Swollen Lips, Causes and Treatments


While dialing the doctor’s number to inform them about your swollen lips wouldn’t be a bad idea, it may help to analyze the situation first to determine what could be wrong. Maybe it’s something you can rectify at home. Below, we discuss the three leading causes of lip swelling and what you can do.

A Definition

Lip swelling, also known as lip edema, is the enlargement or distention of one or both lips due to inflammation or fluid buildup within the tissues of the lips.

If the swelling is unexplained, it can be a symptom of an underlying health issue. The most common causes are infections, inflammation, trauma, or malignancy.

The swelling can be brief or remain for a long time, depending on the cause. For instance, sunburned lips and chapped lips tend to go away (often naturally) within a few days. However, swelling owing to lip infection may trouble you for an extended period, sometimes for weeks or even months.

Lip swelling may also be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the cause. Common accompanying symptoms include blisters, chapped lips, fatigue, fever and chills, headache, and a runny nose. More severe symptoms may include rashes, itching in the throat, difficulty breathing, and a swollen tongue.

Causes of Swollen Lips

Though blood transfusion and fluid retention during pregnancy can also cause lip swelling, these are considered “other” issues. Typically, lip swelling is caused by three things, i.e., trauma, allergies, and infections.

1. Traumatic causes 

The most common cause of swollen lips is trauma. And, among traumatic causes of swollen lips, injury is at the top of the list. Cuts, bites, lacerations, burns, and blunt-force trauma are the most common injuries.

Another potential cause of lip trauma is repetitive irritation. Environmental irritants such as cold air, high winds, and chronic lip licking can lead to lip inflammation and swelling. Many cosmetic and dermatologic products, including makeup, can also cause trauma.

Surgery of the lips, dental appliances, severe sunburn, and oral surgery are other potential causes of traumatic lip swelling.

2. Allergic reactions

The unexplained lip swelling could also be a result of an allergic reaction. A particularly common situation that may result in lip swelling is eating foods that you’re allergic to. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, about 4% of adults and at least 6% of children have food allergies. The majority are allergic to eggs, nuts, dairy, and shellfish. If you eat food that you’re allergic to, you may experience swollen lips.

Environmental allergies from animal dander, cosmetics, and dust, and pollen may also cause swollen lips. If you experience wheezing, sneezing, nasal congestion, swelling in other body parts, hives, and eczema, in addition to lip swelling, you likely have an environmental allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions may also result from insect bites or stings, such as a bee sting, and medication, such as penicillin drugs.

3. Infectious causes 

The three primary infections that may cause lip swelling are bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Cheilitis (a fungal infection), cellulitis (a bacterial infection), and herpes simplex (a viral infection) are especially common.

Cheilitis is a rare inflammatory condition that causes lump swellings on the lips. It comes in two forms, Cheilitis grandularis and Cheilitis granulomatous. The first one exclusively affects the lips and is more common in men. Both are associated with UV exposure, lip injuries, and smoking.

Meanwhile, cellulitis is caused by staphylococcus bacteria. It can quickly spread to other parts of the body and often requires hospitalization. Herpes simplex, or oral herpes, is a common disease that causes small, painful sores and fever blisters of the mouth. It’s mostly caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2.

Treatment for Swollen Lips

You can attempt to treat swollen lips at home by avoiding foods that may trigger allergic reactions and taking over-the-counter drugs if the swelling has already happened. Applying an ice pack can also reduce swelling after lip injury.

However, it’s important to know when to call the doctor as some lip swellings can be severe. The swelling may also be a sign of an underlying condition. Medical experts recommend calling the doctor if;

  • You have sores in your mouth or the lips
  • You have wounds in the mouth or lips
  • Pus or fluids is coming from the swelling
  • There’s persistent itchiness, scaling, or redness
  • You notice pale or dark discoloration on the lips
  • You think it’s your medications causing the swelling

Key Takeaway

Swollen lips aren’t uncommon, and most of the causes are well known. However, not all lip swellings are the same. Sometimes swollen lips can signal an underlying medical condition, such as organ failure or lip cancer. Therefore, if home remedies don’t seem to work after 2-3 days of trying, you need to see a doctor.


6 Ways to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes


The market is awash with many products that claim to assist in removing puffiness and lightening the region below the eyes. Unfortunately, a good majority provide minimal results, sometimes none.

In this post, you will learn how to remove the under-eye bags forever -using at-home treatments.

Let’s dive right in;

1. Use tea bags

Tea isn’t just for drinking alone. You can use caffeinated tea bags for eye bags and dark circles as well.

The caffeine content has strong antioxidants believed to increase the rate of blood circulation on your skin. Even better, caffeinated teabags protect the eye regions from sun rays, thus slowing the aging process.

You can also use green tea for ant-inflammatory effects by following the steps below:

  • Steep two tea bags for a minimum of 3 minutes.
  • Leave the tea bags in the refrigerator for 20 minutes
  • Squeeze the wet tea bags and apply the liquid beneath the eye.
  • Leave the tea bags on for at least half an hour.

 2. Use a cold compress

Forget about the expensive creams. You can use a simple technique like a cold compressor to get rid of the dark circles under your eyes. 

Your blood vessels constrict as you apply the cold compress to the eye areas. As a result, you enjoy some temporary pain relief while ridding off eye bags.

While you can buy a cold compressor at any retail shop, using materials at your disposal can still work.

Here are a few DIY methods worth trying;

  •  A cold teaspoon
  •  Cool cucumber
  •  Wet cloth
  • Frozen veggies. 

Before you apply the cold compress, wrap it with a soft cloth to protect your skin. Otherwise, applying the cold compress directly can freeze your skin. 

The method provides immediate relief since you need to apply the compress for a few minutes only.

3. Clearing your sinuses using a neti pot

A neti pot can assist you in removing the under-eye bags and dark circles, as many victims testify. 

To create your neti pot, follow the steps below;

  • Step 1: Pour 1/2 teaspoon of salt and one glass of water in a neti pot. Heat the saline solution to dissolve and let the temperature cool before you use it.
  • Step 2: Position your head sideways over the sink. 
  • Step 3: Place the spout of the pot in the upper nostril.
  • Step 4:  Slowly pour the solution into the nostril until it drains.
  • Step 5: Tilt your head in the opposite direction and repeat the same process.

Make sure you use distilled water to create the saline solution if you decide to try this method at home. Alternatively, you can boil tap water and use it when cool.

Neti pots are also available online in case you don’t want to create your own.

4. Stay hydrated

Do you know more than half of your body weight consist of water? Therefore,  lack of enough water in your body may be the reason for under-eye bags. Drinking enough water helps you to rectify such.

The recommended capacity to consume is 13 cups for men and 9 cups for ladies, every day. 

Don’t like watery fluids? It is exciting to let you know all fluids add up to your total daily consumption. Try flavored waters or even water mixed with fruits.

5. Apply retinol cream

You can opt to use cream but be keen on specific ingredients. Retinol creams contain specific compositions making them fit for certain skin problems, including

  • Aging
  •  Some cancers
  •  Acne 
  • Psoriasis.

How about Retinol creams on eye bags? The creams contain ingredients that improve collagen deficiency when you apply. Depending on the doctor`s prescription, you can apply it once a day, 30 minutes after washing your face.

If you are pregnant, avoid retinol creams.  

6. Use lightening products

Do you ever wonder what is unique about lightening products? Hydroquinone (the main ingredient in a skin-lightening cream) alters melanin production, responsible for dark coloring.

The products reduce the appearance of dark bags around the eyes.

Hydroquinone is present in several creams, gels, and lotions purchased over the counter. In case you need high concentration, consult a dermatologist. Otherwise, you`ll need to use the cream consistently for the desired results.

Take note! Hydroquinone can have side effects when misused. Keep your skin away from light while using the cream. Therefore, it is safe to apply the cream at night only.  

When To Consult a Doctor

There are many ways to prevent discoloration under the eyes, but these are just the most effective yet simple treatments.

Now that you have a few tricks you try at home; it’s time to pick your preferred method. Remember to do it repeatedly to get the best results. 

That said, if your symptoms persist or even get worse as time goes on,  see your doctor to get a long-term solution.

What is ALCOHOL really doing to my body?


Alcohol has been highly glamorised in our media: movies, tv, commercials and in wider society: birthday celebrations, ‘rights of passage’/turning 18/21, popping into the pub/bar on the way home from work, de-stressing after a busy day. Regular drinking is ‘sociable’, ‘normal’, ‘acceptable’ and even a desired behaviour in many circles.

You may be aware that in the 1940’s and 1950’s doctors were promoting the brands of cigarettes they smoked and heavily pregnant women were featured in commercials lighting up. We have since learned the tremendous detrimental effects of smoking and it will not be long before the narrative around drinking shifts to a more cautionary one. However, many people have already succumbed to the consuming behaviours of ‘partaking in a glass or two’, enjoying letting their hair down as they become less inhibited.

We consider those who have an addiction ‘unlucky’ or having a faulty gene and there are many well positioned articles telling us how good certain beverages are for us: resveratrol in red wine is heralded as greatly beneficial – which whilst true of the raw grape, is stretching to apply this to the fermented form in wine. A Nutritional Therapist can help you to determine the best sources of essential nutrients.

Alcohol is the common term for ‘ethanol’ which is a toxin, it is also used as a motor fuel added to gasoline. Excessive ingestion results in acute intoxication, with psychological, gastrointestinal, neurological, and motor abnormalities. The affect on our body depends on whether we have an empty stomach or not, as the digestive process can delay the affect of alcohol into the bloodstream. There is an accumulative effect, so deterioration is not evident immediately but will expose itself over time.

So what is alcohol really doing to our body?

To our mind: it inhibits our thinking ability, slows our response times and interferes with our bodily responses;

To our blood pressure: causes the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline into our body leading to raised blood pressure and heavy breathing. High blood pressure is a gateway to a lot of other conditions such as heart attack, aneurysm, dementia, memory loss, etc.  Heavy breathing can lead to snoring, sleep apnea and other ‘anti social’ nocturnal behaviours.

To our heart muscles: increased blood pressure weakens the heart muscles, causing permanent damage, known as cardiomyopathy, which could lead to a heart attack.

To our liver: causes inflammation, leading to the build up of fat accumulated around the liver, eventually hepatitis. Permanent damage to the liver causes nausea, loss of appetite, jaundice, etc.  The liver is an essential detoxification organ and when compromised can seriously impair the body’s ability to remove toxins.

To our nerves: heavy drinkers may suffer from pain in their legs and limbs, which is related to alcoholic neuropathy which could lead to epilepsy or other nerve-related issues.

To our sexual and reproductive health. heavy drinking can lead to erectile dysfunction in men and lowering of their libido. For women, drinking is linked with disturbed period cycles and infertility. Drinking during pregnancy increases the chances of premature delivery.

To our weight: drinking leads to an increase in weight as it stops our body from burning fat, it makes us feel more hungry, and is itself rich in calories that are hard to burn off.

You don’t need to be a regular drinker to experience some of the above symptoms; occasional heavy drinking can lead to acute issues for some people. A Wellbeing Coach can support you in identifying behaviours and the motivation behind them that are harming your health.

Most people start drinking alcohol with an ability to control how much and how frequently they partake. However, one of the most harmful effects of alcohol is dependency as some people develop a tolerance for it and have to drink more in order to get the same effects. This leads to physical and emotional needs for alcohol which can result in life threatening symptoms. A very effective method of identifying and removing the emotional need behind addictions is having an Access Bars energy healing session which can remove the electro magnetic charge that created the addictive need for alcohol in the first place.

Author – Craig Upton

C:\Users\User\Desktop\craig-upton-new-photo.jpgCraig Upton supports UK businesses by increasing sales growth using various revenue streams online. Creating strategic partnerships and keen focus to detail, Craig equips websites with the right tools to increase traffic. Craig is also the CEO of iCONQUER, a UK based company and has been working in the digital marketing arena for over a decade. A trusted SEO consultant and trainer, Craig has worked with British brands such as FT.com, DJKit, UK Property Finance, Serimax and also supported UK doctors, solicitors, builders, jewellers, to mention a few, gain more exposure online. Craig has gained a wealth of knowledge within the digital marketing space and is committed to creating new opportunities working with UK companies.

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chapped Lips Naturally


Chapped lips, a condition medically known as cheilitis, is a common and uncomfortable issue. Although it’s most common in winter, it can also occur in fair weather. It’s characterized by dry, irritated, and peeling lips.

According to Dr. Joshua Ziechner, MD, of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, it happens due to disruption of the outer skin layer and inflammation. This often results in flaky and sometimes red or bloody lips, which can be uncomfortable or even painful.

Typical Causes

Dr. Ziechner says that environmental exposures that lead to irritation are the main cause. Exposures may include saliva and licking your lips. Spicy foods and cold, dry weather can also expose you to chapped lips.

Some people also get chapped lips from common cold and sun damage, while others get it from medications such as cholesterol-lowering agents. Although less common, you may also get chapped lips from allergic reactions.

However, chapped lips may also be a sign of an underlying condition. For instance, many people with thyroid disease and vitamin deficiency have chapped lips. Cheilitis is especially common in people with low thyroid function and those lacking B complex vitamins.

Other medical conditions that may cause chapped lips are;

  • Low zinc levels
  • Low iron levels
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Angular cheilitis

Get Rid of Chapped Lips Naturally

If your favorite lip balm isn’t doing the trick, you can take steps to get rid of chapped lips naturally. Consider the following five remedies;

1. Coconut oil

Carrier oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, and castor oil are natural moisturizers containing healthy fatty acids that hydrate and condition the skin. They also function as lubricants that can make your lips soft and supple. You can combine them with essential oils such as tea tree oil or grapeseed oil to speed up the healing process.

Make a blend by adding 1-2 drops of the essential oil to your carrier oil and apply the mixture to your lips. We recommend applying the blend two or three times daily until the problem goes away. Make sure also to apply it when going to bed.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamin A, and vitamin C – all of which are critical to healthy skin. It also has inflammatory properties, which makes it practical for burns, acne, and dry skin. The enzymes in the plant are critical to get rid of chapped lips naturally. They help exfoliate the skin to make it smoother. It’s also an excellent moisturizer, which makes it even better for dry, chapped lips.

Cut the Aloe Vera leaf sideways and scoop out the gel into a container. Then, apply a little gel to your lips every day before you go to bed.

3. Honey + Vaseline

You’ve likely tried Vaseline before to make your lips softer and suppler. The same Vaseline can also help treat chapped lips. However, for the best outcome, you want to mix it with honey. Honey has natural antibacterial properties and is one of nature’s best healing agents. It’s also an antiseptic, which explains why it’s used to treat acne. We recommend raw honey.

Begin by applying a layer of honey on your lips, then follow up with a layer of Vaseline. Then leave for 15 minutes and wipe with a damp tissue or cloth. Repeat the process once a day until the problem goes away.

4. Cucumber

You might have heard or seen people use cucumber facemasks to improve skin texture. Some also use it as a remedy for skin conditions such as acne. It’s because cucumber, which is 96% water, cools down blood temperature and reduces swelling. It also contains vitamin C and caffeic acid, both antioxidants that help repair the skin.

For chapped lips, you only need a slice of cucumber. Rub the cucumber slice gently on your lips for a minute or two and leave the juice on your lips for about ten minutes. Then rinse or wipe off the juice with a damp cloth. Repeat the process 1-2 times daily.

5. Sugar

Finally, when dead skin cells build up on your lips, it can prevent your lips from getting the moisture they need to stay hydrated and supple. This can cause or worsen cheilitis. Gently exfoliating the lips can help remove the dead tissue. Sugar is one of the best natural exfoliants around. When mixed with honey, it becomes an excellent moisturizing lip scrub.

To make a sugar exfoliant at home, mix one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of honey (coconut oil is another excellent option) in a bowl and apply it gently onto your lips. Then, gently rub your lips in a circular motion for a minute before wiping off the excess scrub. It would be best if you did this at least once daily. Always apply petroleum jelly after the session to preserve moisture.

Other Options

Other home treatments you can get rid of chapped lips naturally, include green tea bags, cocoa butter, vanilla extract, and beeswax.


Can You Drive with One Eye? Limitations and Safety


Monocular vision can be a consequence of a car accident or a health issue such as cataracts, trauma, glaucoma, etc. Or it could be something you were born with.

Whichever the cause, it makes life a little different than living with two eyes. According to Diane Whitaker, OD, chief of the vision rehabilitation service at the Duke Eye Center, it takes more work than people think to adjust to the loss.

“Sometimes people think that having one eye isn’t too different from having both,” she says. “A few people even think that your vision isn’t affected much.”

“However, this isn’t the case, especially for people who lose sight in one eye in adulthood. Studies show that adults who lose sight in one eye experience a substantial decline in their ability to track moving objects accurately, perceive depth, and judge distances.”

She also notes that people with one eye often rely on other senses to gather the information that people with both eyes collect effortlessly.

Driving is just one of the many tasks the person may have to perform differently than people with both eyes, often relying on other senses to assist the single eye.

What Does the Law Say?

People with monocular vision are allowed to drive with one eye in all 50 states of the US and the District of Columbia as long as they have a horizontal field of vision that meets specific criteria set out by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

First off, in nearly all states, the driver’s visual capabilities are assessed upon original licensure. Visual standards for licensing are 20/40 acuity with both eyes and a horizontal temporal field of at least 80 degrees vertically and 110 degrees horizontally from the center.

A re-examination is often needed if you’re referred to the transport department for re-examination. The DMV relies on physicians to inform them when they diagnose a patient with any medical or mental condition that may affect the person’s vision and ability to drive with one eye safely. These conditions often include;

  • Lapse of consciousness
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Cataracts
  • Macular degeneration

Is It Safe to Drive with Vision in Only One Eye?

Once the DMV receives a report from the physician indicating that the person may not be able to drive safely, they can ask for further medical information and, upon confirming the issue, immediately revoke or suspend the individual’s license. The DMV will also immediately notify the affected person of its decision in writing.

Here too, the driver must prove a 20/40 acuity with both eyes and a horizontal temporal field of at least 80 degrees vertically and 110 degrees horizontally from the center. If you have a corrected visual acuity of less than 20/40 in each eye, but at least 20/60 in one eye, then the DMV may refer you for a professional examination.

However, drivers who don’t have at least 20/60 visual acuity in at least one eve cannot be licensed to drive with one eye.

From this explanation, you can see that monocular individuals can still drive without a lot of restrictions as long as the existing eye has a 20/40 visual acuity. However, problems arise if the existing eye has an acuity less than 20/40. If the lone eye has an acuity of less than 20/60, you cannot be licensed to drive.

Precautions at an Individual Level

Besides state and federal laws, it’s also important that monocular individuals take personal steps to ensure their safety on the road.

As we’ve already established, seeing with only one eye limits your visual capabilities significantly. It impacts your horizontal visual field and also diminishes your peripheral vision. This can make it difficult to drive normally.

Experts recommend that you first and foremost ask your doctor weather you can drive with one eye. If the doctor recommends that you avoid driving for some time or quit driving altogether, then heed their call. They’re trying to save your life.

Can You Drive with One Eye?

Aside from the doctor, you may also want to pay your local motor vehicle department a visit for reevaluation. This is important for two reasons. First, a reevaluation will help you know whether the existing eye can allow you to drive safely. Secondly, it could save you from jail or penalties. In states such as Iowa and Missouri, failure to report vision issues for driving clearance constitutes a misdemeanor.

If both your doctor and the local motor vehicle department determine that you can drive on the existing eye, consider the following additional safety precautions;

  • Keep a significant distance from the ca in front
  • Avoid driving in torrential rain or heavy snow
  • Always drive below the speed limit
  • Only drive when you feel alert and well-rested
  • Make blind spot mirrors your best friend

Be Safe Out There

Yes, you can drive with one eye. But that doesn’t mean you’re as good as someone with two eyes. For your safety, practice extra caution and keep out of compromising situations.

5 Mind-blowing Documentaries about Medicine and Health

Covid 19 pandemic, which emerged in 2019, has caused more people to focus on their health. Studies show that the pandemic has led to people questioning the strength of their immune systems and their vulnerabilities to diseases. This has led to more people reevaluating their diets in a bid to improve their health.

The pandemic has also sparked interest in the pharmaceutical industry and attention to hygiene. The good thing is that the growing interest in medicine and health has been timely as now more than ever, there are tons of resources that people can use to learn about medicine and health. Amazon Prime has a wide array of documentaries linked to health, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Amazon Prime shows linked to medicine and health

Even if you don’t have a 4K HDR TV, you can stream Amazon shows and documentaries on your TV. A Firestick VPN is a worthy investment, especially when you want to access all the channels and shows on Amazon. Remember that some content is geo-blocked, and using the firestick VPN can help you bypass this and access whichever shows you want.

Here are mind-blowing Amazon Prime shows linked to medicine and health you can watch from the comfort of your home.

1. The Invisible Vegan

The 1 hour and 24 minutes long show was released in 2019. The show explores dietary issues among the African-American community. The show addresses the unhealthy dietary patterns practiced in the community by showing how vegan diets can support health and wellness.

The show stars Cedric the Entertainer, Jasmine Leyva, and John Salley. It is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how dietary and lifestyle choices can affect their wellness and health.

2. Why Are We Fat?

Why Are We Fat documentary was released in 2018, and it runs for 44 minutes. Globally, there are more people who are obese compared to those who are overweight. The show couldn’t have been released at a better time. The documentary’s primary focus is on the reasons behind obesity.

It showcases evidence on the science behind this health crisis and what can be done to address it. The show is presented by Chef Simon Gault, who also has diabetes. He talks to experts to unfold the problem while in the process of mitigating his own health challenges.

The show is made for people looking to lose weight and are interested in understanding how obesity comes along and how they can maintain a healthy weight.

3. Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine was released in 2016. The documentary shows how the focus has shifted to using food to heal diseases and improve quality of life. The film showcases how, just like pharmacy, food can be used to address most of the health issues that society is facing today.

The show stars Sarah Ballantyne PhD, Terry Wahls MD, and Mickey Trescott NTP. The film is made for people living with chronic illnesses and people with a special interest in diseases. It offers an opportunity for them to learn how these diseases can be cured using food.

4. Cholesterol, The Great Bluff

Cholesterol, The Great Bluff was released in 2018. Contrary to what has been depicted about cholesterol for decades, the film argues that it may not be as bad. High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of heart disease. While that is the case, could cholesterol have any health benefits?

The documentary shows how entrenched interests, bad science, and pharmaceutical profits may inform the link between heart disease and cholesterol.

The show stars Anne Georget and is ideal for persons interested in understanding the correlation between heart disease and cholesterol and enjoying some exposure to ideas on saturated fats.

5. Without a Scalpel

Without a Scalpel was released in 2018. The documentary is about people sharing their life-transforming journeys. It features people’s experiences whose lives were transformed by the crisis but were lucky to be saved by specialized doctors. That is through cutting-edge procedures that didn’t involve scalpels.

One of the episodes features how doctors were able to treat aneurysms through a tiny pinhole in the skin. This way, the patient was saved from a major operation. The show stars Dr. Gregg Alzate, Dr. E. Brooke Spencer, and Dr. Darren Klass.

The show is perfect for people interested in knowing if there are other ways lives could be saved without surgeries.


Medicine and health is a unique area of interest. It affects the quality of life we live, our productivity and also dictates how long we live. The five Amazon Prime shows above offer you a perfect opportunity to learn more about medicine and your health.

Is Dark Mode Better for Your Eyes?


The short answer is – most likely. Although all screen settings will ultimately affect you in one way or another, dark mode carries a few advantages that benefit your vision.

For one, dark mode effectively cuts the glare associated with glare. It also reduces blue light. We’ll discuss how these two factors can affect your sight shortly. Dark mode also increases battery life and may also look cuter in some instances.

Unfortunately, dark mode isn’t without drawbacks. Indeed, for some people, the doctor may advise you to avoid dark mode. Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Dark Mode?

Dark Mode (or dark theme) is a setting on most smartphone devices that displays an inverted color scheme where light-colored text and icons rest on a dark background.

Most mobile devices arrive in a default light mode where dark text and icons are superimposed on a white or light background. Dark mode is the opposite, i.e., light text and icons are superimposed on a dark background.

Since nearly all mobile devices default to light mode, you must change the settings if you wish to switch to dark mode. Once applied, dark mode takes effect for all functions, including mobile applications.

However, not all phones have a dark mode. Therefore, if you can’t find the setting on your phone, it’s possible that it doesn’t exist. Alternatively, it may exist in a different name.

Dark Mode and Blue Light

Whenever health experts mention the eyesight benefits of dark mode, they’re usually talking about the impact of blue light waves emitted from our device screens.

Blue light primarily comes from the sun. It’s what causes the blue sky. They are also what helps our brains to interpret day and night. Since blue light waves are stronger than other colors in the light spectrum, they help the brain tell it’s daylight.

Excess exposure to strong blue light can disrupt the circadian rhythm and suppress melatonin, the hormone tasked with signaling the brain that it’s bedtime.

Promoters of dark mode say that this is especially true in people who use their phones a lot right before bedtime. The standard light mode can make it more difficult to fall asleep as the signal to fall asleep is delayed as the blue light causes the brain to think that it’s still daytime. Dark mode rectified this problem by suppressing blue light. Thus, you get to sleep earlier and even longer.

Scientific studies about dark mode concerning blue light are inconclusive. However, available research findings support the theory that dark mode may affect sleep rhythm. Studies specifically on how the night shift setting on iPhone affects a person’s ability to fall asleep demonstrate that turn down the device’s brightness and simultaneously switching to dark mode can make one fall asleep faster.

These findings are consistent with recommendations from the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). AAO recommends reducing glare and brightness by changing your screen settings in addition to changing the device to dark more or night mode.

Meanwhile, a different study in 2017 shows that playing games on a smartphone right before bed can prolong the time it takes to fall asleep compared to people who use blue light filtering software.

Other Benefits of Dark Mode

Besides blocking blue light, dark mode is also believed to reduce glare and as well as minimize eye strain.

Reduce glare

Glare refers to an irritating level of contrast between the task and the glare source. With respect to phones, it’s the irritating level of contrast between the screen and the surroundings due to excessive light. Studies show that glare can be harmful to your vision. It causes light to scatter inside the eyes and makes it difficult to see sharp images. The loss of contrast is worst in dark conditions.

Switching to dark mode is one of the proven ways to reduce glare. It reduces the light from the screen, thus minimizes the contrast between the screen and the rest of the room.

Minimizes eye strain

Although the jury is still out on whether dark mode truly reduces eye strain, a few things are evident. For instance, there’s no doubt that dark mode reduces eye strain in low-light conditions, such as when using the phone in the dark. It’s also a fact that the standard white background is harder to read and may cause more eye strain.

Therefore, it may be beneficial for your vision to use dark mode in low light conditions or when you don’t plan to read text on the phone for long periods.

Key Takeaway

Dark mode can be beneficial for your vision. Although light mode works better for reading long chunks of text on the phone, dark mode reduces is the better option for night use. It improves sleep quality and reduces eye strain. It also reduces glare.