Bumps on Elbows Causes & How to Get Rid of Small Red, White Elbow Lumps


What causes bumps on elbows? Any number of medical conditions and environmental factors can contribute to the formation of small red and white bumps on the elbows that can become quite uncomfortable and rather painful.

The elbows often become exposed to irritants from soaps, clothing or sun. They also are prone to pressure-sensitive skin irritations. Since the causes of the bumps vary, the mode of treatment and remedy will vary depending on the cause.

Bumps on elbows or elbow rash
Bumps on elbows or elbow rash

What Causes Bumps on Elbows?

Bumps on one’s elbows are caused by a myriad of reasons. One of the causes is bumps on the elbows in babies is due to either psoriasis, scabies or eczema which are the most common skin conditions.

These skin conditions are generally caused by a combination of genetics and irritation of the immune system and allergens. Psoriasis and eczema generally occurs in elbows, knees, knuckles, forearms and fingers, and generally any place that naturally creases.

Bumps can also form in babies’ elbows amongst other body parts due to scabies. This is a condition that is caused by tiny parasitic mites that hide under the skin. If your baby gets scabies, he’ll develop an extremely itchy rash. It will appear as red scattered little bumps usually around his fingers, wrists and elbows.

Scabies is also a highly contagious conditions that can be passed from anyone who has contact with your baby to your infant. Other causes for bumps on elbows include:

Tanning or Sun Exposure

Little bumps can appear all over the body after tanning. However, they are more commonly found in certain areas, such as stomach, chest, back and legs which are exposed to the ultraviolet rays for a longer duration.

These eruptions are often referred to as tan bed rash which may develop immediately after tanning or a few days later. They look like blisters and are red in color. Their appearance is very similar to that of heat rash. The skin bumps may or may not be painful but cause a lot of irritation.

These bumps are caused by excessive exposure to UV rays. Lighter skinned people are also more prone to formation of itchy red little bumps especially on the elbow and areas where the skin naturally creases. Allergic reaction to the tanning lotion may also cause the bumps on your elbow.

Psoriasis on Elbow Area.

Psoriasis turns your skin cells into Type A overachievers. They grow about five times faster than normal skin cells. And your body can’t keep up. The old ones pile up instead of sloughing off, making thick, flaky, itchy patches.

Researchers think something sets off your immune system. The exact reason is a mystery. But it’s likely a combination of genetics and triggers.

If you’ve got the right combination of genes, something can turn psoriasis “on” or start a flare.

Skin injury: A cut, scrape, bug bite, infection, bad sunburn, or even too much scratching can trigger the condition.

Infections: Strep infections, in particular, are linked with guttate psoriasis, which looks like small, red drops. Kids will often have strep throat before their first flare. Respiratory infection such as a cold, the flu or pneumonia.

HIV:  Psoriasis usually is worse in the beginning stages of the disease, but then it gets better after you start certain treatments.

Eczema bumps on Elbows

Atopic demartitis (which is often called eczema) is an itchy, red rash. It can appear all over the body. Many people have it on their elbows or behind their knees. Babies often have eczema on the face, especially the cheeks and chin. They can also have it on the scalp, trunk (chest and back), and outer arms and legs.

Children and adults tend to have eczema on the neck, wrists, and ankles, and in areas that bend, like the inner elbow and knee. People with eczema are usually diagnosed with it when they are babies or young children. Eczema symptoms often become less severe as children grow into adults.

For some people, eczema continues into adulthood. Less often, it can start in adulthood. The rash of eczema is different for each person. It may even look different or affect different parts of your body from time to time. It can be mild, moderate, or severe. Generally, people with eczema suffer from dry, sensitive skin.

Eczema is also known for its intense itch. The itch may be so bad that you scratch your skin until it bleeds, which can make your rash even worse, leading to even more inflammation and itching. This is called the itch-scratch cycle.

Although it is not known what exactly causes eczema, the following are thought to accelerate or make the condition to manifest.

  • Genetics
  • Abnormal function of the immune system
  • Environment
  • Activities that may cause skin to be more sensitive
  • Defects in the skin barrier that allow moisture out and germs in.

Lump on Elbow After a Fall.

An elbow lump is an abnormal protrusion or bump within the elbow joint or on the surface of the elbow. Elbow lumps can happen to anyone. Often, elbow lumps are the result of an injury, such as a blow to the elbow.

Elbow lumps may result from inflammation (swelling), poor healing of a broken bone, or a skin growth, such as a cyst or tumor. Inflammation of the elbow can result from tendinitis, bursitis, sports injury, sprains, strains, arthritis, or infections within the joint. Growths can be either benign or cancerous in nature.


Olecranon bursitisis inflammation of a small sac of fluid located on the tip of the elbow or knee. This inflammation can cause many problems in the elbow. Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa. In some cases, a direct blow or a fall onto the elbow can damage the bursa.

This usually causes bleeding into the bursa sac, because the blood vessels in the tissues that make up the bursa are damaged and torn. In the skin this would simply form a bruise, but in a bursa blood may actually fill the bursa sac. This causes the bursa to swell up like a rubber balloon filled with water.

The blood in the bursa is thought to cause an inflammatory reaction. The walls of the bursa may thicken and remain thickened and tender even after the blood has been absorbed by the body. This thickening and swelling of the bursa is referred to as olecranon bursitis.

Olecranon bursitis can also occur over a longer period of time. People who constantly put their elbows on a hard surface as part of their activities or job can repeatedly injure the bursa. This repeated injury can lead to irritation and thickening of the bursa over time. The chronic irritation leads to the same condition in the end: olecranon bursitis.

The olecranon bursa can also become infected. This may occur without any warning, or it may be caused by a small injury and infection of the skin over the bursa that spreads down into the bursa.

In this case, instead of blood or inflammatory fluid in the bursa, it becomes filled with pus. The area around the bursa becomes hot, red, and very tender.

Cancer Lump on Elbow Crease.

The exact symptoms of bone cancer will vary, depending on the size of the cancer and where it is in the body. Common symptoms include

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Problems with movement

The area around the bone tumour may be painful or tender. The pain is often worse at night. If the tumour is close to a nerve, you may have pain that travels along the nerve. And you may feel the pain in a different part of the body to where the tumour is.

If the cancer is forming around your elbow, then you might feel a lump around the elbow crease. It is therefore advisable to seek immediate medical attention in order to ascertain whether it is a normal lump or it is cancerous.

Dry Skin and Elbow Lumps.

People who have dry skin can often find rough, dry, red patches on their skin, and these patches are often itchy. Typical skin areas affected include arms, hands, lower legs, abdomen, and areas of friction such as ankles and soles. As skin dryness becomes more severe, cracks and fissures may evolve.

Symptoms and signs:

  • Painful lumps.
  • Dry skin.
  • Red patches.

Itchy Lumps on Elbow.

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an intensely itchy skin disease. It causes clusters of small blisters and little bumps. It typically affects people in their 40s or 50s, but it can occur at any age. This lifelong condition affects more men than women.

DH is caused by an allergy to gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat and grains. When you have DH and eat food with gluten, the gluten combines with an antibody from the intestines. As the gluten and antibody circulate in the blood, they clog small blood vessels in the skin. This is what causes the rash.

Symptoms may include:

  • Clusters of itchy, small blisters and little bumps, mostly on the elbows, lower back, buttocks, knees, and back of the head.
  • Severe itching and burning.

Rash on Elbow

Rash is a symptom that causes the affected area of skin to turn red and blotchy and to swell. A rash may cause spots that are bumpy, scaly, flaky, or filled with pus. Rashes can vary in location, pattern, and extent and may occur in any area of the body. An elbow rash can have a variety of causes, and it may indicate something occurring around the elbow itself or suggest a systemic (body-wide) condition.

Contact dermatitis (skin inflammation) is caused by an adverse reaction to something that touches the skin, including chemicals found in detergent, soap or a fragrance. For example, you may develop a rash on your elbow when wearing a shirt that was washed with a particular detergent or treated with a chemical.

Exposure to metal can also cause elbow or the whole hand rash. Other forms of contact dermatitis include exposure to certain plants, such as poison oak or ivy, an animal bite, or an insect sting.

Raised Lump on Elbow Only

An elbow lump is an abnormal protrusion or bump within the elbow joint or on the surface of the elbow. Elbow lumps can happen to anyone. Often, elbow lumps are the result of an injury, such as a blow to the elbow.

Elbow lumps may result from inflammation (swelling), poor healing of a broken bone, or a skin growth, such as a cyst or tumor. Inflammation of the elbow can result from tendinitis, bursitis, sports injury, sprains, strains, arthritis, or infections within the joint. Growths can be either benign or cancerous in nature.

Small White Bumps on Elbow

In fact what people perceive as white bumps in some cases may be central plugs – that are filed with pus or other materials – on top of red bumps. Nevertheless, you may want to compare your symptoms with those of the following skin conditions when evaluating your specific case:

Keratosis pilaris: This is a common skin condition that gives the skin a sandpaper-like feel. It happens when dead skin cells do not fall off as they naturally do. When that happens, the skin protein called keratin plug the hair follicles leading to small goose bumps like rough bumps.

The area of skin affected by the bumps often gets dry and can get particularly itchy. The symptoms may worsen during winter months when humidity levels are usually at their lowest and the skin this tends to get drier.

Keratosis pilaris may affect individuals of any age but it tends to affect young children more.

See also:

How to Get Rid of Bumps on Elbows

Rub a banana peel onto your elbows

Rubbing a banana peel on the elbows in a circular motion with a banana peel to reduce dryness. As noted in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, bananas are a fruit rich in vitamin C (which aids in healing), and the peel has been scientifically shown to contain both antifungal and antibiotic components.


Regular exfoliation is a great treatment for keratosis pilaris, which is a harmless yet bothersome condition that’s responsible for the “chicken skin” texture of your upper arms and elbows. (It can also appear in other places, like the thighs.)

Keratin, a type of protein that’s a building block for healthy skin, hair and nails, can build up in your pores, which plugs the hair follicles, causing bumps and ingrown hairs. Gently exfoliating in the shower helps soften the skin. Follow up with an over-the-counter lotion that contains lactic acid, which helps reduce keratin buildup.

What exfoliating creams can I use?

  • Asutra, Organic Exfoliating Body Scrub. The Body Scrub contains over 20 healing minerals found in sea salt that make it an excellent natural exfoliator and skin polisher  (Check price on Amazon)
  • Majestic Pure Sweet Orange Body Scrub  – Crafted with wonderful nourishing ingredients such as Sweet Orange Oil, Dead Sea Salt, Organic Aloe Vera Juice, and Coconut Oil (Check price on Amazon)


Milk is handy for a soothing soak. Thick moisturizing creams and petroleum jelly are the best products for a little post-shower attention, and some experts recommend at least two applications a day.

Other over-the-counter options are lotions containing urea, lactic acid, or alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids, which are good for fighting bumps. A very small amount of jojoba oil, massaged into dry elbows or knees, will closely mimic the body’s own natural moisturizers.

Organic Shea Butter Moisturiser UV Protection For All Skin Types

One of our favourites is Cetaphil moisturizing cream for dry and sensitive skin (You can find it on Amazon)

Consult a Doctor

Considering the commonness of dry elbows and all of the possible causes, it seems as if you could try home and over-the-counter remedies forever. In certain cases, though, a trip to the pharmacy just won’t cut it.

The elbows are common prey for psoriasis, though many people incorrectly assume it’s just a case of dryness.

Psoriasis is characterized most often by patches of raised red skin topped off with shiny scales, which can ooze, crust or bleed if they’re picked or irritated.

Elbows are an especially painful area because bending and moving affected skin can further irritate the rash, and psoriasis sometimes causes joint pain (psoriatic arthritis) in affected areas.

Sources and references:

  1. Hopkin’s Medicine: /dermatitis_herpetiformis
  2. Healthgrades: elbow-rash

Itchy Belly Button Meaning, Causes, Treatment, Rash Around Belly Button

What causes an itchy belly button? The belly button also known as navel is the remnant of umbilical cord. It is that central scar that forms at the base of umbilical cord once it falls off. Many times the navel may become itchy and discomforting.

There are many things that could cause the belly button to itch including yeast infection, eczema, hives, contact dermatitis from piercing, lotions and soaps, or the stretching of skin in pregnancy. Another possible cause may be an infection by bacteria.

Itchy belly button skin
Itchy belly button skin

Some people who have umbilical hernia may experience itching. Treatment is based on the cause of the itching. This article will provide the most common causes that can cause belly button infections and the remedies as well.

What Does an Itchy Bellybutton Mean?

When your belly button becomes itchy it means that you feel a tingly sensation in the navel, it may also be tender and sore and this may warrant you to scratch the area of soreness.

What Causes an Itchy Bellybutton/ Navel?

An itchy navel can be caused by many things, and the different causes will also give rise to the methods of treating the itch.

1. Belly button infection.

The navel or belly button tract can have an infection. Foreign substances such as lint that detached from clothes and body hair could enter the umbilicus thereby causing inflammation or swelling. An infection may also occur, and it is mainly accompanied by foul odour, itching, and fluid coming out of that umbilicus canal.

Since the belly button is deep, damp and dark, it is a favourable breeding ground for yeast and bacteria. Sweat, soap and other substances deposited in the navel cavity can aid bacterial growth and cause an infection.

Its symptoms are redness, mild pain, and green or gray discharge. A yeast infection in the belly button occurs as a result of overgrowth of yeasts that leads to symptoms like redness, swelling and discharge.

Other causes and contributing factors that may be responsible for belly button infections include poor hygiene habits, surgery involving the belly button, belly button piercing, diabetes, sebaceous cysts, exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) sunrays, and obesity.

2. Rash around belly button

Fungal Infection

The fungal infection is caused by the yeast Candida. The risk factors that contribute towards this infection include:

  • regular touching
  • bad hygiene
  • moist skin
  • obesity

The symptoms of a fungal infection around the belly button are:

  • a red, smelly, itchy, tender and mildly painful belly button surrounded byflaky skin and pus-filled blisters (pustules)
  • dark, yellow or white discharge or occasional bleeding

Another cause for discharge around the navel is a bacterial Infection.

It is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (staph) or Streptococcus pyogenes (strep)

  • The causes of this bacteria on the belly button are:
  • Bad hygiene
  • Obesity
  • Scratching or rubbing, a cut
  • Piercing, A sebaceous cyst
  • A foreign object, steroids or immunosuppressant drugs (in Crohn’s disease)
  • A wound after surgery or laparoscopy

Symptoms of a bacterial infection include:

  • Folliculitis:red, itchy bumps with occasional white centers filled with pus
  • Cellulitis:red, thick, tender and warm skin in and around the navel, possibly mild   fever
  • Abscess:a soft lump up to a size of a golf ball, occasionally draining/oozing

3. Itchy rash around belly button.

Bacterial infections: Different types of bacteria can infect the belly button and result in soreness, redness, and pain along with discharge of white matter or bleeding. People with severe instances of bacterial infection of the belly button may suffer from nausea and vomiting.

  • Belly button rash may also be caused by fungal infections which typically arise if the belly button remains moist.
  • Bathing in polluted or impure water and/or touching the belly button with dirty or unwashed hands can increase the risk to pathogenic infections and eventual formation of belly button rash.
  • Allergic reactions:Belly button rash can also form due to exposure to varied allergens. Some people tend to have extra sensitive skin and can suffer from allergic reactions after contact with metals such as nickel, etc., or with foreign matter such as a new laundry detergent or a new skin cream. Contact dermatitis is the most common type of belly button rash that develops due to allergic reactions. Patients need to consult a dermatologist or a skin specialist for diagnosis and treatment of this belly button rash. Avoiding contact with allergic agents is the best way to prevent the development of belly button rashes.
  • Psoriasis:It is a skin condition characterized by formation of discomforting, prickly, itchy, red patches on the skin. Such abnormal patches can be thick or thin. Mild cases of psoriasis-associated thin belly button rash-patches can be treated with varied creams. Thick patches of belly button rash are treated with topical medications containing vitamin D and anti-inflammatory content. Doctors may also sometimes prescribe injections to treat the condition.

4. Infected navel piercing.

Another common cause of belly button rash/infection is piercing of the navel, typically carried out as a fashion statement. Incorrect aftercare or improper piercing of the belly button can make it vulnerable to infections.

Additionally, lack of proper care of the wound after piercing can cause a potential breeding ground for bacteria which would subsequently cause infection characterized by severe itching. An infected belly button due to piercing will initially cause bleeding and then discharge of pus. Patients are also most likely to experience pain in the region.

5. During pregnancy, early, late; sign of pregnancy and after delivery.

Itching belly button during pregnancy

Although a number of women report experiencing an itchy belly button prior to finding out that they were expectant; it is not a definitive way of testing for pregnancy. If you suspect that you could be pregnant, or are trying to get pregnant, using a pregnancy test would provide a more concrete answer.

An itchy belly especially during pregnancy may be caused by stretching of skin. When the skin expands, it is deprived of moisture. Usually dry skin can feel itchy and quite uncomfortable. The butt may also have similar experience if it is expanding alongside the belly. Moisturizing the skin using gentle products can help relieve the itching. An individual should refrain from scratching the itching belly button because it could open it for bacterial infection.

Additionally, the itchiness around the bellybutton should cease after pregnancy. If the itchiness (oftentimes accompanied by redness and soreness) persists. It is prudent to see a healthcare provider immediately.

6. Discharge from belly button

The belly button can easily become infected by Candida, or other fungi – it is just the sort of warm, moist crevice that fungi like. If you have a fungal infection the belly button will look red, and the redness may extend to the surrounding skin for a few millimetres. It may be itchy.

Bacteria may also infect the belly button, often taking advantage of the damage already done by the fungi. This leads to scabbing and a yellowish discharge.

7. During period.

Pain in the bellybutton during a woman’s monthly period is caused by Pemphigoid Gestationis. Pemphigoid Gestationis is a rare skin blistering disorder that occurs in pregnant women. It usually starts in pregnancy but can also come back in women when they take oral contraceptive therapy or have their periods for some time after the pregnancy.
Female hormones (particularly oestrogen) are thought to aggravate the reaction and this may be why it starts during the stage in pregnancy when oestrogen levels rise. It may come back in further pregnancies and also may also come back in some women who take oral contraceptive therapy or with their periods following pregnancy, but later on there is usually no problem.

8. Itches After Cleaning.

The belly button can feel itchy and even tingly at times after cleaning. This may be caused by the cleaning agent you have used to clean the area. It is highly discouraged to use alcohol or any alcohol based product to clean the area as this may cause severe itchiness or even an infection.

The area can also feel itchy if you do not make sure that it is completely dry after washing. It is imperative to make sure the area is dry after cleaning to avoid making it a breeding ground for bacteria.

9. Belly button itching After Eating.

The area in and around the belly button can itch after eating. This is mostly after one has overeaten. The skin around the stomach stretches as a result of your stomach expanding in order to accommodate the excess food you have consume.

10. Crust and Scabbing.

These are caused by bacterial infection around the belly button. As part of the healing process of the infection, a scab is formed where the infection had formed.

Many times the scab or crust causes an itchy and tingly sensation around the area. It is highly discouraged to itch the area as the scab will come off, thus delaying the healing process.

11. Hernia.

Umbilical or paraumbilical hernia is a protrusion of the small intestine between the muscles in or near the belly button.

Risk factors causing the umbilical hernia are;  pregnancy, obesity, persistent coughing, abdominal surgery, a large abdominal tumor, accumulation of the fluid in the abdomen in liver or kidney disease (ascites)

Symptoms: a soft bulge–of the skin color, red, grey or blue and up to few inches big–near the belly button; coughing and straining can cause discomfort, pressure, pain, tingly feeling or burning feeling in and around the belly button.

12. Urinary Tract Infection.

Urinary tract infections in children can present with pain around the belly button, frequent urination and cloudy and smelly urine.

Red Itchy Bellybutton.

The most common symptom of a fungal infection in the belly button is discharge and pain. The most common cause of pain and discharge in the belly button is due to candida. Candida albicans thrives in warm, moist areas such as the urinary tract, mouth, and nose as well as the belly button. An overgrowth of fungus results in a red, swollen belly button and discharge. Scratching the infected area may cause bleeding and further aggravation.

Additionally, smelly belly button with a curd-like discharge may also be due to infection following a surgical procedure. The most common cause is tubal ligation. This causes redness, itchiness, swelling and pain in the navel.

Itchy Belly Button Superstitions and Old Wives Tales.

Many old wives tales state that if your belly button itches constantly the there is a good chance that you are pregnant. While this may provide hope for women who are hoping to get pregnant, it is not a scientifically proven symptom of pregnancy.

Relief and Treatment for Belly Button Itch.

There are various methods of treating belly button infections depending on the cause.

  1. Those suffering with belly button discharge and odour resulting from patent urachus can find relief through surgery. This reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, cancer of the urachal tube and leaking urine.
  2. Belly button secretions resulting from diabetes may be avoided through control of blood sugar levels. Odour and discharge resulting from bacterial infections may be treated by washing the infected area with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap, and drying the navel thoroughly.
  3. An antibacterial topical cream applied after washing the area may solve the problem of an infected belly button. Antifungal creams and various foam treatments may help control fungal infections.

Home Remedies for Belly Button Itch.

  1. Tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is an effective natural remedy for belly button infection. With antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties, it can help in treating yeast or bacterial infections of belly button. We highly recommend Essential Oil Labs Tea Tree Oil (Check price on Amazon)

  1. Salt Water.

Salt is very effective in treating the infection. It helps in reducing the moisture problem and ultimately reduces the problem. Prepare a mixture of salt and warm water and put a few drops of it around the belly button. This remedy improves the blood circulation and prevents the growth of infection causing organisms.

  1. Aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera is used to treat the problem of belly button infection. It helps in reducing the problem of itching and inflammation very effectively. Apply some fresh gel over the belly button 3 to 4 times in a day to reduce the problem. A great choice would be organic cold cressed Aloe Vera (Check price on Amazon)

  1. Tumeric paste.

The anti septic and healing properties of turmeric are used to treat the belly button infection. Turmeric reduces the pain, itching and rashes. Not only this, the anti inflammatory properties prevent inflammation and reduce the severity. Apply a paste of turmeric powder over the belly button to get relief.

  1. Neem Oil.

Neem is rich in anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal properties and effective stops the growth of infection causing organisms. The use of neem oil is also very effective in reducing the problem of itching and pain. Just apply a few drops of it around your belly button to treat the problem completely.


Medguidance: smelly-belly-button.html/

Healthy Life Med: /itchy-belly-button/

Eyelid Pimple Cyst on Rim, Inside or Under, Causes and Treatment

A pimple on eyelid can be caused by a stye, cysts and eye infections. It can appear as an eyelid cyst, white pimple or lump on eyelid. The pimple on your eye can grow on the eyelid rim, under eyelid, inside eyelid and even above or on upper eyelid. Antibiotic treatments can get rid of styes and other bacterial infections that cause the lumps, spots and bumps on eyelid as discussed below.

An eyelid bump can be a pimple, an inflamed oil gland or even a sty. For most cases, a pimple on the eyelid is called a stye or hordeolum. Once it forms on the edge of your eyelid (on the eyelash line or eyelid rim), the lump can grow on the outside or inside eyelids. A small pimple inside the eyelid can be very painful.

Eyelid pimple overview

The appearance of the lump under eyelid or above the eyelid may be slightly different depending on the cause. Like any other pimple, a bump on the eyelid appears as a small growth above, under or on the rim of the eyelid. We have discussed the various causes below. With them and throughout this post are pictures of a bump on eyelid.

What causes a bump on eyelid?

Cysts, whiteheads, styes and chalazions manifest as small lumps, bumps or pimples on and around the eyelid. A rash around your eyelids can also start as some white pimple-like bumps and grow into many white bumps on eyelid. Here are the causes of a pimple on eyelid.

1. Stye on eyelid

A stye, also called sty, occurs when the edge of the eyelid gets inflamed. It swells and forms into a small, pimple-like growth on the eyelid rim. A stye usually appears as a red bump and can form outside or inside the eyelid.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “If you have blepharitis or eye redness, you are more likely to get styes.” Other than blepharitis, these stye bumps above the eyelid are caused by a staph bacteria. The bacteria occurs naturally in the nose of everyone and can travel to the eye – internally, and cause the pimple-like growth.

Is a stye contagious? When caused by a staph infection in the eye, the bumps are contagious. However, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, “Styes are not contagious, but rather a local infection or inflammation of the oil-producing glands of the eyelids.

2. Chalazion lump on eyelid

A chalazion is a small lump on eyelid. It forms as a result of a blocked oil gland. Chalazion bumps can appear on the upper and lower eyelid, or both. A “blockage in the Meibomian gland on the eyelid” can cause a pimple-like bump to form due to trapped sebum under the skin, or in the pore.

If too much sebum is produced and trapped in the gland, the oil can spread into the surrounding tissue when the gland breaks. This will cause an inflammation on the eyelid. According to the American Optometric Association, risk factors of a chalazion pimple on eyelid forming include the following:

  • Eyelid and eyelash inflammation, or blepharitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Viral infections
  • Seborrhea or eyelash dandruff
  • Rosacea and acne

If you suffer from any one of these, you are more likely to get a pimple on upper eyelid or even a bump inside the eyelid.

3. Milia or small pimple on eyelid

Do you have small white bumps on eyelid? Milia cysts occur in groups under or above the eyelid. The cysts occur as a result of keratin being trapped beneath the skin surface. If the small bumps feel like hard bumps under eyes, it is because keratin is a strong protein. Keratin is typically found in nails, hair and skin tissues.

Milia spots on eyelids are harmless. Your dermatologist is likely to advise you that they will go away on their own. In babies, milia spots are quite common, but will clear in a few weeks. If, for esthetic reasons treatment is required, the options available are cryotherapy, laser removal of milia, chemical peels and dermabrasion.

4. Eyelid cyst or bump

Cysts are quite too common. They come from bacterial infections. When a pore on the eyelid waterline or rim is blocked, the buildup within the pore attracts bacteria. An eyelid cyst appears as a pimple because it is a fluid-filled sac.

Symptoms of a pimple on eyelid caused by a cyst include redness (when fresh), swelling and pain or hurting. Cysts are most likely described by patients as a white bump on eyelid or a yellow bump. This is because the bacterial activity in the growth produces pus.

  • Cysts go away without treatment.
  • A warm compress can help get rid of eyelid cysts fast.
  • If the cyst grows into a big pimple on the eyelid rim and obstruct vision, or cause blurry vision, your doctor may pop it to drain the excess pus or fluid.

5. Ocular rosacea eyelid bump and blurred vision

People who suffer from rosacea have a higher chance of getting an eyelid pimple. Ocular rosacea is the “inflammation that causes redness, burning and itching of the eyes.” [Mayo Clinic]. The condition has a high prevalence in people who flush and blush easily. The symptoms of this include:

  • Red and swollen eyelids, likely with a bump.
  • Blurred vision
  • Itchy eyes
  • Dry eyes with a stinging sensation
  • Tearing and feeling like there’s something in the eye

Medications and home care tips can help get rid of ocular rosacea bumps. Temporary antibiotic prescriptions such as erythromycin, doxycycline and tetracycline can help heal the bump.

6. Acne whitehead on eyelid waterline

Acne can develop almost anywhere on the skin. The eyelid too can get acne whiteheads. The cause of such eyelid pimples is when the skin pores on the eyelid rim or waterline gets clogged.

Dead skin, bacteria and oil get trapped in the pore. This accumulation and blockage causes bacterial action that leads to an infected pimple or whitehead on eyelid that erupts into a bump.

7. Makeup causes a pimple on eyelid rim

Eye makeup such as mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliners can clog pores on the eyelid rim and cause an eruption of a zit or bump. Health Line Networks lists makeup as one of the causes of external eyelid styes.

Other than clogging the pores above and under eyelids, makeup can carry bacteria that can cause infections on the eyelid. It is important to practice proper eyelid hygiene in order to prevent styes. Wash off makeup before going to bed. Also, try to wear makeup for short periods only.

8. Pimple inside eyelid from contacts or giant papillary conjunctivitis

A bump inside eyelids due to contact lenses is called giant papillary conjunctivitis. They occur as small bumps on the inner lining of the eyelid, also called the eyelid waterline. Wearing contact lenses can cause chronic irritation that leads to bumps that grow big.

  • Allergic reactions to chemicals that are found in contact lens solutions can cause the bumps or papillae to form.
  • Ill-fitting contact lenses can cause friction and irritation as well.

Usually, additional symptoms may occur, including itchy and swollen eyes, large bumps, runny eyes or eyes that won’t stop watering etc.

9. STDs, Herpes and chlamydia

Though rare, some STDs can cause “Red, brown, or purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids.” [About.com – Pedriatics]. These include chlamydia and HIV. Chlamydia of the eye may manifest after about a week, with symptoms including a pimple on eyelid or a bump inside your eyelid that grows over time.

Another STD that causes eyelid bumps is eye herpes or HSV keratitis. Sore-like bumps can form on the eyelid skin and cause pain, blurred vision and redness. Eye herpes should be treated by a doctor and not at home as it usually causes complications.

10. Xanthoma or fatty lump

Xanthoma, also called xanthelasma is a lipid disorder that causes a yellowish, firm nodule, papule, bump or plaque on the skin. According to Skin Site, xanthomas form on both eye lids and feel soft. They are yellow bumps on eyelids because of the accumulation of cholesterol or lipid.

People with xanthoma bumps are highly likely to suffer from common lipid metabolism disorders such as pancreatic and coronary artery heard disease.

11. Papilloma

A papilloma is a benign tumor or growth on the skin. It appears as a pimple on eyelid and is prevalent in the elderly. Papilloma bumps on eyelid are painless and may look like warts or skin tags. Unless it starts to obstruct your vision, your doctor is likely to recommend that the eyelid tumor be left undisturbed. Surgical removal may be recommended in case it is an esthetic problem, or causes poor vision.

White pimple on eyelid

A white pimple on eyelid is a sign that the pimple is getting infected. It is likely to appear as yellow, grayish or white spot on eyelid due to the accumulation of pus cells inside the cyst pocket. Any of the 11 causes above can produce white dots, pimples and bumps on the lower or upper eyelid.

When infected, white eyelid pimples or bumps can be painful. They can also grow into larger cysts, causing all sorts of discomfort. The surrounding tissues of the eye can also get infected with the bacteria if proper care and treatment is not given.

When on the eyelid crease, a pimple can make it painful to blink. Dermatologists often attempt to get rid of a white eyelid pimple or bump by draining it first. Antibiotic treatments may also be given to treat and prevent the spread of the bacteria. See more on yellow and white bumps on eyelids.

Lump or pimple under eyelid

Sties or any other forms of lumps can form under the eyelid. The lower eyelid is usually slightly smaller than the upper eyelid. Depending on the size, a pimple under the eyelid can appear as a red swelling or a big bump.

Blepharitis, stye pimple on lower eyelid and sometimes milia spots can cause either a tender or hard painful lump under the eyelid. Chronic acne and eye lid boils can also be the reason for the lump below the eyelid. Here’s a picture showing a red bump under the eyelid.

Painful pimple inside eyelid

The most painful type of stye or spot is a pimple inside the eyelid. It can cause your eyes to tear without stopping. With this kind of symptom, you are likely to feel like there’s an object in your eye. The pain usually comes from swelling and irritation. If you have a bump inside the eyelid:

  • Avoid squeezing it as if you want to pop it and drain the pus of fluid in it. This will cause further irritation, and can spread the infection in your eye.
  • Avoid scratching your eyes. This can cause the pimple to burst. It will also cause red, painful eyes.
  • If the pain is unbearable, you can soothe the painful pimple inside the eyelid with a cold compress applied to a closed eye. Keep the pressure light.

Pimple on upper eyelid or top lid

The upper eyelid is prone to makeup. Most women who use eye makeup apply eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow. Eyeshadows are applied on the top eyelid. When makeup stays on the upper lid for a long time, it clogs your pores and cause buildup of debris, sebum and sweat.

Clogged pores due to excess makeup soon erupt into a pimple on upper eyelids. If you suspect that this is the actual cause, try to remove makeup before going to bed. Cleanse the skin under and above the eye to help the skin breathe and heal on its own.

How to Get Rid of a Pimple on Eyelid

Eyelid bumps and pimples usually go away without any kind of treatment. In some cases, treatment may be required, especially if the abscess is caused by bacterial invasion. You can get rid of eyelid pimples and bumps fast with treatments and some home remedies discussed below.

Treatments and medications

Treatments range from antibiotic medications to anti-allergens. The kind of treatment your doctor will prescribe to get rid of a stye on eyelid will depend on the cause. Antibiotics, for example, are used to treat pimples, zits or boils caused by bacterial infections in the eye.

If there is need to remove the bump, surgical excision is the most appropriate form of treatment. Puncturing and draining are also possible ways to treat the bumps, especially if they are swollen and filled with pus, fluid or blood. If there is swelling, anti-inflammatory steroid injections may be given to reduce the swelling.

Antibiotic ointment for eyelid pimples from styes

Normally, a sty goes away on its own. In case the stye persists, your doctor is likely to prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotic eye drops are the most likely treatment you doctor will advise. Another antibiotic option is a topical cream or ointment that you will apply on your eyelid to get rid of the bumps.

Stye infections can sometimes persist and spread around the eyelid. Antibiotic tablets or pills may be preferred to topical creams and ointments.

Surgery to remove eyelid bump

Another way to remove a lump on eyelid is through surgery. Surgical treatment is a viable option to consider.

A small cut or incision is made on the bump to drain the pus. This will speed up the healing process and help relieve pain as well as swelling on the cyst. Pain relieving medications are advised to help relieve a painful pimple on the eyelid.

Home remedies for pimples on eyelid

Another way to get rid of an eyelid lump is using natural home remedies and care. It is important not to try and pop the pimple. Swollen eyelids and swollen bumps can be painful if pressure is applied on them. Here’s how to get rid of an eyelid pimple with home remedies.

a) Warm compress

A warm compress can treat a stye or tender pimple on the rim of your eyelid. It will increase the circulation of blood on the area around the eye, above the eyebrow and on the lower eyelid. This will make it heal faster.

  1. Make a warm compress using a flannel or a cloth with warm water.
  2. Apply the warm compress to the eyelid for about 10 minutes.
  3. Repeat this application 4 times a day for a few days to facilitate healing.

Warm compress remedy helps the stye to drain the pus quickly and heal faster. If you are treating an eyelid pimple from chalazions using the warm compress remedy, the warmth will help soften the oil that has hardened in the ducts. Once the oil drains, the pimple inside eyelid will go away faster.

b) Baby shampoo cure

If you have a stye, a tear-free baby shampoo can help get rid of the stye bump fast. It will also help prevent other eruptions.

  1. Mix your tear-free baby shampoo with warm water.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in the mixture.
  3. Wipe your eyelids off using the cotton swab.
  4. Repeat this daily to prevent pimples on the eyelid rim, under and inside the eyelid.

c) Green tea bag remedy

Another home remedy for styes is using a green tea bag as a warm compress. It works as a good natural antibiotic. It can prevent and cure many bacterial as well as fungal infections on the skin around eyes. It can also relieve swelling and make the eye heal faster.

  1. Dip a teabag into a mug of boiled water.
  2. Allow the tea to seep for a few minutes.
  3. Allow the tea bag time to cool to a temperature that is comfortable to place on your eye.
  4. Close your eye and place the soaked tea bag over it for about 10 minutes.
  5. Do this once a day.

If you are treating both eyes using this remedy, use a fresh tea bag for each eye. You can also try over-the-counter pain killers if your eye lid pimple is painful. Tylenol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen are some of the pain relievers you can use.

When to see a doctor

While most eyelid pimples go away on their own, it is important not to ignore any signs and symptoms. Emergency eye situations need immediate attention of the doctor or ophthalmologist. Here’s when to see a doctor.

1. Eyelid pimple won’t go away for months or weeks

Bumps that keeps coming back on the eye can mean a recurring infection. If you notice an eyelash line pimple that won’t go away for 2 weeks or more, or for several months, have a doctor look at it and provide treatment.

Bumps that recur all the time can be a result of acne bouts, frequent eye infections and warts. Skin tags too can cause dark bumps on eyelids and may need to be surgically removed.

2. Eyelid growth getting bigger

Bumps around eyelids appearing as big cysts may be simple swollen pimples, zits and boils. However, some of them can keep growing bigger. When they become large, not only will they be painful but they’ll also cause blurry vision or obstruct you from seeing properly.

Visit your doctor if you are unable to see well due to a big pimple in the eye. Cysts can be drained by your dermatologist to relieve pressure on the eye and allow proper or clear vision.

3. Severe itchy spot on eyelid

The appearance of a pimple on eyelids is likely to be a sign of an infection. Eye infections, such as pink eye, can cause the eyes to be itchy and painful.

Itching can worsen the pain in your eye. It can even be worse in babies or infants. In most cases, itchy pimples on the eyelids are caused by allergic reactions. The irritation may be pollen, contact lenses or even a food allergy. See a doctor immediately if you have itchy eyelids with bumps.

4. Eye discharge, pus or bleeding

Any kind of discharge from the eye can be an alarming sign, except for when your eyes are just tearing. Thick and opaque discharge from the eye is a sure sign of an infection.

A bleeding pimple on eyelid is likely to occur when you pop it. It may come with unbearable pain. Other than the bleeding, pus discharge can also mean a broken cyst or a more severe infection. See a doctor immediately.

Sources and references

  1. S. National Library of Medicine: Eyelid Bump Causes and Treatment
  2. American Academy of Ophthalmology: Are styes in the eye contagious?
  3. Mayo Clinic: Sty Treatments and Drugs
  4. American Optometric Association: Chalazion causes and treatment
  5. Patient: What are milia and what do they look like?
  6. ZocDoc: How do whiteheads and stys differ?
  7. Mayo Clinic: Ocular rosacea symptoms
  8. MedicineNet: Herpes of the Eye
  10. Eye Health Web: Eye Discharge — Causes, Symptoms, and Relief

How to Get Rid of Small Fordyce Spots on Lips, Treatment, Natural Cures

Fordyce spots on lips appear as small white bumps on lips, mostly on the upper lip. The granules are often confused with herpes bumps especially if you get them after kissing. Here are causes, symptoms and treatments to get rid of Fordyce granules on lips fast.

Before you continue reading: Are you interested in home remedies for Fordyce Spots on Lips? If so, we highly recommend checking Australian Tea Tree Essential Oil. (Click here to see reviews on Amazon).

Fordyce spots, also known as Fordyce’s spots, Fordyce granules or sebaceous prominence, are small raised, pale red, yellow-white or skin-colored bumps or spots that appear on the shaft of the penis, the labia, scrotum, or the vermilion border of the lips of a person’s face. They can also be found on the foreskin of the penis (called Tyson’s glands).

The vermilion (vermillion) border of the lips is normally the sharp demarcation between the red colored part of the lip and the adjacent normal skin of the face. It is common to get Fordyce spots on lip line.

Fordyce spots are named after the American dermatologist John Addison Fordyce (1858-1925) who first described them clinically in a medical journal. Fordyce spots equally occur in both males and females.

Pictures: What do Fordyce Spots on Lips Look Like?

How do Fordyce bumps look like on the mouth? They are painless, small, pale spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter. These bumps are harmless, but are often a big concern for cosmetic reasons. Here are images, photos and pictures of Fordyce lip spots to help you distinguish them from pimples, cold sore bumps and herpes.Fordyce spots on lower and upper lips

There is currently no treatment which is standard for Fordyce spots on lips and physicians don’t normally recommend treatment. It is however possible to reduce the distinctions of these spots, or get rid of them completely. There also are home remedies which help reduce the appearance or help get rid of the spots altogether.

What Are Fordyce Bumps on Lips?

Fordyce bumps are bumps on the lips and white spots which appear on the vermillion border of the lips and are completely painless and harmless. It may have a pale, whitish or reddish appearance. It is often described as a sebaceous gland and so by inference, is a sebaceous gland that is located on the wrong place.

Instead of appearing on parts of the skin which have hair, these sebaceous glands rather appear on the moist parts of the body particularly the mucosal spaces.

Are Fordyce granules contagious?

The importance of recognizing these papules as Fordyce spots is in the differential diagnosis of other conditions that may appear similar. Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may start off looking like Fordyce spots on the genitals so it is essential to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor. STDs need to be treated appropriately with medication.

Fordyce Spots are not contagious or infectious. They cannot be gotten from kissing an individual who has them on their lips. Additionally, in as much as people infected with the HIV virus or AIDS may experience white spots or granules on their lips, Fordyce granules are not a symptom of the HIV virus.

If you suspect that you may have contracted the virus, you should seek the services of a healthcare provider and get tested. Fordyce spots are generally painless, harmless and don’t take long to go away, even without treatment or remedy.

Do Fordyce Spots Go Away Naturally?

Fordyce Spots on lips are self resolving and benign. They usually get cured without any treatment and the health care specialists do not recommend any treatment for them.

But for those people who find them unattractive and a concern cosmetically, there are plenty of treatment options available which accelerates the cure of such spots.

Difference between herpes and Fordyce spots

When seen as a streak of individual glands along the interface between the skin of the lip and the vermilion border, the terms FoxFordyce disease and Fordyce’s condition have been used. White spots on lips are usually a result of mild inflammatory or traumatic incident.

  • Herpes or cold sores on lips are painful blisters that develop as a result of viral infection by herpes simplex and are highly contagious. Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) is the common cause of cold sores (oral herpes) around the mouth.
  • To differentiate, Fordyce’s spots are usually benign spots, granules or bumps that may be white in most cases but can also reflect different hues and color pattern at or around the lips.

See pictures below for Fordyce spots on lips vs. herpes.

Cold sores on lips - herpes vs fordyce spots
Cold sores are easily confused with Fordyce granules on lips

Areas mostly affected include:

  • On corner of lips
  • Inside lips
  • On lower lip
  • On upper lip

What Causes Fordyce Spots?

Fordyce spots on lips or other parts of the body are believed to be caused by sebum which is the natural oil of the skin. This oil gets trapped in a sebaceous gland that does not have hair.

In most cases, sebaceous glands open into a hair follicle or pore on skin and its oil is secreted up the hair shaft. But in the case of Fordyce spots, no hair means there is no way to discharge the natural body oil secretions. Therefore, the cause of the bumps.

Pimples on lips develop in sebaceous glands with a blocked opening. They lack this essential route of escape. As well, bacteria cannot enter the skin either.

A pimple on lip corner can appear as though it is a large fordyce spot
A pimple on lip corner can appear as though it is a large fordyce spot

Bacteria live on the skin of everyone and these bacteria feed on the sebaceous oil. As the bacteria feast, they grow, causing surrounding tissue to become inflamed and painful – and this is the development of a pimple. But Fordyce spots or sebaceous prominence do not cause pain nor have any symptoms of pus – and basically are not a skin infection.

Fordyce spots are not an infectious disease that can be spread around but instead are natural occurrences on the adult skin. But, because many people find pimples unattractive, they seek help for them.

Stress and sebaceous prominence

Many people also believe that stress causes the Fordyce spots/granules on the lips. Although this is a widely stated belief, there is no medical evidence linking stress to Fordyce spots on the lips or around the mouth.

Is HIV a cause?

In addition to stress, HIV has also been thought (by the larger populace) as a cause of the Fordyce spots. As already stated above, Fordyce spots are not a symptom of HIV/AIDS virus and one should visit a healthcare provider for testing if they suspect that they may have contracted the virus.

Symptoms of Fordyce Spots on Mouth

The primary symptom of Fordyce granules is white spots or whitish to yellowish bumps on the lips. It is very easy to confuse these with things like milia bumps, some clusters of herpes bumps and normal pimple dots on lips. Here are Fordyce spots on lips symptoms.

1. Small white spots on lips

This is the most common symptom of all. When one gets Fordyce granules on their lips, they mostly manifest themselves as small white dots on the lips.

They may spread out to cover both the upper and lower lips. Sometimes they seem to be “under the skin” so to speak.

2. Tiny painless bumps appear on the lips

Fordyce granules also manifest on the lips as small bumps. These bumps are for the most part quite painless and benign.

white fordyce granules on lips above and below
White fordyce granules on lips above and below – image credit – The Doctors TV

If the granules manifest themselves as bumps on the lips then they may be quite prominent on one’s lips especially if they are white in color.

3. Corners of the lips get spots

Another commonly experienced symptom of Fordyce spots on the mouth are that the spots appear on the corner, most delicate parts of the mouth. This is thought to be caused by the abundance of moisture on the corner of the mouth.

4. White patches on the lips

These white patches are thought to be caused by the clustering of the white Fordyce spots on different parts of the mouth thus causing the appearance of patches. The patches can appear as white marks to.

5. Yellow dots

Yellow spots on lips
Yellow spots on lips

These Fordyce spots on the mouth also manifest themselves in different colors as they appear. They may be either reddish, whitish or yellowish in appearance.

Over all the basic symptoms of Fordyce Spots where ever they are present are light colored glaze of diameter of around 1-3mm. They are mostly not painful.

How to Get Rid of Fordyce Spots on Lips

Eventually Fordyce go away without any treatment. Many individuals do just use this approach for these spots. They are benign as well as being self-resolving. But others find these spots a concern cosmetically and for these individuals there are numerous products available which can help the spots go away at a faster rate

There are many ways of getting rid of Fordyce spots on lips. Depending on the individual, one may consider either home remedies, over the counter treatments and treatments administered by a doctor.

Fordyce spots on lips treatment

Dermatologists and primary care physicians (general practitioners, family doctors) emphasize that Fordyce Spots are normal physiological occurrences and are not dangerous for human health. Many, in fact, advise against treatment.

Currently there is no standard treatment for these spots. Doctors do not recommend any treatment for Fordyce spots. However, it is possible to reduce the distinction of these spots, thanks to advancement in medical science. Fordyce spots can be completely got rid of.

1. Trichloroacetic Acid Peel

This chemical peel is a popular treatment for Fordyce spots. It peels off the skin on the spots, thereby causing significant improvement in their appearance.

However if you use this on the lips, it is important to keep them moisturized. Also when the treatment is stopped, spots may reoccur.

2. Tretinoin Gel

Another product which is found to be effective against Fordyce spots on lips is Tretinoin gel or cream. It reduces the prominence of the spots substantially. It is more effective if used with an alpha hydroxyacid agent.

3. Cryosurgery

Cryosurgery is an option to treat Fordyce spots. This procedure involves destruction of bumps using cold temperature. However, this method can cause damage to tissues and nerves present in areas surrounding the spots.

4. Pulsed Dye Lasers

Pulsed dye lasers (PDL) are found to be effective against Fordyce spots. Even though they are relatively expensive, they leave fewer scars than other methods. This treatment is extremely safe and effective. It is used extensively in many parts of the world.

PDL uses a concentrated beam of light. The light is converted into heat. Tissues and nerves surrounding Fordyce spots are not damaged in this method of treatment. The laser uses yellow light, which is very safe. It does not cause long term skin damage.

A typical PDL treatment does not take more than few minutes. They are usually performed during an outpatient clinic visit. There is no need for anesthesia as the machine produces a cold spray just before the laser pulse. This diminishes the sensation of pain.

5. Electro-Desiccation to remove Fordyce spots

Also known as carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, electro desiccation is used to make Fordyce spots less visible. CO2 lasers are the highest-power continuous wave lasers that are currently available. They are very efficient.

6. Micro-Punch Technique

Micro-punch technique has provided satisfactory cosmetic and functional results. The chances of recurrence are less. This technique has been used in the past for treatment of various skin lesions.

Micro-punch technique is very easy to perform. Any clinician, with a little training can perform this procedure. This method of treatment is less expensive than other methods. It can be carried out under local anesthesia. However, the treatment time is more than that of other methods. It varies between half an hour and few hours.

Fordyce Spots on Lips Cures and Natural Treatments

What home remedies can you use to get rid of fordyce spots on the lips? From moisturizers to coonut oil, tea tree oil, to aloe vera, there are quite plenty of natural treatments you can use to remove the white granules on lips. Here are the different home remedies to try.

1. Coconut oil.

One of the best forms of treating Fordyce spots is using coconut oil which is a natural moisturizer. The spotting which also occurs due to dehydration gets visibly reduced after application of coconut mixed with an essential oil like lavender oil for decreasing Fordyce spots on the skin.

2. Increase vitamin intake

Fordyce spots can be removed naturally by adopting a certain diet that ensures proper intake of vitamin rich foods.

Your daily intake of vitamins will surely reduce the spotting and one of the best fruits to consume is oranges. Broccoli can also be inculcated in your diet for reducing the spots especially on the lips.

We recommend Healthy Skin & Hair from Irwin Naturals, which is a mix of the best vitamins for a perfect skin (Check the price on Amazon)

3. Drink water

A delightfully easy solution is water – universally pure and simple to intake. Water prevents dehydration and boosts the immunity system to fight off germs that can easily cause the spotting on the sebaceous glands. If your mouth is dry then make sure you drink gallons of water at least 8-10 glasses a day to address the condition.

4. Tea tree oil

Pearly penile papules can be reduced easily using tea tree oil which is a well known home remedy. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that prevents bacterial growth and relieves the inflamed skin.

Best Tea tree oils available on the market:

  • 100% pure and natural Therapeutic Grade Australian Melaleuca Backed by research (Check the price on Amazon)
  • MAJESTIC PURE Tea Tree Oil (Check the price on Amazon)
  • Australian Tea Tree Essential Oil – GCMS Tested, 100% Pure and Undiluted (Check the price on Amazon)

It is one of the best remedies to try since it doesn’t have any kind of side effects to the skin.

5. Turmeric

This herbal tonic is known to be the best amongst the best – Turmeric powder (about 1/4th tablespoon) mixed with apple cider vinegar is an effective solution that can be applied to the inflamed skin. Turmeric has antiseptic, antibacterial and antipyretic properties that reduce bacterial growth on the skin.

6. Oatmeal bath

This home remedy has been widely used to treat Eczema at home and is very useful for reducing Fordyce spotting on genitals.

Oatmeal bath reduces itching, redness and inflammation on the skin. This particular bath should be taken using cold water after using herbal remedy like turmeric or tea tree oil that act as antiseptics.

7. Garlic

One of the strongest home remedies for Fordyce spots is garlic but the question is – how to use garlic for treating this ailment? Garlic contains antioxidants that basically remove free radicals from the body with anti-inflammatory properties to shrink the spots. You can always consume boiled water with garlic drips for an immediate effect or mix the spice in the food.

8. Jojoba oil

Another essential oil that is useful for treating Fordyce spots is jojoba oil that maintains antibacterial properties. The healing effect of the oil takes place by preventing bacterial growth and invasion.

Our definitive favorite is natural unrefined, pure cold pressed Jojoba Oil by Cliganic

It contains wax esters that make it a natural moisturizer thereby enhancing its effect on the skin.

9. Asparagus

It is the richest source for folic acid, packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Asparagus that contains folic acid is essential for metabolic consistency which ensures Fordyce spotting doesn’t take place. Proper hormonal balance can be maintained by consuming 260mcg of folic acid a day.

10. Aloe vera gel

One of the most natural forms of treating Fordyce spots is by cutting through a stalk of Aloe Vera plant. The gel that is produced should be directly applied on the inflamed skin since the plant possesses antibacterial/antifungal properties. We can also find it on Amazon. It is exceptionally useful at treating urinary tract infections and several skin disorders.

11. Honey

This antiseptic agent is a mild source that is generally used in home remedies to cure respiratory and skin infections. Organic honey is used as a soothing agent for skin irritations and because of its antibacterial properties; it is quite a useful source for treating Fordyce spots. You can always mix a dab of honey with an essential oil for ease of application.

12. Lemon

Another natural disinfectant is Lemon which basically treats bacterial infections especially on the dermis. If you’re suffering from blackheads or pimples, Lemon extract is a useful source. This easily available ingredient can be squeezed to form a pulp that can be applied on the inflamed skin regularly to treat Fordyce spots effectively.

13. Chamomile

Fresh or dried flowers of Chamomile help to treat itchy lesions or inflamed skin spots and are well known topical treatments. Chamomile is one of the best herbal remedies unlike other flowers like Calendula or Arnica that actually doesn’t cause any side effects for individuals with sensitive skin. This evergreen flower treats hives, sunburn and reduces Fordyce spots on the lips within a few weeks.

14. Comfrey

The root and leaves of comfrey have been used for treating skin wounds, bruises and rashes for centuries. This herbal remedy is one of the most effective solutions that consist of anti-inflammatory properties. This natural remedy helps reduce Fordyce spotting and can either be used in the form of a paste or consumed directly in the form of Comfrey tea.

15. Vanilla & sugar scrub for lips

A natural home remedy is using vanilla extract and sugar to make a face scrub that can be applied on the inflamed spots. Sugar is a natural antibacterial agent that inhibits growth whereas vanilla moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The face scrub applied twice a day, morning and night ensures that within a week’s time the pasty granules disappear.

Sources and references

Swollen Nose on Tip, Inside, Causes and Treatment, Remedies


A swollen nose is a very disturbing symptom that can mean different things for various people. Some may experience redness and extreme pain on one side of the nose, while others feel that their noses are clogged and need to blow them all the time.

Sometimes the pain in the nose radiates to the cheek or the eye on the same side, and others may even feel a lymph node in the neck area. Other symptoms that may be associated with a swollen nose are headaches, toothaches and pain in the face.

Before you continue reading: Are you interested in home remedies for swollen nose tip? If so, we highly recommend checking Essential Labs Tea Tree Oil. (Click here to see reviews on Amazon).

Other times, the swelling may be caused by nasal polyps which are painless growths inside the nasal passages that might cause a runny nose. Many times one may be oblivious to the fact that they have such growths in their nasal passages, and the situation may remain the same unless the polyps grow big enough to cause a blockage in the nose.

Causes of a Swollen Nose

What causes a swollen tip, inside or bridge of the nose? Injuries, piercings, nasal infections and trauma from trying to squeeze blackheads or pimples can all cause your nose to swell up.

1.      Swollen nose after a piercing

A nose piercing, just like other piercings, is a wound on the body and just like all wounds, they have to be well treated in order to get healed fast and without causing further damage to the body. You should monitor the healing of a nose piercing in order to ensure that the swelling and wound does not get infected.

Some of the symptoms of an infected nose piercing (that would cause a swollen nose) include:

Discharge from the site where the piercing was made.

You might have yellowish or greenish discharge that might have a foul smell. This pus-like discharge commonly caused by bacterial infection on your piercing site. You will notice the discharge when the jewelry moves or around your jewelry.  If you have a white discharge, it indicates your infection is minor

Swelling, tenderness, redness and soreness around the piercing sites

Swelling, bruising and redness are the other common symptoms you might have in case of an infected piercing. It is normal to have some redness, tenderness, bruising and a swollen piercing immediately and for the first few days after a new piercing.

Sometimes, swelling, redness and tenderness might be accompanied by hot feeling i.e. the piercing site will feel hot to touch.

If the swelling and tenderness does not disappear in a few days then it might be prudent to seek medical care.


The other sign of an infected piercing might include cold chills, nausea feeling and fever. This is a likelihood of a more serious infection especially the bacteria or pathogens have become systematic (infected your blood). You need to see your doctor immediately for further treatment since ignoring it could cause a more serious life threatening infections.

2.      Alcohol

Alcohol induces vasodilation and facial flushing in people who have rosacea. However, alcohol is not the cause of the skin disease in most people.

Although the classic ‘drinker’s nose’ (rhinophyma) was thought to be related to excess alcohol consumption, it has never been proven. In a case-control study of 175 people with rosacea and 145 people with normal skin, there was no significant difference in alcohol consumption between the two groups.

3.      Nose swelling after Injury

One can also suffer a swollen nose after injury caused by a fall, getting hit during a contact sport and also after getting punched by someone. This might get one a broken nose whose symptoms include:

  • pain in or around your nose;
  • a bent or crooked nose;
  • A swollen nose or swelling around your nose, which can cause your nose to look bent or crooked even if it’s not broken.

4.      Inflamed nose after squeezing blackheads

Blackheads are also known as open comedones, they are a plugged follicle that reaches the skin’s surface and ruptures. The plug’s dark appearance is not just from dirt and toxins, but contains a buildup of melanin (the skin’s dark pigment) and oil, which darkens as it oxidizes.

Improper squeezing of blackheads can cause inflammation. Many people have the habit of squeezing the blackheads on their face with their fingernails. This type of behavior can be dangerous, as it may cause redness around the nose, soreness, tenderness and scarring.

5.      Swollen pimple on nose

These pimples can either be inside or on the surface of the nose. It is usually as a result of folliculitis which is caused by infection of hair follicles or pores on nostrils. Mostly it is as a result of bacterial imbalances which could be triggered by a number of factors.

When they occur on the nose, pimples could indicate underlying problems in the body system. Those that form near the nose but close to the eyes could indicate poor functioning of the liver. They could also indicate insomnia, stress and restlessness.

Pimples on the tip of the nose could be as a result of a faulty digestive system. This makes the skin to lack important nutrients.

6.      Before Period and During Pregnancy/Sign of Early Pregnancy

Swollen Nose during pregnancy

The total body volume increases during pregnancy. It is very common for you to produce and retain more fluid when you are pregnant, so that could definitely be contributing to the increased swelling in your nose.

The fact that you notice that you are more swollen in the mornings likely has to do with the fact that your head is in a more dependent position as you lie in bed all night. So in the morning, you notice this extra volume in your nose and face. Throughout the day, the fluid works its way down your body due to the effects of gravity as you walk around and sit upright. The swelling should improve after the pregnancy.

A swollen nose can also be a pre-menstrual symptom. This is caused by edema which is swelling caused by excess water retention. This swelling typically lasts through the period of one’s menses and only comes back on the next cycle.

Some women have also presented with a case of a swollen nose during early pregnancy. It is considered in some circles as an early pregnancy symptom. It is advised however, that one takes a pregnancy test as soon as they suspect that they might be pregnant.

7.      Swollen Nose from Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant with potent cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) side effects. Signs of intoxication typically begin with enlarged pupils, a feeling of being “high” (euphoria), agitation, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Chronic cocaine use may cause septic perforation of the nose which makes the nose swell. A septal perforation is a hole formed in the nasal septum due to hardcore drug abuse.

A perforated septum can vary in size and location, and is usually found deep inside the nose. It may be asymptomatic, or cause a variety of signs and symptoms. Small perforations can cause a whistling noise when breathing.

8.      Nasal Bone Fracture

A nasal fracture is caused by a broken nose cartilage or bone.  Symptoms of a broken nose include:

  • Pain in or around your nose
  • A bent or crooked nose
  • A swollen nose or swelling around your nose, which can cause your nose to look bent or crooked even if it’s not broken
  • Bleeding from your nose
  • A stuffy nose that won’t drain, which can mean your nasal passages are blocked
  • Bruising around your nose and eyes, which usually disappears after two or three days
  • A rubbing or grating sound or feeling when you move your nose

9.      Sinus Infection/Swollen Nasal Passages

Sinusitis is an inflammation, thickening, and swelling of the normal tissue called mucosa, which lines all the sinuses. This same type of tissue lines all the passages of your nose as well as the small channels which connect the nose and sinuses.

These channels can become blocked by swollen tissue. The causes of such swelling may relate to allergy, viruses, bacteria, or fungus.

10. Staph Infection

Staph in the nose is caused by a bacterium named Staphylococcus aureus, commonly called Staph. In most individuals, colonization generally does not lead to infection; however, infection and colonization are often confused. Many symptoms caused by Staph in the nose are at sites away from the nose.

The presence of yellow to green mucus in the nasal discharge and throat is an indication of an active immune response. Other symptoms are nasal congestion or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever and pain and swelling of the nasal membranes. With further invasion and inflammation, the sinuses become involved which results in headache, fever, chills, pressure along the sinus cavities.

11. Allergies and swelling inside nose

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is swelling of the inside of your nose. The swelling is a reaction to allergens in the air. An allergen can be anything that causes an allergic reaction. Allergies to weeds, grass, trees, or mold often cause seasonal allergic rhinitis. Indoor dust mites, cockroaches, pet dander, or mold can also cause allergic rhinitis.

12. Inflamed nose due to cold

You can think that the virus that gave you that nasty cold is to blame for the sinus pain and pressure you’re feeling, that causes a swollen nose.  That pesky cold virus attacks the membranes of your nasal passages and your sinuses, making them swell up.

Those irritated nasal passages send mucus production into overdrive, and all that extra mucus is clogging up your normally air-filled sinuses. Instead of draining out, the mucus gets trapped inside your swollen sinuses. That’s when you start to have the sinus pain and pressure that make you so miserable.

13. After jaw surgery

When one undergoes jaw surgery, a swollen face and by extension a swollen nose.  Swelling after going through jaw surgery is a common and normal after effect. Nasal congestion may occur both from the tube(s) placed in the nostrils during surgery and also from surgical procedures involving the upper jaw.

When this occurs, the congestion can be managed by using nasal sprays and cleansing the nostrils. Cotton buds soaked in warm water may be used to remove nasal secretions. The nasal congestion will usually resolve 1 to 2 weeks after surgery.

14. After Nose Job or Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty swelling is common immediately after surgery. he amount of swelling and how long it persists after rhinoplasty depends on several factors such as the surgeon’s technique, open versus closed approach, whether the nasal bones were broken, and the number of prior nasal surgeries.

Patients in whom open rhinoplasty techniques were used, cases in which the nasal bones were broken, and a history of one or more previous nasal surgeries often will have more prolonged swelling.

During the first week, most patients will have moderate swelling . Usually, by the end of the second week, much of the bruising and swelling have subsided to the point that it is not obvious to the casual observer that the patient has had surgery. Tip of the nose swelling is usually the last to resolve.

15. Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that causes a red swollen nose. A rosacea nose has the extra complication that one might end up suffering from rhinophyma. Although rare, rhinophyma is also a much hated symptom of rosacea. While we don’t know for sure how any particular rosacea sufferer’s symptoms will progress, reducing your inflammation and flushing is a good start to winning the battle.

How to Treat Nasal Swellings

How to Treat Nasal Swellings

  • If your nose is congested due to allergies or sinusitis, nasal decongestants, nasal sprays and antihistamines may be helpful. However, when you have taken these for more than 3 days but the symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
  • Use an extra pillow to elevate your head when lying down. This will help drain the mucus and allow you to breathe and sleep more comfortably.
  • Avoid smoking or taking alcohol which may aggravate the symptoms. Avoid inhaling dust, pollen or other irritants that can trigger allergic reactions.
  • For sinusitis corticosteroids drops or sprays can help reduce inflammation. If your symptoms don’t improve despite trying the treatments mentioned above, a type of surgery called functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) may be recommended. This is a procedure to improve the drainage of mucus from your sinuses.

Home Remedies for a Swollen Nose

Home remedies can be used to reduce the inflammation. There are natural remedies against sinusitis. You will find simple easy steps that are safe to use at home for fast relief from the symptoms. Some of the easy procedures that you can do by yourself include:

  1. Steam Inhalation: Often considered the most reliable remedy, it provides a simple and quick solution. All you have to do is boil water and inhale the steam released.

You may also add the following essential oils to the boiled water for faster treatment.

Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus Oil: The benefits of these oils include their antibacterial properties. It has elements that fight any virus and bacteria blocking the nasal passage. To prepare the treatment, you need to add 4 drops of tea tree oil to hot boiled water and use the mixture for steaming on a daily basis. We highly recommend Essential Oil Labs Tea Tree Oil (Check price on Amazon)

  1. Drink extra fluids especially tea and broths.
  2. Rinse your nasal passages with a gentle saline solution using a neti pot, a squeeze bottle or a syringe. Tilt your head sideways as you carefully and slowly squirt or pour the saline into the upper nostril, letting the water course through the passageways and out the other nostril.

Milk Blister on Nipple or Areola Milk Bleb Causes, Treatment when Breastfeeding

A milk blister can be painful and obstruct breastfeeding. What causes milk blebs and clogged milk ducts? Yeast infections, poor latching and breastfeeding techniques, pumping friction, teething and blocked ducts are all causes. Here are pictures and how to treat and get rid of nipple blisters from breastfeeding.

What is a milk blister or a milk bleb on nipple?

A milk blister (also referred to as a milk bleb or a blocked nipple pore) is usually just “milk under your skin.”  It usually appears when a small piece of skin on the areola grows over a milk pore or duct and causes your milk to back up and blister.

The blister is usually painful white, clear or yellow and appears as a dot on your nipple. The bleb only seems to cover one nipple opening or pore. It can be very painful to the touch and while breastfeeding or pumping.

Before you continue reading: Are you interested in relief in milk blisters? If so, we highly recommend checking Organic Moroccan Argan Oil. (Click here to see reviews on Amazon).

Milk blebs from poor latch and friction

A milk bleb is not to be confused with a blister on the nipple caused by friction. This type of blister which may sometimes be a red or brown “blood blister,” can be caused by friction from baby’s improper latch or sucking or from the use of a badly fitting nipple shield or pump.

A white spot on the nipple may also be caused by an obstruction within the milk duct (as opposed to skin covering the milk duct). The obstruction might be a tiny, dry clump of hardened milk or a “string” of fattier, semi-solidified milk.

The first type of milk duct obstruction will often pop out from the pressure of nursing or manual expression, or can be gently scraped from the surface of the milk duct with a fingernail.

The second type can often be manually expressed from the milk duct; reducing saturated fats can help to prevent recurrence of this type of obstruction. Both of these types of milk duct obstruction are associated with recurrent mastitis.

What Causes Milk Blisters?

Milk blebs and blisters are thought to be caused by milk within a milk duct that has been sealed over by the epidermis and has triggered an inflammatory response.

The elementary cause of a blister on areola when nursing may be superfluity of milk, excessive pressure on that area of the breast, or the other usual causes of plugged ducts. Latch, suck, and or tongue problems may contribute to blisters because of friction on the tip of the nipple.

1. Yeast infections and thrush

Is it a milk blister or thrush? Could it be herpes? Thrush (yeast), can also cause milk blisters. Thrush occasionally appears as tiny white spots on the nipple, but can also appear as larger white spots that block one or more milk ducts. If you have more than one blister at the same time, thrush could be the prime cause.

Yeast is often accompanied by a “burning” sensation, and the pain tends to be worse after nursing or pumping (whereas a plugged duct generally feels better after the breast has been emptied).

2. Clogged, plugged or blocked milk duct

When breastfeeding, a blocked milk duct can make nursing very painful. According to Baby Center, plugged or clogged milk ducts are risky as they can lead to mastitis. But what is a blocked milk duct during breastfeeding?

Kelly Mom website describes it as an “an area of the breast where milk flow is obstructed. The nipple pore may be blocked or the obstruction may be further back in the ductal system.”

Incorrect latch and positioning, clogged nipple pore (by dried milk, clogged milk duct, milk composition (too thick and fatty hind milk) are all said to be the leading causes of milk blisters in pregnant and nursing women.

3. Milk blister on areola from pumping

The nipple and areola are the most affected with milk blebs, pimples and blisters. The main reason for these is badly fitted nipple shields or, if you are exclusively pumping, poor use of the pump. According to Livestrong, pumping breast milk usually causes “friction blisters on nipples and usually develops in response to incorrect positioning of the breast pump.”

4. White nipple blister from teething baby

Sore nipples or breast irritation often occurs when breastfeeding a teething baby. It is easy for your nipple to crack or form a blister due to trauma from the baby’s new teeth.

To prevent blebs and white blisters on your nipples, soothe your baby’s gums with a frozen cloth or teething toys. Teething babies are fond of biting their mothers’ nipples because they are trying to relieve the discomfort on their gums.

5. Breastfeeding milk blister

Poor breastfeeding techniques, latch or attachment is likely to cause you to get a blister on the nipple. Other than getting a breastfeeding milk blister, the following symptoms and signs point to poor latching or attachment technique.

  • Restless baby
  • Sore nipples
  • Engorged breasts due to milk being left in the breasts
  • A clicking sound when nursing

Other Symptoms of Milk Blebs and Nipple Blisters

Sometimes, it is possible to get a blister on your nipples and breast area even after weaning (after stopping breastfeeding).

It is easy to confuse it with something else such as herpes bumps. This often occurs within the first month of stopping nursing. In severe cases, see a doctor, especially if you see symptoms such as the following:

  • Blisters and pain in breast
  • Fever that accompanies the lesions
  • If the blister bursts or pops and won’t stop bleeding
  • Pus or discharge (usually yellow or green), similar to that of an infected pore on breast.
  • Itchy breasts with painless lumps around nipples
  • If the blister won’t heal or won’t go away for weeks or months and keeps coming back
  • If the growths are getting bigger
  • If there’s a scab on nipple or a bump that doesn’t hurt

Do Milk Blisters Bleed?

Cracked broken nipples and nipple blisters can cause blood in breast milk. This does not entirely mean that the milk blister bled, it only means that the blister caused the skin on the breast/ areola to crack up, hence the bleeding.

Finding blood in breast milk is nothing to worry about; it’s actually very common, especially in first time breastfeeding moms.

The blood cannot harm your baby since the blood consumed will pass through your baby’s digestive tract, as a bowel movement, therefore, you can continue to breastfeed.

Baby Milk Lip Blister on Gums, Lips

Baby lip blister is a common problem found in the babies, especially those who feed on mother’s milk continuously. Although feeding is something that should not be stopped, however, these blisters should also be kept in check as they may become severe if not attended on time.

Most of the mothers tend to ignore these baby lip blister thinking that they are just another kind of common rash that will go away. Of course most of the blisters formed on the baby’s lips are not severe and tend to go away with time, yet one should not ignore the possibility of it being something more severe than what is being perceived.

Milk Blister Treatment

There are various treatments and home remedies that can be used to get rid of a milk bleb or blister. While in most cases, home care and practices can help heal and remove the lesion, you should see a doctor for proper treatment. Here are the options to consider.


In case of a bacterial infection, your doctor will recommend an antibiotic to help clear the infection. This is common if the blister turned yellow or green. These colors indicate an infection in the nipple. Treatment must be sought to prevent passing the infection to the baby.

Topical antibiotics are only prescribed if you are not breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, your doctor might give oral antibiotics.

Prevent infection by using a double antibiotic ointment. If you think that the blister might be infected, or right after a bleb opens up, use a double antibiotic ointment (that does not contain neomycin, which causes skin irritation in some people) on the affected area.

Use a small amount, just enough to cover the area, and apply after feedings.  The ointment does not need to be washed off before the next feeding, and it is safe for your baby to ingest the very small amount that will remain when he next nurses.

Use essential oil to get rid of a milk blister naturally

A clogged milk duct can also be treated at home with a home remedy using essential oil. Here’s how:

  1. Take a warm or hot shower first.
  2. Massage the breast area as you shower to help unclog the ducts.
  3. Mix your body oil with 1 tablespoon of essential oil.
  4. Massage the nipple are with the oils to soften it.
  5. Allow about 30 minutes and then rinse.
  6. Nurse using the right technique.

Summary: Products that support treating milk blisters at home


Now Lecithin
  • Can prevent blocked ducts
Check price

Liquid Lecithin Fearn Natural Foods
  • Improves the breakdown of fat cells
Check price

Epsom Salt By Sky Organics
  • Epsom-salt soak before breastfeeding helps to open the milk duct opening
Check price

Epsoak Epsom Salt
  • USP grade
Check price

PURA D'OR (4 oz) Organic Moroccan Argan Oil
  • Used to soften the blister skin and to heal the skin after the blister was gone
  • 100% Pure
Check price

Sunflower or soy lecithin cure

Lecithin is known to prevent milk from thickening or becoming sticky. Sticky milk causes clogged ducts and thinning your milk can stop and get rid of a plugged duct. This remedy is recommended if you are prone to blocked ducts when breastfeeding.

If you are using soy lecithin, “The dose is 1 tablespoon, 3-4 times/day; or 1 capsule (1,200 milligrams each), 3 to 4 times/day.” [Pumpstation.com]. Our favourite is Lecithin from NOW Foods (Check price on Amazon)

If you prefer liquid form, Lecithin Fearn by Natural Foods would be a great choice

Suggested treatment for milk blisters usually consists of four steps: apply moist heat prior to nursing, clear the skin from the milk duct, nurse or pump with a hospital-grade pump, then follow up with medication to aid healing. You may need to repeat this for several days (or longer) until the plugged duct opening stays clear.

More comprehensive recommendations include:

  1. Firstly, you should do is take enough rest from breastfeeding. But you should not stop it entirely. If the baby doesn’t take the blister in the mouth then the breastfeeding can be continued. It may provide you relief from the pain.
  1. Application of moist heat to soften the blister prior to nursing. Several times per day, add a saline soak prior to applying the moist heat.

Epsom salt remedy

An Epsom-salt soak before breastfeeding helps to open the milk duct opening and also aids in treating and subsequent healing.

  1. Make a solution of Epsom salt by mixing 2 teaspoons with 1 cup water.
  2. First dissolve Epsom salt in a small amount of very hot water, and then further water is added to cool it down enough to soak in.
  3. Try to add this Epsom-salt soak to your routine at least 4 times per day.
  4. Prior to nursing (and directly after the Epsom-salt soak) place an extremely hot wet compress on the milk blister immediately before nursing or pumping. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  5. A cotton ball soaked with olive oil can be used to soften the skin in lieu of the wet compress.

What products do we reommend?

Other home remedies for clogged milk blisters

  1. Massaging is a good way relieving the pain. You can massage your breasts every day and it will help you in clearing out the milk ducts and will provide you relief.
  2. Loosen the milk stuck in the pore. If the bleb is being caused by milk which is stuck in a nipple pore, you can try applying vinegar to the area with a cotton ball over the nipple held inside your bra. Vinegar dissolves calcium, so it may help to loosen dried milk stuck in a nipple pore.

There also are traditional or natural remedies (home remedies) that are also quite as efficient. These include:

100% pure Argan oil

PURA D'OR (4 oz) Organic Moroccan Argan Oil

Argan oil is great at relieving milk blisters! This Moroccan plant oil is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which is the lifeblood of healthy-looking skin. It is used to soften the blister skin and to heal the skin after the blister was gone. It softens, moisturizes, nourishes and antioxidizes skin.

Argan oil is very well absorbed. But when you apply it to the nipples, don’t forget to wipe it off before nursing.

How to Prevent a Milk Blister

Prevention as they say, is better than cure. It is often better to pre-empt the occurrence of something by providing early solutions than waiting for it to happen then have to not only treat it, but also endure the pains.

To prevent blisters on breast from happening, you need to eliminate all the potential causes (look at the list above). Work on the most common culprits first:

  • Check your baby’s latch and positioning. Alternate positions to achieve different sucking angles.
  • Look for a possible source of nipple injury. Check your sleepwear, bras, and breast pads. Eliminate the source.
  • Clean your breasts after the feeding to remove milk remaining on the nipple. This prevents dried milk from clogging the pores.
  • Do not ignore milk oversupply.
  • Treat breast yeast infection fast.

Milk Blister Pictures

Because these blisters can easily be confused with other skin conditions, we have included a few images below for easy discernment.

This photo shows a breast with a milk bleb.

A white milk blister on areola
White bleb on areola

This picture depicts a newborn baby with milk blebs.

Milk blister on baby lip
Blistered baby lip

Sources and References

  1. KellyMom: How do I know if I have a plugged duct or mastitis?
  2. Baby Center: Clogged milk ducts causes and treatment
  3. Livestrong: How to Heal Blisters on the Breasts From Pumping
  4. Tesco Baby Club: Poor attachment during breastfeeding
  6. Mama Natural: Natural Remedy for a Clogged Milk Duct

Infected Pore on Face, Nose, Face Treatment and Symptoms

What are the infected pore symptoms and treatment? Discover the symptoms of pore infection on face, leg, nose, breast, back and skin with treatments. Learn also, where you can expect an infected pore on your body.

When you have oily skin, you should be prepared for multiple problems. If it is not acne, it is large pores on skin. Enlarged pores if not washed properly could become clogged with dead cells, sebum or oil and other impurities from the air.

When pores are clogged for a long period, bacteria can swarm them therefore leading to an infected skin pore.

You know you have an infected pore when the swelling is bigger on skin than that of acne. Sometimes there may be multiple infections on skin when you pick the pores with the problem.

When you discover you have an infection on your pores, you should avoid picking at it so that you do not spread the infection to the surrounding pores. What are the infected skin pore symptoms and treatment? Find out in a bit.

Infected pore symptoms

An infected pore is simply a clogged pore filled with dead skin cells, dirt from the surrounding environment and sebum from the sebaceous glands. Normally, a pore would clog because it is large in nature.

It is important to learn the causes of large pores and treatment to avoid having enlarged pores. Avoiding to unclog pores through proper skin care causes bacteria to swarm the clogged pores leading to an infection.

Infected pore symptoms include:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Infected bits of skin
  • Pus
  • Pain on the pore
  • Itchiness
  • Pressure in the pore

Infected Pore on Nose

The infected pore is prevalent on the entire face. The nose is one of the most prominent site where you can find infected pores. This is because it tends to have large sebaceous glands, hence large pores.

If a certain pore is left unwashed for a long time, bacterial infection takes place causing an infected skin pore on nose.

You can prevent clogging the nose pores by using makeup primers before application of foundation. These are oil free and block the foundation and other makeup from entering deep into the large pores on nose.

You will often find a teenager with an infected nose pore because of the hormonal changes that take place in adolescence. People who get acne breakouts also tend to have very oily T-zones. As a result, pores that bleed or are infected is not rare on a person with acne prone skin.

Infected Eyelash Pore

The eye makes us see, and is prevented from getting impurities by the eyelashes. Where the lashes grow from are pores. These pores have oil glands and when clogged they get infected.

You can know you have an infected eyelash pore when you have inflammation under or inside the eyelid. Sometimes the inflammation may occur alongside the eyelash rim.

Infected eyelash pore causes one to have a stye and chalazion. The symptoms of a stye are:

  • Inflamed red bump
  • Tearing in the eye, especially when you have an infected eyelash pore
  • You feel there is a particle under the eyelid
  • Crusty pus
  • A hard cyst also known as the chalazion

Infected Pore on Breast

Another type is found on the areola of the breast. Since hair grows in that area, the pores there if not cleaned after sweating or because of too much rubbing with fabric become infected.

An infected pore on breast is also known as folliculitis. This is because it is an infection of the hair follicles on the breast. Infected breast pores may cause you to:

  • Itch around the breast
  • Have a white headed pimple
  • Hurt on the breast

Avoid picking the zits on the breasts as they can easily spread to other sites on the aureola. You must also wear loose clothing that will not rub and tear the infected pore on breast.

Infected Pore on Face

The face is the the most sensitive part when it comes to infected pore on face

The face is the the most sensitive part when it comes to infected pore on face. If you have large pores on the nose, cheeks and chin, you should try to close them. You can close pores naturally at home or using facial products from drugstores. This is because if you keep the large pores open, they will collect all manner of debris that could cause bacterial infection.

An infected face pore is unavoidable because of not only large pores, but also the overproduction of sebum on the skin. An oily face will collect dust and other particles from the environment and when the right face wash for cleansing pores is not used, infection will occur.

Furthermore, if you are fond of touching your face every now and then, you can spread bacteria from your hands to your face.

The hands tend to be very dirty because of the various places they touch and the kind of work they do. Consequently, an infected face pore can occur leaving you with an unsightly zit.

Infected Pore Treatment

When you develop an infected skin pore, avoid picking at the zit. It should clear on its own within a few days. However, if the pore is very painful and has a developed a drainage passage, see a doctor to prick it for you to avoid scarring your skin.

You can expect the following infected pore treatment from the doctor depending on then nature of your infected skin pore:

  • Oral antibiotics
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Incision to drain the contents without scarring

The doctor may further drain the zit without causing scarring on your skin. You can also use these other treatments to get rid of the infection:

  • Warm compress: moisten a wash cloth with water to, which salt has been added. Compress for 20-30 minutes at least four times in a day
  • Buy a furuncle tape if the infected skin pore is unsightly and use it to help the pore drain out.