, pustules (pus-filled blisters). If this type affects your beard region, it is called a barber’s itch, and it happens when you are exposed to the staph bacteria.
  3. Barber’s itch—it is a swelling, which is caused by the ingrown hairs in your beard region. Often, the condition affects black men who frequently shave their faces. It can also affect any person who normally gets a bikini wax regularly.

2.     Deep folliculitis

It comes in the following forms:

  1. Sycosis barbae – it is common among men who have just started shaving their beards. Initially, it is characterized by the emergence of pus-filled blisters on the jaw, chin, and upper lip. As you continue shaving, these bumps could become more common.
  2. Boils – they are likely to emerge when the hair follicles have a deep staph bacterial infection. Boils are known to appear all of a sudden in the form of a red or painful pink bump. Surrounding skin could also become red and swollen. With time, this bump could become filled with pus and may start to grow much larger, and as this happens, the amount of pain being experienced will also start to increase.
  3. Gram-negative folliculitis – it is a type that can, at times, appear when you are or have been receiving long-term antibiotic treatment targeting acne. Antibiotics may alter the existing bacterial balance in your nose, which will lead to your nose getting an overgrowth of various harmful organisms.

Symptoms of hair follicle inflammation

The symptoms of swollen hair follicles include:

  1. Pain or tenderness
  2. Tiny red bumps cluster that begins to develop around the affected hair follicles
  3. Pustules that break open before beginning to crust
  4. Skin that is reddish and inflamed
  5. Burning or itchy skin
  6. Presence of a large mass or swollen bump


The treatment option chosen when dealing with an infected hair follicle depends on the extent of the fungal or bacterial infection. You can treat the infected or swollen hair follicles using:

1.     Topical ointments

Topical ointments e.g., gels and body cream, can assist in relieving the symptoms associated with inflamed hair follicles e.g., burning sensations, itching, the constant urge to scratch affected region and irritation. You can also apply these ointments on your skin to reduce inflammation and swelling that may have been caused by the affected hair follicles.

Even though you can access most topical ointments over the counter, you should consider asking for a prescription from your doctor. The prescription will be provided after a diagnosis has been made to establish the causes.

2.     Antibacterial pills

Antibacterial pills for inflammation or infection of hair follicles

Antibacterial pills are mainly used when dealing with severe inflammation or infection of hair follicles. Oral antibacterial pills may be used in treating very many conditions. But, the use of antibiotic pills has recently been limited due to the emergence of infections resisting antibacterial treatment. Often, pills are only prescribed when dealing with very severe cases.

3.     Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids can be made synthetically, but they can also be produced by your adrenal cortex, as they are a group of steroidal hormones. They are anti-inflammatories, which function by altering mediators that cause inflammation, which is one of the symptoms of an ingrown hair or an agitated hair follicle. Additionally, they can also assist with itching and irritation.

If you do not use them as recommended, you could end up experiencing some side effects, which could be mild or severe. Ensure that you receive your prescription from a professional health care practitioner or dermatologist.

4.     Wash affected region using antibacterial soap

For a swollen, infected, ruptured, or popped hair follicle, you will need to make certain that the area is clean by washing it using antibacterial soap. The soap helps protect the region from fungal and bacterial infections. Once it is clean, use a clean towel to tap it dry.

5.     Avoid irritating skincare creams as well as harsh chemicals

Whenever you have a hair follicle that has recently become irritated, you have to ensure that you do not use harsh skincare products or soaps, which may end up worsening the symptoms that you are currently experiencing. Using an irritant could increase your urge to scratch the region.

Home remedies

For acute folliculitis cases, it may not be necessary for you to treat them, as they will eventually go away without your intervention. But, sometimes, you may have to take proactive measures, such as identifying the right home remedies for use with such a problem. The following home remedies can be used in treating swollen hair follicles.

1.     Coconut oil

coconut oil for Swollen Hair Follicle on Scalp, Groin, Thigh, Pubic Area

This particular home remedy is not just simply a cooking ingredient, as it contains a variety of compounds e.g., lauric acid, capric acid, and fatty acids, which are all essential for your skin. Capric and lauric acids are then converted into monolaurin and monocarprin, which provide much-needed protection to your skin.

We highly recommend Majestic Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil for Hair and Skin

In 2004, a study published in the much revered Journal of Dermatological Science was able to display the antibacterial effects and importance of lauric acid and capric acid.

2.     Neem

The use of neem oil or neem leaves is credited to having antifungal and antiseptic properties. The oil is manufactured using the fruits and seeds of Azadirachta indica, which happens to be an evergreen tree. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine has, for many years, used neem to treat many skin conditions, folliculitis being one of them.

To use neem in treating folliculitis, you have the option of either boiling the leaves or using the neem oil. Both remedies are effective and should be rubbed into the affected region. It is recommended that you apply the neem treatment at least two to three times each day.

3.     Aloe vera

Aloe Vera home remedy is recommended for folliculitis treatment because of its powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which assist in relieving itching and burning, which are two symptoms associated with this condition. Additionally, aloe vera enables your skin to begin healing naturally.

A great choice would be cold-pressed Aloe Vera (Check price on Amazon)

You can choose to use the juice obtained from an inner fillet or opt for the gel that is derived from the aloe leaf. Whichever remedy you choose, ensure that you apply it in the affected region, and leave it there for about fifteen minutes. To increase the effectiveness of aloe vera, you can combine it with either jojoba or coconut oil.

4.     Garlic

Apart from being used in cooking, it is also deemed to possess potent antibacterial properties. It comes with sulfur compounds, which are known as allicin. The compounds have potent antibacterial and antiviral properties, both of which are needed when dealing with a case of folliculitis.

Additionally, garlic also contains anti-inflammatory compounds as well as vitamin C, which inhibit some of the enzymes that cause inflammation in your body. To use garlic in treating folliculitis, you should ingest garlic cloves at least three times each day. You can also opt for the supplement tablets, but only after consulting your physician.

5.     Turmeric

It is a famous natural remedy that is widely used in Ayurvedic treatment, as well as in traditional Chinese medication. It comes with curcumin—an anti-inflammatory property that is known to cure a broad range of skin-related disorders. If you want to use this particular home remedy, you will need to add a single teaspoon of turmeric powder into on cup of water. Ensure you take this solution at least two times each day to get the best results.

6.     Additional home remedies

You can also consider:

  1. Increase your daily water intake. Always aim to take between eight and ten glasses filled with filtered water each day. Drinking plenty of water will assist in stimulating your immune system, and this will prevent a recurrence.
  2. Hot water compress. Compresses (both warm and hot) are recommended as they assist in easing itching, and in reducing the swelling that has been linked to inflamed hair follicles.
  3. Traditional Chinese medicines. Astragalus root is commonly used in Chinese medicine together with other traditional herbs in treating spleen insufficiency, in cases where diarrhea accompanies an outbreak of swollen hair follicles.
  4. Change your bedsheets as often as possible. If possible, change the bed sheets regularly, as this will prevent a recurrence.


Preventing the spread of folliculitis is possible. Additionally, you can use the following tips to avoid getting it altogether.

  • Do not wear clothes that are too tight
  • When bathing, use a combination of mild soap and warm water
  • Do not shave over the bumps on your skin surface
  • Make sure that you only use clean hot tubs and heated pools
  • Make it a point to use a clean towel at all times

Natural Antihistamines for Allergies, Skin Itching, Hives: Foods & Herbs


Many people suffer from allergic reactions. You might perhaps have seen or experienced some changes in your skin that warranty an allergy. The signs and symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, digestive issues, among others. All these occur as a result of the release of compounds in your body called histamines.

In this case and scenario, you can use remedies called natural antihistamines to calm the situation and restore your body to normal order and function.

This article will outline how natural antihistamines will work to relieve the symptoms associated with allergies.

What are natural antihistamines?

These are substances which, when taken, lead to a decrease in the production of histamine, a protein in the body that initiates an inflammatory response. The inflammatory response comes into play once in contact with an allergen.

In an allergic reaction, the allergen/ allergy-causing agent leads to the production of histamine. The histamine, once released, attacks your body cells. This leads to the common symptoms like a runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing.

How do antihistamines work?

These compounds prevent the release of histamine that usually reacts with the allergens. The antihistamines sit on the sites of histamine production.

These sites are called receptors hence reducing the symptoms of allergic reactions. When bound to the receptors, the histamine causes the release of substances that are called inflammatory mediators that then cause allergy symptoms.

Best natural antihistamines

Many medications are available at the drug stores that can be useful antihistamines. However, there are foods that you can take and still get an antihistamine effect.


They have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. They have carotenes that play these roles.

You can get the compounds from strawberries, tomatoes, sweet potatoes as well as green pepper.

Omega-3 fatty acids

They are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it very useful in dealing with the swelling that comes with allergies.

You can get the compound from fishes that include salmons, hemp seeds, canola or flaxseed oil.


It prevents swelling and inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes. In that sense, it helps you to breathe with ease when you have allergies.

You can get it in the form of liquid syrup, and you can then use it in various foods.


It is very useful because it prevents the immune system from releasing histamine. Research, therefore, backs it up to be used to reduce allergic signs like watery eyes, runny nose, hives, swelling, among others.

According to the study done in Japan, The University of Tokushima Graduate School, this compound suppresses the gene that produces histamine. Another study in Brazil, by the Department of Clinical Analysis, found that it reduces the respiratory problems and swelling coming with allergic reactions.


This is an enzyme that you could find in pineapple juice and stem. This compound is also available in drug stores and shops as well as online sources. This compound can reduce and reverse the effects of substances that cause allergy.

Further, the compound is able to reduce the pain, inflammation, and any unexpected swelling from allergy. In case you are allergic to pineapple, you may still witness allergic reactions as a side effect when trying to remedy.

Stinging nettle

It has been used for long in the treatment of various conditions like joint problems, among others. Despite that, there is evidence that it can relieve symptoms of allergy. Specifically, it is used in relief from hay fever when taken as soon as they appear.

What makes this herb useful is because of the anti-inflammatory properties that it contains. Further, it contains high levels of histamine. This has shown usefulness in the treatment of extreme cases of allergic reactions.

Natural antihistamine foods

Several antihistamines can be found in drug stores. However, there are herbs, supplements, and extracts that you can use to achieve the same effect. The following discussion elaborates some of the best examples that you can use:


It has very high levels of vitamin C. The vitamin has antioxidant properties, which are essential in dealing with inflammation from allergy. According to the Green Pharmacy Handbook, taking a drink of the papaya or eating papaya would give you relief from allergy.

The relevance of vitamin C is supported by a study in the Alternative Medicine Review Journal. It is estimated that there is a 38% decrease in histamine levels when you take vitamin C supplementation.


This is a traditional Chinese herb that is used to enhance mental awareness and supporting memory. The herb has, however, over time found use in other conditions.

In that line, it has been used to treat allergic reactions. It has specifically been used to treat conjunctivitis.

Essential oils

You can use these oils in the place of the creams and ointments from the shop. They can be obtained from lemon, cloves, and chamomile.

They can treat the eruptions of skin that come with allergic reactions. The oils cover your skin and prevent it from irritation.

What essential oils do we recommend?

  • Essential Oil Labs Tea Tree Oil (Check price on Amazon)
  • Organic Jojoba Oil by Kate Blanc Cosmetics (Check price on Amazon)


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for various conditions.

It has also been shown that acupuncture can reduce the symptoms like histamine activation and histamine cell producing activation.


This is also called a superfood. From studies, it has been found that it can inhibit the production of histamine to as much as 72%.

This makes it one of the best antihistamine remedies that are available for use.

Check price on Amazon


It is a strong antioxidant and prebiotic agent. In this regard, it has been used for a long time to prevent the release of histamine from the mast cells.

For dogs

Your dog is also likely to suffer from allergies from time to time. It might not be obvious for you to observe this.

Despite that, you are likely to notice that your dog is very uncomfortable, and the hair peels off. You can salvage this by the use of natural antihistamines.

Aloe vera

The aloe vera leaf has components called saponins. It has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

This enables it to treat the burning sensation, itchiness, and irritation that is brought about by the allergies. It can provide a cooling effect in the long run.

We highly recommend organic cold-pressed Aloe Vera (Check price on Amazon)


It is full of flavonoids. The flavonoids are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it useful in treating allergic reactions.

Further, it has antiseptic and antifungal properties. This makes it useful to get rid of infections.

Apple cider vinegar

It can remove the accumulated amounts of pollens and allergens. This enables it to fight the rash symptoms and itchiness coming from allergies.

You should spray it to the affected areas until your dog is relieved.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains high amounts of lauric acid. It can relieve allergic responses to which the production of histamine is part.

The oil is able to decrease allergic responses that include inflammatory response associated with allergies.


This is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. It kills the inflammation that is brought about by the release of histamine.

This can do away with the itching by providing a cooling effect. Further, you can use it to treat minor rashes, eczema, and bites.

Natural antihistamine for cats

Your cat is also likely to suffer from attacks by allergies. In allergies, the production of histamine could lead to symptoms of coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and inflammation of the sinus. Hot rashes are also common. The good news is that you can remedy this using natural antihistamines.

Fish oil

It has high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids boost your cat’s immune system and thus prevents the likelihood of secondary infections.

The omega-3 fatty acid also reduces the inflammation brought about by histamine production.

Bromelain and papain

These are natural enzymes that you will find them in the pineapple and papaya. They can reduce the production of histamine that brings about the inflammation in allergies.

Bromelain also reduces inflammation as a result of the mucus membrane.


It works the same way as aspirin does. This is basically to inhibit the component that is known to produce inflammation and, in this case, histamine.

The chamomile has also demonstrated antiseptic and antibacterial properties. These properties are important in allergies to fight secondary infections.

Cat’s claw and dandelion root

Dandelion has a component called cortisol. This enables it to lower the immune system, which is known to cause allergic reactions.

Besides that, the root can improve digestion and promote detoxification by the liver. Cat’s claw keeps the functioning of your immune system under check.


These are bacteria that are in the category of good bacteria. They regulate your cat’s immune system. Further, they regulate their immune system.

When these two are kept in check, then your cat is less likely to get allergic reactions. The bacteria can also reduce allergies in case they already exist.


In this regard, a bathtub soak with oatmeal for your cat would be ideal. It has anti-inflammatory properties hence reduce the swelling caused by histamine release.

It also has a high content of vitamins that will be able to give relief from the itching.

Licorice root

It is able to put your immune system under regulation. This is because it has a component that is called cortisone, which works similarly to steroid medication.

It can soothe and also detoxify the liver and, after that, reducing inflammation because of the anti-inflammatory properties.

For horses

Talking of allergies, horses are not an exception. Severe allergies in horses come about as a result of cortisone use, antibiotics, unnatural environment, or drugs that look like cortisone. This occurrence is normally very intense in horses. The good thing is that you can use natural remedies to treat this.

There are various natural remedies that you can use as a remedy. Some of them have been discussed above.  Other natural options with antihistamine properties that you give your horse include:

  • Aloe vera and chickweed for their soothing and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Arnica for its anesthetic properties
  • Calendula for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.


When the other natural remedies do not work, then you ought to consider supplements. Various useful supplements help handle histamine production.

  • Omega-3 supplementation. These are the commonest supplements used to treat allergies. To treat the release of histamine, you will require high doses of the supplement. You could start with about 500mg and then give it two times a day. The best oil with omega-3 fatty acids is krill oil.
  • You can also take antioxidant supplements. They can prevent the death of cells resulting from the oxidation. They also help to prevent the release of inflammatory mediators, stimulated by the release of histamine.
  • You can also take organic methylsulfonylmethane, also called MSM. It contains a high amount of bioavailable sulfur. The sulfur in this compound is key because it boosts your immune system and thus improving your health.
  • Multivitamins are also useful. It has been found out that they help improve metabolism, improve the digestive system, improve the immune system, and enhance growth. This mitigates the production of histamine. Multivitamins have been found to increase the cells and chemicals that enhance the immune system.
  • Plant sterols. They are known to modulate the immune system. They can reduce allergic reactions if they function optimally and increase allergic reactions if they function less. It has been shown that a decrease in immune factors is the key cause of allergic.

They have been shown to cause the release of histamine. It will work for you if you balance your immune system using sterols and sterolins if you have frequent attacks of allergy. The sterols are also able to decrease the amount of stress hormone called cortisol and thus keeping your immune system intact.

  • Further, you can also take vitamin C that contains bioflavonoids. Allergy causing substances lead to the production of histamine. Vitamin C can prevent the production of histamine. This is different from over the counter medications that only counter histamine after it is produced.

Antihistamine for skin allergies

The skin is the largest organ of the body, and an excretory organ works in synergy with other organs. It works to help remove the toxins and wastes. Foreign substances present in the body could be seen as hives.

These come by, especially as a result of the release of histamine. Despite this, home remedies can be used to get rid of the occurrence effectively. Here are some of them;

  • This is a liver and blood detoxifier. Apart from that, it is helpful in the sense that it helps to clear the debris in the cells and lymphatic system. This, therefore, reduces any swelling that is likely to occur.

Further, it can rid your skin of hives. This is by its ability to stimulate the immune system. Apart from that, it can exert its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties to your skin, keeping it safe.

  • Chinese skullcap. It contains several compounds called flavonoids. These compounds have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic properties.

It can stabilize the immune system or reduce allergen overload. This works to reduce the amount of histamine that is released at a particular time to cause an allergic reaction.

  • Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and astringent properties. It is able to detoxify your body and clear any cell debris accumulating in your cells.
  • This is a Chinese herb that deals with hives and tissues that are swollen as a result of an allergy. What is more, it helps your body to have more capacity to deal with stress from chemicals.
  • It is a very effective remedy in dealing with hives and any itch that comes with allergic reactions. Apart from that, it has great anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. To add to that, it improves the circulation of blood in tissues. This relieves swelling and carries away wastes.

Dealing with itching and eczema

It is not always the case that eczema is brought about by histamine release. Despite this, sufficient evidence shows that antihistamines can give you relief from eczema. They have a calming effect that prevents eczema from getting worse.

You can take gentle doses of vitamin C and B6 to prevent eczema. Since these two minerals are slightly acidic, you are advised to take the buffered forms. This helps to prevent the irritation of your skin in the course of treatment.


  1. http://www.myhayfever.com.au/frequently-asked-questions/food-antihistamine
  2. https://www.jolieeskin.com/blogs/news/19172356-12-signs-your-liver-needs-a-detox

Olive Oil for Eyebrows: Grow Thick Eyebrows Fast


Your eyebrows speak much about how you look. There are so many products that you can employ and use to maintain the good-looking gaze.

Here is an article to show you how to use olive oil for the growth of your eyebrows. There are also some reviews of those who have used the oil and can testify the benefits.

Is olive oil good for eyebrows?

Is olive oil good for eyebrow growth and regrowth.
Is olive oil good for eyebrow growth and regrowth?

Olive oil is right for your eyebrows because it has some of the following properties that are good for them:

  • Vitamin E: This is especially important for faster growth and making them look thicker. It will also help the hair to have a dark appearance and outlook.
  • It has 80% oleic acid, which allows for the penetration of the oil to the skin, and this ensures that the oil gets to the root and source of the hair. It also heals any likely damaged hair roots.
  • Silicone: This component makes it easy for you to manage the eyebrow hair. Expert and researched information also show that olive oil takes part in the removal of sebum from the skin and hence eliminating any buildup. The result is that your eyebrows will grow out thicker, bushy, and fuller.

Does olive oil support eyebrows growth, regrowth?

The reason why olive oil can be used for eyebrows is because of its ability to nourish the hair follicles. Application of olive oil on your eyebrows makes you realize long, thick, and faster-growing eyebrows.

Some studies have provided evidence that olive oil helps to reduce the inflammation that is caused by the hormone called dihydrotestosterone, responsible for hair loss. This hormone facilitates the decrease of hair follicle shaft, and as a result, the hair becomes thinner hence the loss.

To further support, some studies have discovered that olive oil has a chemical known as oleocanthal that has similar effects as the drugs that are used to ease inflammation, sold as painkillers.

How to use olive oil for thick eyebrows

Here is a routine that you can adopt for you to have regrowth and faster growth of your eyebrows. Daily practice achieves the best results:

  1. First of all, clean the area around your eyebrows.
  2. After that, put about three drops of the oil on each eyebrow.
  3. Gently massage the oil into the eyebrows to ensure that the oil is completely absorbed into the follicles.
  4. Always apply the oil daily before you go to bed.

Apart from that, you can have a mixture of the oil with some drops of honey. You mix them and then apply the mix on your eyebrows as you massage for a few minutes. You should let the oil to interact with the eyebrows for about 30 minutes then wash it off. If you don’t want to use your fingers to apply the oil, always use a cotton swab as you gently massage the oil into the eyebrows.

Besides, you could still opt to make olive oil part of your diet. You will still get the benefits, and your body will utilize the nutrients supplied by the oil to make your eyebrows grow thicker, fuller, and even longer.


Olive oil, first of all, may support your eyebrows growth. Apart from that, it makes the eyebrows thick and coarse. It also helps to deal with dandruff on the eyebrows as this is the key reason for hair loss on the eyebrows.

More, olive oil is an antioxidant and therefore nourishes the eyebrows hair follicles. Besides, it provides moisture, and this helps to enhance the growth of the eyebrows. Also, the oil has vitamins that give the hair strength needed to realize full growth.

Also, olive oil makes your eyebrows grow thicker and fuller. A regular and proper application will make you realize this. That aside, they are used in cosmetics as makeup removers.

Better still, the oil helps to facilitate a better flow of blood and improved circulation. This will, at the end of the day, up to improved hair growth.

Olive oil is also very useful because it does not have any side effects when it is used for the eyebrows.

Best products and brands

If you are not in a position to get the actual olive oil to use it for your eyebrows, then several brands can be very useful. You will acquire them from your nearest and most accessible cosmetic shop. They include:


According to the evidence available, olive oil is highly reviewed for a positive outcome when it comes to hair growth and regrowth. The following are some of the reviews that could give you a reason to go for the oil:

Tasha, on May 23, 2015 pointed out that you can use this oil in the pure form. She further noted that most people go for the extra virgin olive oil as it is in the purest form if you want to see your eyebrows grow faster.

Other reviewers from the yahoo answers note as follows,

“When I was little I utilized olive oil on my hair and it truly worked. Made my hair fuller and grounded. So, I prescribe have a go at utilizing olive oil on your eyebrows. It will work yet results may not be seen till some time goes. General u can take a stab at utilizing olive oil to your hair, eyebrows and even eyelashes.”

“It made my lashes and eyebrows longer/thicker when I used olive oil for eyebrows as a makeup remover so it might work for you” (The Student Room)

Pictures before and after use

Here are some pictures that can give you a clear proof that olive oil is indeed useful when talking about the growth of eyebrow hair. You will realize that before use, the eyebrows are very sparse, but after use, they become long and thick. The pictures are generated from online resources.

Olive oil for eyebrows before and after
Before and after pictures

References and sources

  1. http://www.etopical.com/eyebrows/grow/olive-oil-for-eyebrows-growth-thicker-fuller/
  2. http://www.zhion.com/herb/olive_oil.html
  3. http://www.treatcurefast.com/eye/grow-eyebrows/how-to-grow-eyebrows-fast-back-naturally-out-overnight-grow-thick-fuller/

Cyst on Nose Due to Acne, Sebaceous, Dermoid, Cavity – Removal & Treatment


Having a cyst on nose sure does hurt a lot. A good example is a sebaceous cyst. The sebaceous cyst often occurs when the oil glands found on the skin surface are either damaged or blocked.

To enable us to learn more about nasal cysts, we are going to look at the symptoms, causes, removal, and treatment options available to people who have this kind of cysts.

Cyst on nose

Cysts are common indications that there could be a general health complication or an underlying skin condition that has yet to be diagnosed.

A cyst can affect any individual, regardless of age, even though pimples are more common among individuals in the adolescent stage. Cysts are generally harmless, and it is not mandatory to seek medical attention to have them removed.

You should take note that many cysts on the nose often grow to become bigger than the everyday pimple. Pimples are made up of bacteria, white blood cells, oil, as well as dead skin cells. Pimples will normally form in the same manner as cysts.

The one similarity between them is that they are formed when sebum—the oil produced by the skin gets trapped in the skin pores that have become blocked. When this bacterium starts to replicate inside the sebum, it leads to the formation of a pimple.


During the early stages, you will find that most of the cysts will be asymptomatic. However, as this cyst starts to become bigger and goes ahead to trap additional pus, blood, and sebum, you will find that symptoms will start to manifest.

The symptoms that are exhibited often vary from one person to the next, and they are dependent on what has caused the cyst on the nose to appear.

Some of the symptoms that you are likely to come across include:

  1. Skin redness and inflammation in and around the nose
  2. Presence of itchy reddish looking spots on the nose
  3. You may experience dryness, as well as an itchy sensation on the nose
  4. Presence of a painful lump inside your nose
  5. Nausea and nose bleeding
  6. You could also notice a small whitish looking bump
  7. Presence of a swollen lymph node behind your ear

If you notice any of the above symptoms, it will be important to ensure that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. When the condition is diagnosed and treated early, it makes it possible to prevent scarring later on, as the healing process begins. Note that leaving this condition untreated could prove to be detrimental to your overall health condition.


Cysts occurring on the nose could be caused by a variety of factors, which include: adjustments that could be taking place in your cardiovascular or reproductive systems.

Habits such as removal of unwanted hair present in the nose, picking your nose, as well as having a skin surface that is too oily could lead to the formation of cysts. The following is a comprehensive discussion of all the factors known to cause this type of cysts.

Too much oil on the skin

Individuals who happen to have skin surfaces that are greasy and shiny are more likely to be affected by skin related problems, as compared to those that have a moderate amount of sebum.

Below the skin surface, you will find that there exist microscopic sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the emergence of the sebaceous cysts. The area around the nose is known to produce a lot of sebum, due to the high concentration of sebaceous glands found in that area.

Sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands, helps in protecting the skin by lubricating it together with the hair follicles. Besides, it ensures that the skin does not become dehydrated and that it gets to maintain its luster as well as health.

This particular condition has been seen to be genetically predisposed and is brought about by dihydrotestosterone hormone. DHT helps trigger the sebaceous glands so that they can produce the required sebum.


Acne is a widespread skin condition, which is usually accompanied by the presence of small lumps and bumps, which are quite similar to pimples. As a condition, it is very common among small children, even though it also affects grown-ups as well. It comes about when your skin pores become clogged or blocked with dirt, dead skin cells, as well as bacteria.

Typically, acne starts as just another pimple, but repeated episodes lead to the emergence of full-blown acne. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the condition is not classified as life threatening, despite the fact that it is the most common skin related condition in the United States. When it becomes severe, it is not only very painful, but it can also cause emotional distress, more so when it appears on the face.

Acne is normally triggered by:

  1. Hormonal changes in males—when there is a spike in the production of the testosterone hormones, you can expect the production of oil to increase as well. This spike in oil production will make it possible for the acne bacteria to grow, and this, in turn, leads to skin inflammation, which then results in a pimple. Women above the age of thirty-three years are more likely to have premenstrual pimples.
  2. Consuming a diet that is filled with junk food could also cause an increase in sebum secretion. Junk foods include chocolate, consuming too many dairy products, as well as eating sugary foods.
  3. Stress is another factor that has been seen to be an acne trigger in both children and adults. When you are stressed, your body releases a hormone known as cortisol, which then triggers sebum production by the sebaceous glands.

If you have a mild acne case, your dermatologist is likely going to prescribe benzoyl peroxide. You need to use this peroxide to cleanse your skin of all the available toxins. You can also use topical antimicrobial to assist in minimizing the irritation taking place on your face as well as around your nose.

Milia cyst on the nose

The Millium cyst can be described as a small, whitish looking bump, which appears on your cheek as well as your nose. This type of bumps is very common among newborn babies. However, there is no need to be worried as this condition will normally clear within a week in small babies. The cysts will normally appear on the cheek, nose, as well as on the face, and they can affect individuals of all ages.

In small children, the cause is largely unknown, as people often confuse this condition with baby acne. According to the Stanford School of Medicine, milia does not cause swelling and inflammation, and infants who have this condition are normally brought to this world with it.

Milia cysts in both children and adults are associated with the following symptoms:

  1. Blistering of the skin
  2. Skin burns
  3. Long term sugar damage and diabetes

Generally, the cysts will normally clear out on their own, in both adults and in small children, and as such, there is no need to seek medical attention. Nevertheless, if these bumps were to start causing you any discomfort, you could consider the following options:

  1. Applying topical retinoid creams on the cysts
  2. Drain the cyst contents using a syringe
  3. If the cysts are enlarged, you can use laser ablation to destroy them

Cancer causing cysts

Cysts appearing on the face could be an indication that a person has paranasal sinus cancer and a nasal cavity. This kind of cancer is known to cause symptoms that include:

  1. Blockages in the nose, which then cause stiffness to occur on one side of the nose
  2. Constant bleeding of the nose
  3. Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes
  4. There is a possibility that you could develop lumps all over your face
  5. Mucus emanating from the nose

As soon as you notice a tumor beginning to form on your nose, you should ensure that you seek medical attention. There is a need to report this to your primary physician, as this will allow preventive measures to be put in place before these cancerous cells can be spread to other areas of your face. Dealing with the cancer cells in the initial stages improves your chances of becoming better.

Additional causes of this type of cyst include:

  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. Chronic inflammatory conditions
  3. Presence of an underlying medical condition

Acne cyst on nose

According to Dr. Axe, cystic acne is a severe form of acne, which results in the growth of large, inflamed nodules and cysts on your skin surface. Compared to other mild forms of this condition, cystic acne is known to be more painful than the rest and often occurs when dead skin cells and oil start to build up deep inside your pores or hair follicles.

This condition is common during the puberty stage in young boys, though sadly, it can also continue into their adult years, in cases where hormonal imbalances have been recorded. Adult women often experience this type of acne during their menstrual cycles, where the pimples are seen to be around the chin as well as the jawline.

Sebaceous cyst on nose

Hair follicle infection is one of the most common causes of this particular condition. Although this particular type of cyst is harmless, it could cause a lot of discomfort to the affected person. When the cyst becomes painful, this is a clear indication that it has become infected.

If the infection is severe, you will need to seek medical attention. At this point, the physician could recommend removing the cysts altogether, or he or she may recommend home remedies that will assist in relieving the symptoms.

Dermoid cyst of nose

A dermoid cyst is a saclike growth that is present when a child is born and is often found at the nose’s bridge. You could find that the cyst is completely unconnected from the nasal structures, within the child’s nose, or both conditions could be present. In some cases, you will find that these cysts have an associated passage leading to the nose’s skin, and it could discharge every once in a while.

This particular type of cyst is known to grow at a very slow pace, and it is not tender in any way, unless it becomes infected, or it raptures. The cyst could contain structures such as teeth, hair, skin glands, as well as fluids.

Cyst on dog’s nose

Sebaceous cysts are very common in dogs. Sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands, assists in lubricating the skin, hair shafts, as well as hair follicles. The cysts are also known as sebaceous gland tumors and can be found in dogs of different ages. It is recommended that you consult your vet as soon as you notice the presence of growth on your pet because the cysts could cancerous or the non-serious type.

Hard white and red cyst on the side of the nose and nose cavity

Cysts appearing inside the nose will often take the shape of a benign growth, bug bite, or be in the form of a pimple. Whether you noticed the cyst while blowing your nose, or you just happened to touch your nose and felt it, one thing’s for sure, this type of cyst can be very annoying and painful at the same time.

However, you need not worry, as most of these cysts are pretty harmless. In many cases, they are caused by:

  1. Acne
  2. Secretion of excess sebum

How to get rid of a cyst on nose

To treat this type of cyst, you first need to address the underlying condition. It is always best to ensure that you try out home remedies first before rushing to purchase over the counter medications. The only time you should consider using over the counter medication is after a diagnosis has been made, and the cause established.

In many cases, you will find that the treatment option recommended by the physician will vary depending on the size of your cyst, as well as its current location. You can treat this type of cyst using the following remedies:

  1. If the cyst is small and asymptomatic, no treatment will be required during the initial stages, and you should, therefore, leave it alone.
  2. In case the cyst is big and painful, the dermatologist may perform a sterile procedure that will involve draining the cyst through the use of a clean and properly sterilized needle and syringe.
  3. Where the cyst is large, and cancer is the primary cause, there will be a need to perform a surgical procedure, which will involve removing the cancerous cells from the skin area beneath your nose.
  4. You can also use castor oil to assist in reducing itching and inflammation, which may have been brought about by this cyst.
  5. Apple cider vinegar will come in handy when you need to clean the infected cyst. This particular home remedy comes with potent antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

Acne cyst on nose treatment

Is it possible to get rid of cystic acne naturally? The answer is Yes. Below are different natural methods that you can use to eliminate acne cyst from your life and from your body.

No Popping

It is important to make sure that you do not pop the cyst, regardless of how much you want to do away with it. Unlike normal acne, this type of acne does not give you pimples that can be popped. Given the depth of these lesions, squeezing or picking them is often ineffective, as it ends up increasing their healing time.

Touching an infected pimple is also not recommended as this only makes it angrier, and unsightly. Attempting to pop cystic acne will only result in you spreading this breakout below your skin. Additionally, you could also get scars that may end up lasting for many months.

Ice the cysts

Consider applying an ice cube directly to the breakout for a few seconds at a time. Doing this will assist in constricting your smaller blood vessels, which could be feeding this very painful cyst. When you apply ice, it immediately assists in reducing the size, as well as the redness of that cyst

Practice proper health care skin routines

You will need to make sure that you maintain a calming skincare routine that is not only simple but one that avoids moisturizers that are heavy and highly scented. Before you can apply your moisturizer each day, you have to ensure that you have properly cleaned and exfoliated your skin surface. Once this is done, you can then settle for a moisturizer that is not scented, and one that happens to be oil-free.


As with all matters to do with beauty and health, you need to make sure that you relax. Stressing will only make matters worse for you. You have to ensure that you find ways that you can use to decrease the stress in your life. Too much stress is not good, as it causes your body to release hormones, which then end up making your acne worse.

How to Remove Pimple Marks on Face -Fade Acne Scars Fast in Just 3 Days


It’s almost impossible not to have a pimple on your face or other parts of the body. Once it is gone, it often leaves a dark mark which spoils your look.

Acne has the same effects on the skin. There are many options you can use to remove pimple marks on whatever part of the body they happen to be.

Home remedies for pimple marks

Before evaluating the options available at the chemist, there are several home remedies you can for the purpose at hand. Some of these remedies work fast and will give you overnight results. The others may take a while, but they still have great results.

They include:

1.     Sugar Scrub

Just like lemons, sugar cane has an alpha hydroxyl acid called glycolic acid, which helps in the regeneration of the skin through exfoliation.

  • Mix raw organic cane sugar in virgin olive oil in a ratio of two to one.
  • Add organic lemon juice to the mixture to form a paste, which is light but not too watery.
  • Add the scrub to the scars on your and leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off with clean water.
  • Apply a natural moisturizer.
  • Repeat this routine every three days for the best results.

2.     Potato juice

Fresh potatoes have a lot of minerals and vitamins, which make them great remedies for skin scars such as those caused by acne and pimples.

  • Cut a few slices of fresh organic potatoes and apply them on the affected area. Leave them there for about a quarter an hour before removing them and cleaning the area with warm water.
  • You can also squeeze the juice from the potato and massage it to the affected area before washing it off after fifteen minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure once a day until you see results.

3.     Honey

Raw honey is also very beneficial to have your smooth skin tone back. For one, you should focus on using natural honey that is not processed (raw).

  • You can directly apply the honey on the affected spot for a given period before washing it off.
  • Another method to use would be mixing honey with ground cinnamon then applying the mixture to the skin.

4.     Coconut Oil

Coconut oil ranks among the best solutions to a healthy skin free of blemishes. It has moisturizing properties besides essential fatty acids and vitamins which combine the best skin quality compared to other skin products.

We recommend Majestic Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil for Hair and Skin

For the best results, go for organic virgin coconut oil and use it in the following steps:

  • Take about a quarter of a teaspoon of this oil and massage it on the affected area.
  • You may or may not need to wash it off, depending on how comfortable you are with the oil on your skin. If you decide to wash it off, wait for about 30 minutes before washing it off.

5.     Aloe Vera

The high amounts of vitamins and water in fresh aloe vera gel make it one of the best solutions to pimples and acne marks. It is also favored by many since it does not increase the likelihood of having another skin irritation. You will end up with skin that is softer and healthier when you use this remedy.

A good choice would be organic cold-pressed Aloe Vera gel (Check price on Amazon)

You can choose between commercial aloe vera and the homemade one, although the latter is preferred over the others. You can make your own by breaking off a small piece of aloe vera then squeezing it into a small bowl.

  • Alternatively, use the same broken leaf and massage it on the skin for similar results.

6.     Vitamin E

When you apply vitamin E to the skin, it helps soothe it and provides a faster way of healing pimple scars and acne. You can puncture the gel capsule and squeeze its contents to the skin or mix it with moisturizer for daily use.

7.     Rose Hip Seed Oil

One of the best natural promoters of healthy skin is rosehip seed oil. The best type of oil is the organic one that has been cold-pressed. It has a high amount of trans-retinoic acid and fatty acids, which combine with vitamin A to provide the best effect on the skin.

  • Apply the oil to the affected area daily until you see the results.

8.     Lemon

Having a lot of alpha-hydroxy acids makes lemons one of the best when it comes to restoring the natural look of your skin. Lemons can thus be used in revitalizing the skin, promoting healing, and fading scars away.

The way to use lemons as a remedy for removing pimple and other marks is as follows:

  • Use the juice squeezed from organic lemons into a bowl.
  • Dab the juice with cotton wool then wait for it to dry up.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you may need to dilute the juice to avoid any undesired reactions.
  • After the juice has dried up, wash it off the face with cold water then add a moisturizer to the face.
  • It would be best if you repeated this routine daily until you see positive results.

On the cautionary side, lemon juice is known to increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. If you are using this remedy, therefore, you should reduce exposure to the sun.

9.     Cucumber

The cucumber is a popular vegetable owing to having vitamins A and C with minerals such as magnesium. These same nutrients play major roles in treating the skin, especially when it comes to doing away with scars. Cucumber also has a lot of water, which makes it a great hydrating option for the skin.

To use this remedy, follow the steps below:

  • Find organic cucumber from your local grocery store.
  • Cut off thin slices of this vegetable then place them over the scarred skin areas.
  • Wait for about half an hour, then remove the slices and wash your face with clean water.
  • Repeat this daily for the best results.

It can be used to remedy scars caused by pimples or acne attacks.

10.  Baking soda

In most homes, you can find this ingredient, which is used with most dishes. Unknown to many people, baking soda, also called bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate, has many health benefits if put to the right use. One of these health benefits is the healing of scars.

Baking soda is packed with exfoliating properties when you use it as a scrubbing agent. Use it in the following stages:

  • Add two to three teaspoons of baking soda powder to a small container.
  • Add a little amount of water enough to make a thick paste.
  • Massage this paste into the areas where the scars are located using gentle motions.
  • Leave the paste in place for a maximum of two minutes then wash it off with clean lukewarm water. You don’t need soap for this.
  • Apply a natural moisturizer to the affected area. This includes products such as olive oil, coconut, jojoba, and rosehip seed.
  • For the best results, repeat this routine every other day.

These remedies should only be used after you have confirmed that they have no side effects on the body.

Lymph Node Locations: Chart for Armpits, Head, Neck, Groin, Chest, Stomach & More


Lymph nodes, which are at times erroneously referred to as lymph glands, are an integral part of your lymphatic system, which makes up the immune system in the body. When you have a swollen lymph node, it implies that you could be infected. Lymph nodes, which happen to be small, bean-shaped tissue nodules come in several groups.

The nodes that are normally swollen or enlarged are the ones found at the rear part of your neck, its front, and on the sides as well. Lymph node locations also include in the groin, in your armpits, and below the chin.

Another set of lymph node locations comprises those found in your abdomen and chest. For this group, the only way to know whether they are swollen or not would be to take a CT scan or an X-ray.

What are the lymph nodes?

These are small cell clusters that are normally surrounded by capsules. There are normally ducts that will be going inside and outside the capsules. These cells found inside a node are known as lymphocytes.

Their job is to produce antibodies that then bind on to foreign particles, e.g., those causing infectious diseases. Besides, they also produce macrophages whose main role is to digest any debris that may be present.

Lymph nodes essentially act as the cleaner cells in a human body.

Where are lymph nodes located?

Here’s a quick chart to start with:

Lymph node locations
Where are lymph nodes located in the head, neck, armpit, etc.? Image/Macmillan

Lymph nodes serve as a major site where infectious agents and foreign substances get to interact with your immune system. One of the biggest clusters of these nodes happens to be the spleen. Your spleen serves numerous functions, key among them being the elimination of foreign substances, e.g., infections from your body.

Below is a look at some of the locations where the lymph nodes can be found.

Lymph Node locations in the head

Occipital lymph nodes are an essential part of your lymphatic system. These particular nodes can be found in the occipital part of your head. This is the part found behind your skull. When looking at lymph node locations, it is essential to note that the lymph nodes tend to be kidney-shaped or oval, and can be found throughout your body.

These nodes are linked to each other by vessels that make up your circulatory system. They tend to be a major site where white blood cells and the B and T lymphocytes can be located. This is what makes them essential to your immune system.

When a swollen occipital node is noted, it could mean that you have an infection or an illness. It is likely to occur when you have suffered a bacterial or viral infection. Swollen lymph node locations normally help the doctor establish the kind of infection that one could be suffering from.

It is likely for the occipital node to become painful as the nearby nerves start pressing the node. What causes swelling in your occipital lymph node?

  1. The scalp of Head infections

A head infection is always the most obvious reason as to why your occipital nodes could be swollen. A node that is swollen will normally be tender to your touch and will feel as though it has been raised from the skin surface. Ringworms, lice, or dandruff may cause an infection.

  1. STDs

When you mention sexually transmitted diseases, you have to include infections from syphilis, mononucleosis, and HIV. Inflamed nodes are commonly associated with these three infections. For instance, Mono targets nodes that are in your upper body and will normally cause them to start swelling. Mono is also known as the kissing disease, as it is commonly transmitted via an exchange of saliva.

  1. Throat Infections

They are known to cause sore throats, discomfort, irritation, and difficulty swallowing. A throat infection can be accompanied by a patch on your tonsils, inflamed neck glands, and hoarseness when speaking. Infections in this area are often attributed to viruses and bacteria.

  1. Tonsillitis

Tonsils are a kind of lymph nodes which can also easily become swollen. When these happen, the only solution is to have them removed. They are found near the top of your throat but at the back of your mouth.

They serve the same function as the other lymph nodes spread out all over the body and are crucial in assisting your body fight infections. Tonsils that have become swollen can make it difficult to swallow and may lead to fever, pain in the ears, and chills.

Behind Ears

An inflamed node occurring behind your ears could be caused by many varied factors, some of which tend to be more serious than the others. The lymph nodes, which, as mentioned earlier, are spread throughout your body, assists in storing fluids and nutrients, and also assist in the elimination of waste products.

Nodes behind your ears also assist in fighting damaging elements that could be in your blood, viruses, and bacteria. When the infection has successfully been eliminated from your body, the nodes absorb all the remaining elements and ensure that they are filtered out of the body immediately.

It is a process that can temporarily cause the lymph nodes to become swollen, though in such cases, they are not painful, and may even go unnoticed. Causes of swollen nodes behind your ears include:

  1. Infections

Infections, e.g., bacteria that may be present in your mouth and fungal infection, can lead to nodes behind your ears becoming swollen. Given that they mainly help in fighting infections that have found their way into the body, they are constantly being exposed to all kinds of pathogens. Therefore, as they start to produce antibodies to assist in fighting off the infections, they begin to swell.

  1. Injury

Damage to your neck or head region could cause the nodes in this region to begin to swell. The swelling will take place as the body is attempting to make repairs. A minor cut is enough to cause the body to start swelling due to the overproduction of antibodies.

  1. Autoimmune diseases

When we mention autoimmune diseases, we are talking about conditions such as Hashimoto’s disease and lupus. The two conditions, among others, causes swelling in the nodes behind your ears because these diseases have already damaged the immune system in the body.

  1. German Measles

It is caused by a virus known as rubella, and which manifests itself in the form of a pink or red rash appearing on your skin surface. Traditionally, the rash first appears on your face, and then slowly starts to work its way to the other sections of the body. Apart from the rash, you can also expect to notice inflamed nodes behind your ears.

Locations in armpits (axillary)

Inflammation in the armpits is also known as having armpit lumps. They come about when one of your nodes located under your armpits become inflamed or swollen. Swollen nodes vary, as some are small, while others could be noticeable upon close observation.

They could be caused by antiperspirant use, irritation caused by shaving, or cysts infections. But they may also indicate that one has a serious underlying medical condition. It is advisable to seek medical attention if you find that the lump is slowly becoming enlarged, is not painful or causing you any discomfort, and has refused to disappear.

Many of these lumps tend to be harmless and only come about when you have abnormal tissue growth. However, not all lumps are similar, as some could be related to a medical condition. You need to have a physician take a look at any unusual lumps that may have started to manifest. Common causes of these lumps include:

  • Lupus
  • Allergic reactions
  • Leukemia
  • An allergic reaction to a vaccination
  • Lymphoma
  • Breast cancer
  • Fungal infections
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Lipomas

Diagnosis of swollen armpit nodes

A physical examination must first be conducted before a proper diagnosis of the armpit lump can be made. The doctor needs to make some inquiries on any changes that may have occurred in that lump, and whether you have been experiencing any pain. A massage will normally be used to establish the consistency and texture of any lump found under the armpits.

It is something that must exclusively be done using hands. There are instances where the physical exam will show that a lump is in no way harmful, e.g., benign lumps like those associated with lipomas. Such lumps will not require you to be treated as they will disappear on their own, though medication may be provided if a lump proves to be bothersome.

From the results of your physical examination, your doctor could find it necessary to order additional tests in a bid to rule out cancerous changes, allergic reactions, or infections. Some of the tests that may be ordered include:

  • Allergy testing
  • Complete blood count. It is used to establish the number of white and red blood cells that are currently present in the system.
  • Biopsy
  • Breast or chest X-ray

Lymph node locations in the neck (cervical)

Posterior cervical lymph nodes refer to the bundles of glands that are found in the cervical region of your spine or behind your neck. The glands which are a part of your immune system normally have white blood cells that scavenge your system for infections and then wade them off.

Lymphadenopathy or swollen cervical lymph nodes typically indicate that you may have an infection. This is because the nodes assist in filtering out harmful microorganisms and pathogens from your system.

Lymphatic tissue often takes the shape of a vessel or a node and then goes on to form the lymphatic system. Your neck region, combined with different areas of your body, normally have lymph nodes spread all over. Each node is responsible for a certain region. In the region where it has been deployed, it will need to deploy immune cells and provide assistance in the draining of fluids (lymphatic).

Given the role they play in your body, a doctor can pinpoint the location of infection by looking at the nodes. When you are suffering from a disease or have an infection, these nodes will normally start to release white blood cells into the system.

This is what causes the nodes to start swelling. Common causes of swollen posterior cervical lymph nodes include:

  • An infection. Infections are often characterized by fever, congestion, and aches all over the body. Common infections that can cause your nodes to become swollen include:
    • Toxoplasmosis
    • Pharyngitis
    • Cytomegalovirus
    • Rubella
    • Periodontitis
    • Epstein-Barr virus
    • Mononucleosis
  • Systemic causes. These include lupus, HIV, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Drugs and vaccines

In the back

Inflamed lymph nodes in your back indicate that one has a viral or bacterial infection. But the same nodes could also be an indication of cancer. Swollen lymph nodes in your back region mean that the nodes in the upper and lower section have started to malfunction. Some of the factors that could be causing this include:


As previously mentioned, infections are the leading cause of swollen lymph nodes. This is because the immune system attempts to fight back when it detects an infection in your body, and the release of the white blood cells causes the nodes to become inflamed. Mononucleosis is another known cause. It is a type of infection that occurs when one comes into contact with saliva that is infected.

Other known causes include:

  • Lymphoma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Yaws
  • Leukemia
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Syphilis
  • Skin infections
  • AIDs
  • Ear sores
  • Tonsillitis

Symptoms accompanying swollen nodes in the back include:

  • A sore throat
  • Slight tenderness in affected lymph nodes
  • Swelling of your muscles
  • Rapid weight loss
  • High fever
  • Night Sweats
  • A runny nose

Thoracic lymph nodes (chest)

Thoracic lymph nodes are normally divided into two main groups: parietal lymph nodes and visceral lymph nodes. The former is found in your thoracic walls, while the latter can be found in your internal organs. Due to the different lymph node locations, abnormalities occurring with the nodes located in the chest or thorax are not easy to identify.

But any variations in the number or size of a lymph node can easily indicate the presence of many pulmonary and extrapulmonary health conditions. To simplify the diagnosis process, the lymph nodes that are in the thorax section can further be broken down into some subcategories.

Lung lymph nodes are located in the bronchi, while the tracheobronchial and paratracheal groups are in the neck area. They can also be found in the junction linking the trachea and the bronchi. They are the ones that deal with the drainage coming from the lymph nodes, heart, thoracic trachea, bronchi, and lungs.

In the thoracic aorta, there is a group of nodes known as the posterior mediastinal nodes, which are closely associated with the tracheobronchial nodes, which drain into a person’s thoracic duct.  The lymph nodes in the chest wall are responsible for receiving drainage from the pectoral muscles, arms, and breasts.

In the stomach

According to Mayo Clinic, Lymphadenitis occurs when the nodes are inflamed. When this inflammation has an impact on the nodes that are in the membranes and the ones that connect your abdominal wall and bowel, then the condition is referred to as mesenteric lymphadenitis.

This condition is also known as mesenteric adenitis and often comes about when your intestines have become infected. It is a condition that mainly targets teenagers and children, and it has been known to mimic the signs that are associated with appendicitis.

But unlike appendicitis, this condition is not very serious, and it will normally clear on its own. Some of its known symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Tenderness in the abdominal region
  • Abdominal pain that is normally centered in the lower section

The symptoms can vary depending on what is behind this ailment. Other symptoms that you need to look for will include:

  • A general feeling of being unwell
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Diarrhea

What causes this condition?

The condition is normally caused by viral infections, e.g., gastroenteritis, also known as the stomach flu. It is an infection that has been known to cause thin tissues connecting the intestines to the abdominal wall to start becoming swollen.

Given that lymph nodes are spread all over the body, it means that the nodes that are closest to the infection site will become inflamed. Children have, for instance, been known to develop upper respiratory infections before getting this condition.

In the groin (inguinal lymph nodes)

Groin nodes are commonly known as inguinal nodes. Many people, especially men, normally avoid going to the doctor whenever the area is inflamed due to the sensitive nature of their location. In many cases, the swelling subsides without the need for any treatment, but in serious cases, there is a need for one to seek medical attention. The inguinal lymph nodes are located in the lower pelvic area and the upper part of your leg.

These nodes are in some cases as small as a pea, and other instances, as big as a small olive. You should also note that they tend to be shaped like a bean. Inguinal lymph nodes are in charge of filtering the lymphatic fluid that drains through the following:

  • Legs
  • Feet
  • Groin
  • Genitals

What causes their inflammation?

Swelling in this area can be attributed to an injury that may have been sustained in this region. Normally, the inflammation will start to reduce as the affected region begins to heal. Be sure to contact your physician if you find that the swelling is not going down, or if it has been accompanied by other symptoms.

It is mainly caused by:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Allergic reactions
  • Infections in the pelvic region, feet, or legs
  • Cancer
  • A hernia
  • A reaction to drugs
  • Benign cysts
  • Fatty growths

Lymph nodes in legs

Exposure to viruses or bacteria has been known to cause swollen lymph nodes. As mentioned earlier, they assist in fighting infections by acting as filters. They trap bacteria and viruses before they can do any harm to your body.

There are situations where all you need to do is wait, and the swollen lymph nodes will heal on their own. However, you should note that the treatment method recommended by the physician will normally depend on what is causing this condition.

The most common causes are infections, e.g.,

  • HIV
  • Strep throat
  • Skin infections
  • Measles
  • Mono
  • Ear infections
  • Infected tooth

Apart from the common infections, there are other uncommon infections, e.g.,

  • Cat scratch fever
  • Tuberculosis
  • Sexually transmitted infections like syphilis

Immune system disorders that can cause this condition include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis—this is an inflammatory disease which targets the tissues lining your joints
  • Lupus—another inflammatory disease targeting your lungs, joints, heart, skin, blood cells, and your kidneys.

Cancers that can cause this problem in your legs include:

  • Lymphoma—this is cancer originating from your lymphatic system
  • Leukemia—cancer of the blood which affects your lymphatic system and your bone marrow

Complications likely to occur if the swollen lymph nodes in your legs are not treated include:

  • Infection of your bloodstream—any bacterial infection that could be present in the body may start progressing into sepsis—this takes place when the bloodstream has become overwhelmed by an infection. It can lead to organ failure and eventually, death.
  • Abscess formation—abscesses are localized pus collections that have been brought about by an infection. Pus normally contains bacteria, dead tissue, and white blood cells. It must be drained as soon as possible.

In the knee

Popliteal lymph nodes comprise of between six and seven lymph nodes, which are found in your legs in the region close to your knees, and known as popliteal fossa. They are in charge of servicing the lower section of your legs and work on behalf of the lymphatic system.

These nodes come in two main sets, the superficial popliteal nodes, and the deep popliteal nodes. Lateral superficial trunks inside your legs are responsible for feeding these lymph nodes.

In a popliteal node, there is a fibrous outer capsule, which usually encloses your lymphatic tissue and is responsible for filtering and balancing out the blood being supplied to your lower extremities.

What is the role of lymph nodes?

The lymph nodes, which are a part of the lymphatic system, have the following functions:

  • Fight infections and raise an immune reaction. The lymph nodes tend to be overactive when the body is fighting. In this case, they will swell up in a bid to deal with the infection.
  • Filtering blood—the spleen is part of the lymphatic system and is in charge of filtering blood. It deals with all viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted particles.
  • Draining blood into the tissues from the bloodstream—blood circulation through channels that are quite narrow often leads to plasms and fluids, that are carrying nutrients and oxygen leaking into tissues. They thus end up transporting the waste materials that are in these tissues and taking them into your lymphatic system.
  • Filtering lymph at the nodes—lymph nodes have white blood cells that can attack any virus or bacteria that finds its way into the nodes.

It is important to note that if the swelling in the lymph nodes has been caused by a bacterial infection that has not been treated, it could end up spreading to your bloodstream, and this may pose serious complications later.



Nerve Flossing: Radial, Sciatic, Ulna & Femoral Exercises & Techniques


Nerve flossing refers to the method used to ease neural tension in different areas of the human body. It is also referred to as nerve mobilization. This specialized method is at times required to assist in mobilizing the hypersensitive peripheral nerve, which may have become entangled.

It is common for the peripheral nerve to become entangled when it is overused, has undergone severe injuries, or is in poor posture. When this happens, all the nerves that are in the affected area become entrapped, which then leads to neural tension.

Symptoms associated with neural tension or recoiling include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling

Your body will then start to respond automatically in a bid to protect the affected muscle. Its response is normally in the form of muscle contractions, which targets all the surrounding muscles. This physiological response aims to ensure that affected nerves are not damaged any further.

What is nerve flossing?

Nerve stretching or nerve flossing is used to refer to the special exercise methods that are employed in a bid to restore the traditional nerve movements. Or, in some cases, used to mobilize all surrounding tissues to assist in alleviating tension in the soft tissues.

It is recommended that the exercises not be carried out separately. Instead, they ought to be a part of combined healing efforts being used to assist a patient go back to their normal conditions. When employed correctly, it assists in releasing entrapped nerves, with the result being a reduction of discomfort and pain being experienced by an individual.

How is nerve flossing done?

Nerve flossing is performed in different ways in the different areas of your body. The following are some of the exercises carried out to release the neural tension.

Sciatic nerve flossing

The sciatic nerve is one of the biggest nerves in your body. The nerve passes across your back, to both thighs, your calf, and then comes to a halt in your foot. Your sciatic nerve is divided into two in the region below your knees. These are known as the fibular and tibial nerves.

Sciatica is often defined as a kind of pain in the leg that takes place when any of these two nerves become crisscrossed. Nerve flossing then needs to be applied to reduce the pain.

For the flossing to be carried out:

  • a patient has to sit on a low stool or chair, ensuring that their posture remains straight,
  • and that both feet are resting on the surface
  • Once this is achieved, the painful leg must now be pulled back
  • but it should not exceed ninety degrees.
  • In this position, all toes should be facing up.
  • Move the foot upwards and above the ankle joint.
  • Repeat the process at least five or six times depending on your tolerance to pain

Ulnar nerve flossing in arm

Nerve flossing in the arm has been known to cause severe pain that can last for a few days after the flossing. There are individuals that can be able to withstand a moderate pain increase. However, flossing must be completed in a gentle manner, and one that exercises caution. Steps for ulnar nerve flossing in the arm:

  • Use the opposite hand to hold the little, index, and middle fingers of the arm in pain.
  • Assisted by the opposite hand, try to extend these three fingers in the direction facing away from your body
  • Proceed to stretch the sore upper region at the wrist hypertension and the elbow extension
  • Try and hold the wrist hypertension of the three fingers for around ten seconds.
  • As you are doing this, you should flex your neck in a bid to bring your chin closer to your chest.
  • Repeat the maneuver for between eight to ten times, three times each day.
  • How far you extend the three fingers will depend on how long you can withstand the pain.

Radial nerve

Radial nerve flossing and median nerve flossing are very similar. The only variation is in that here, your palm is facing downwards, and the arm is stretched at a side angle to your body.

When you improve your pain tolerance, you should do the hand movements when your head is tilted towards the opposite direction for the entire duration of this exercise. Be sure to repeat this exercise at least three times each day.

Femoral nerve glide

Your femoral nerve happens to be the biggest nerve arising from your second, third, and fourth lumbar vertebrae. This is located in your spine, from where it runs down to your thigh section via your inguinal ligament and psoas muscles. Entrapment of this nerve can lead to weakness in your quadriceps and pain when attempting to lift or move your thighs.

To floss the femoral nerve, you need to:

  • Lie down with your chest facing downwards
  • You should assume the cobra position, which will allow you to mildly stretch the muscles in the waist region.
  • Start by taking three deep breaths and begin to slowly move your head upwards to face the ceiling.
  • While moving the head, start flexing the lower section of the legs at the joint in the knees.
  • Try and maintain this position as you count downwards from ten.
  • Try and extend the affected leg at the knee section allowing it to lie on the surface while at the same time trying to flex the upper section of your body to take on a neutral position.
  • It is important to ensure that there is a coordinated movement between the leg and the upper body section.
  • As the leg is being taken down, the leg should simultaneously begin being tucked inside the chest.
  • This exercise should be repeated for between fifteen and twenty times.
  • If possible, do it three or four times each day.


How to go about it:

  • Stretch affected hand outwards until it rests at ninety degrees to your head.
  • Confirm that your palm is facing your ceiling.
  • Place your fingers in a straight position, and proceed to bend the palm upwards and downwards, while ensuring that it remains parallel to your head at all times.
  • As soon, your pain tolerance has improved, proceed to stretch your hand further by attempting to bend your head in the other direction. Try and take is far as you can.

Nerve flossing exercises for shoulder

Thousands of people around the world suffer from entrapment of their shoulders. When it occurs, they experience pain and stiffness in this region. Such individuals can use nerve flossing to marshal their axillary nerves.

How to floss the shoulders:

  • Try and keep your hands straight and facing the floor.
  • They should, at the same time, be touching your thighs.
  • The palm side must be facing away from the thighs.
  • With this done, try and bend your head away from your affected shoulder.
  • You should try and move it as further away as you can.
  • You can expect to experience some pain in the first few days before it begins to lessen.
  • When your tolerance has improved, your next goal will be to touch your other shoulder using your ear.
  • Once you have bent it to the other shoulder, away from the shoulder that is affected, return your head to its normal position.
  • Let it rest there for a few seconds.
  • Then attempt to bend it towards the affected shoulder.

Nerves can become entangled at any time. They are problems that are very common for people who are active in different sports. Other people likely to be affected include people who commute daily using crowded public vehicles or workers who often have to carry heavy loads throughout the day.

People in these three categories are likely to suffer from frequent nerve entrapments. It is recommended that they make it a point to visit orthopedics whenever they get an entrapment so that they can be advised on which nerve flossing methods would be ideal for them. Additional advice will also be provided on the treatment methods that they ought to try to obtain quick relief.

You do not have to be affected by an entrapment for you to try out the nerve flossing techniques that have been discussed above. Regular nerve flossing will help ensure that your nerve passages remain in top condition at all times, and will also assist in mitigating minor problems that may occur in your nerves.

Nerve flossing, when combined with physiotherapy techniques, can assist a person experiencing pain and discomfort go back to performing their daily duties with ease. The techniques come in handy when one is looking to do away with painful conditions that have not been lessened even after taking pain medication or after taking part in conventional therapy.
