Do You Suffer from Covid Derangement Syndrome?


What is CDS or Covid-derangement-syndrome, you asked?

In laymen’s terms it’s called delusional psychosis. Women are more prone to it than men, as the nature of being emotional beings. For most women, emotions overcome logic almost every single time.

What is a Covid case? How do you define it?

That’s an easy one: you perform a PCR test.

But, what if the test used to find SARS-CoV-2 has a 96% or higher false positive rate?

There is a lot of scientific data to support that. Of course the technical documentation for every PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 states that influenza A, B, and H1N1, also hepatitis, all interfere with the test and can cause a positive result.

But why follow the stated documentation?

If the false positive rate is as high as 96%, that would mean that 96% of the fatalities may have been from something else.

The symptoms of Covid are nearly identical to hundreds of diseases. Covid has also been falsely attributed to many other conditions. How does a respiratory virus infect your toes? It would be like saying that athletes foot infected your spleen.

Because of the financial incentive of labelling everything as Covid and the high false positive rate, many people were told they had Covid when they really had something else. Many treatable bacterial infections can become fatal if they are not diagnosed.

MRSA infections in hospitals are highly fatal. Strep, bacterial pneumonia, and legionnaire’s all have the exact same infection profile as Covid. How many of those were mistaken as Covid over the last year? How many of those people could have been treated, but weren’t because Covid has no “cure”.

If you think doctors would be able to properly diagnose patients, you don’t know doctors.

Over 260k preventable deaths from medical mistakes a year. There are hundreds of stories of mistaken Covid from families and doctors, all ignored by the media.

Imagine how many deaths would have been attributed to the flu if every person who had it was counted as killed by the bug, if they died of any cause over the next 3-6 months.

Millions upon millions.

So why is Covid counted that way?

Even with the inflated death count “The Greatest Pandemic Ever” has only managed to kill .03% of the world’s population after an entire year.

Restrictions for Fighting Covid Were Unnecessary and Made Things Worse


According to one of the world’s leading epidemiologists, Stanford University’s John Ioannidis respectively, government imposed restrictions for fighting covid were unnecessary and actually made things worse.

“The restrictions adopted to combat the epidemic probably played a beneficial role in the disappearance of respiratory and digestive infections, but had no effect on Covid,” says Fr. Didier Raoult in the weekly video published by the Institut IHU Méditerranée.

The professor came to this conclusion by quoting “the best epidemiologist in the world”, Professor John Ioannidis from Stanford University, “who gave a lecture in which he claimed that social measures are either unnecessary or make things worse”. The lecture of the American professor John Ioannidis can be watched on the Youtube channel of the IHU.

As a result, “all the measures we have taken so far to control Covid are totally ineffective,” concludes Dr. Raoult.

Drawing a parallel to the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a coronavirus that appeared in China in 2002, the infectious disease specialist rejected the idea that the virus was transmitted only through “direct contact, which could have been avoided quite easily. ”.

Professor Raoult cites a Chinese study from 2014, in which researchers conducted a thorough investigation to explain the spread of SARS in 2002, in a hotel in Hong Kong.

The conclusion of this study was that the aerial spread of the largest community outbreak of SARS in 2003 actually extended beyond the hotel where it had been detected and affected residential buildings more than 200 m from the source.

The detection of such long-distance transmissions through the air may explain why “our measures are in reality in vain,” he continues. No means of protection can guarantee a distance of 200 meters, concludes the general manager of IHU Méditerranée Infection.

You Will Not Be Able to Air-Travel Without a Vaccination Certificate


The International Air Carrier Association (IATA) announced the launch of a travel permit in late March, putting in place a digital system for test results and vaccination certificates, which will help facilitate international travel, Reuters reports.

It is essential that governments start issuing digital vaccination certificates to citizens, which will then serve as the basis for the travel permit, IATA said.

According to recent data released by IATA, the number of passengers carried by airlines around the world decreased by 66% in 2020, compared to 2019, an unprecedented evolution due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Imagine a vaccine so safe that you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know that you have it.

Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people, tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.

Italy: Dozens of Teachers Sick After Getting AstraZeneca Vaccine


Dozens of Italian teachers in the Italian town of Treviso fell ill on Monday after being injected with the AstraZeneca vaccine against covid, local press reports

Pupils from two middle schools were sent home an hour earlier than usual due to insufficient teaching staff. At the Duca degli Abruzzi high school, 15 teachers out of the 130 were absent, accusing fever, general malaise and bone pain (flu symptoms basically).

In another primary school, San Domenico Savio respectively, two out of three teachers suffered from similar conditions due to side effects of the vaccine. The Italian press now writes that some schools are forced to close due to lack of teachers, given that “dozens and dozens” of teachers can no longer attend classes.

The Italian daily paper Oggi Treviso reported that 3,000 teachers were injected on Saturday and another 2,500 were scheduled to receive the vaccine before the end of the weekend.

All teachers injected with the coronavirus were under the age of 55 and all received the AstraZeneca vaccine. The vaccination campaign in Treviso is part of a national program that offers free vaccination for Italian teachers aged between 18 and 55.

Late last week, Duchess Elizabeth Hospital in Braunschweig, Germany, suspended its vaccination program with the AstraZeneca vaccine until further notice after 37 of its 88 vaccinated employees reported sick and were unable to work due to side effects similar to those recorded in Treviso.

A Swedish region temporarily suspended vaccinations with the AstraZeneca vaccine in mid-February because several people complained of fever after receiving the vaccine.

Vaccinations with the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine have also been stopped in two locations in Lower Saxony, following complaints from clinic staff about side effects.


Pentagon Alert: Thousands of US Army Soldiers Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine


Thousands of members of the US military service refuse  the COVID-19 vaccine, while their commanders no longer know what to do to convince the troops to get vaccinated, according to CBS News..

Some units claim that only a third of the military agree with the vaccine. Military leaders seeking answers believe they have identified a potential way to persuade them: an imminent deployment of forces.

Air Force Chief of Staff Jeff Taliaferro, deputy director of operations for the General Staff, said that “some data suggest that only two-thirds of the service members who were offered the vaccine accepted.”

This is higher than the rate for the general population, which a recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated at about 50%. But the significant number of forces that no longer want to be vaccinated is particularly worrying, as American troops live, work and fight closely in environments where social distancing and wearing masks are difficult.

“We are still struggling with the messages and how we influence people to opt for the vaccine,” said Brigadier General Edward Bailey. He said that in some units only 30% of the military agreed to be vaccinated, while in other units the percentages varied between 50% and 70%.

The service chiefs campaigned vigorously for the vaccine. They held meetings, wrote messages, distributed scientific data, posted videos, and even posted photos of vaccinated leaders.

The Pentagon says it does not know exactly how many soldiers refuse the vaccine.

Individual military service officials argue that rejection rates vary widely, depending on age, unit, location, service membership. The Food and Drug Administration has allowed the emergency use of the vaccine, which is currently voluntary.

“We still can’t make the vaccine mandatory,” Vice Admiral Andrew Lewis, commander of the Navy’s second fleet, said last week. But Pentagon officials hope that this situation will change soon. “I can tell you that we will probably make vaccination mandatory as soon as possible, just as we do with the flu vaccine,” the vice-admiral said.

A December 2020 survey by Blue Star Families, a nonprofit military advocacy organization, found that 53 percent of U.S. military families do not want to receive COVID-19 experimental vaccines.

Of the 53 percent of military families who said they would not receive the vaccine, nearly three-quarters said they did not trust the development process or the timing of the vaccine’s launch, a publication said. Kathy Roth-Douquet, CEO of Blue Star Families, said: “What we have seen is that military families are expressing concern about the vaccine. We see that people do not trust the vaccine. They have strong concerns about the development process and its timetable, “the quoted source said.

Israel: In 2016, There Were 5,145 Deaths Per Million Residents; In 2020, 5,276


According to official data released recently, the number of deaths per million residents of Israel was 5,145 in 2016; keep in mind that 2016 was “coronavirus free”.

Fast forward to 2020, and that number skyrocketed to 5,276. And yes, before you ask, 2020 was the year of the plague, also known as Sars-Cov2 or Covid-19, depending on whom you ask. Or, maybe Rona for friends.

Are you scared yet?

The Jerusalem Post:

Coronavirus has thus far claimed approximately 2.3 million lives across the world. In Israel last week the number of deaths from the disease passed the 5,000 mark, with most of the victims (87%) aged 65 and older.

The appearance of the virus in Israel was accompanied by vigorous debate in the media and there were those who claimed that it was “a hyped-up flu.” At the same time there were professionals at the Ministry of Health who maintained that it was a dangerous and lethal disease. An evaluation of the data for mortality in Israel nearly a year since the outbreak of the pandemic provides an answer, albeit a partial one, to this puzzle. The mortality data for 2020 indicate that 48.6 thousand people in Israel died during this year. The number of deaths in 2020 is high, as compared to the four preceding years.

However, since the population of the country increased over the course of the year, the mortality rate (the number of deaths in relation to the size of the population) must also be taken into account. In 2020, the mortality rate was 5,300 people for every million residents, as compared to about 5,100 deaths on average for the years 2016-2019 (during which the rate ranged from 5,010 to 5,150). In other words, in 2020, the excess mortality (the number of deaths from all causes as compared to what one would expect to see under normal conditions) was about 1,700 people. Most of the excess mortality is found among older people.

It’s already established that lockdowns kill people. As in, if people are not able to go to the hospital to treat chronic disease, or anything else by that matter, other than the flu (covid), a lot of people will die unnecessarily.

Moreover, deaths of despair/suicides are shooting up all over the world. Hence, the lockdowns alone should increase the number of deaths per million, nevermind covid. However, the tiny increase is totally irrelevant if you come to think about it.

So, where is the “plague” ?

The “coronavirus death toll” is all deaths from the flu and pneumonia, plus deaths from heart attacks and various cancers, sometimes car crashes. The whole thing is actually a hoax. New people are not dying.

But your freedom is dead.

Remember when they said this would end with the vaccine?

Finland Introduces MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP: Mandatory Health Checks, Including COVID-19 tests for Foreigners


The Finnish parliament approved on Friday several  temporary amendments to the Law on Communicable Diseases, allowing mandatory health checks, including a COVID-19 test for people arriving in the country, informs the DPA agency.

“We have more tools to fight the disease,” said Krista Kiuru, Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services.

For example, a health check might be ordered for travelers arriving from a particular country or for employees at a particular job, she said. Failure to do so could result in a fine or even three months in prison.

So far, sanitary checks and tests for COVID-19 have been voluntary. Many people refused to be tested.

A person who has fallen ill or is suspected of having been exposed to a communicable disease will also be required to provide information to health authorities trying to identify the source of the infection. This was previously voluntary.

Other measures would allow local or regional authorities to limit the number of customers in shops, order the temporary closure of gyms and spas or reduce the number of passengers on public transport.

The amendments would enter into force on Monday and take effect by the end of June.

Meanwhile, the Southern Regional State Administrative Agency has announced that public gatherings in the Uusimaa region of the Finnish capital Helsinki will be limited to a maximum of six people from Monday to March 14, citing the deteriorating epidemic situation.

The government has recently extended stricter restrictions on entry into the country amid fears of new coronavirus mutations.

Finland has recorded approximately 52,600 cases of coronavirus and 726 deaths related to COVID-19.