It is not uncommon to develop a bump in and around your earlobes. However, in some cases, you may develop a painful pimple on the earlobe. This condition denotes a severe underlying issue like an allergic reaction, infections, or hormonal changes. These bumps could be accompanied by other signs such as tenderness, inflammation, and swelling.
You may also notice bumps inside your earlobe that are painless and won’t go away. Here are some of the reasons you may have bumps in your earlobes, why some won’t go away, how to pop them, and the home remedies you should have in mind for you to remedy the situation.
Pimple inside earlobe
You may develop a pimple inside your earlobes. These bumps are often tender, swollen, inflamed, and are without the head. They can be pink, brown, or red and are a clear indication of an underlying health issue. The most common causes of this condition include; stress, hormonal changes, allergic reaction, or an infection deep in the skin tissues.

These bumps may be very painful and cause a lot of discomfort. In most cases, they are painless and could take a long time to heal. If it continues to grow, it may be a sign of a serious condition such as cancer. If it takes a while to clear, it is advisable to seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.
You should avoid picking or popping it since they may scar and increase the chances of being infected. You can, however, apply a hot compress daily to bring the pimple to the head.
What causes pimple on earlobe
Some other conditions will cause bumps on your earlobes and are accompanied by some symptoms like pain and dizziness. These include;
1. Poor hygiene
One of the most common reasons for a pimple on the earlobe is poor hygiene. This involves touching your ears with unwashed hands that can easily transfer oil and bacteria to the skin, which in turn clogs the pores leading to pimples. Poor hygiene also includes unwashed hair, hair care products, scratching ears with nails or other objects- these practices form breeding grounds for bacteria in your body.
- To remedy this situation, you should;
- Ensure that you keep your hands clean
- Wipe your years after showering
- Avoid scratching your ears
- Use the proper hair care products- that don’t irritate your ears
2. Trapping moisture by occlusive clothing or helmets
Use of helmets or clothing that traps moisture around ears- moisture provides a favorable environment for bacterial growth.
3. Weather
Weather can cause the appearance of a pimple on earlobe- this is because excessive sun exposure irritates oil glands in your skin. You, therefore, end up with bumps in your earlobe. This condition is usually widespread in summer since this is when skin secretion increase to a high level. This causes accumulation of dirt that blocks the pores. On the other hand, the bumps might show up in cold weather since this condition causes drying of the skin.
4. Trauma
Trauma includes injured skin. This happens mostly during the piercing process. The broken skin paves the way for the entry of bacteria.
5. Allergic reactions
You could be allergic to some cosmetics, vitamins, or medicines. It is a basic concept that, if you use cosmetic products that are inappropriate to your skin, there will be a reaction leading to the formation of bumps or acne.
6. Earlobe cyst
An earlobe cyst is a round, small, and hard bump that appears in the earlobe or behind the ear. These cysts are caused by the overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous cysts. These glands, located underneath the skin, release the oil called sebum, which lubricates the skin. When they produce excess oil, it collects underneath the skin, forming a cyst.
Earlobe cysts sometimes go away on their own, but if they get infected, they can cause pain and discomfort and require treatment. There are two treatment options, surgical and non-surgical.
In the surgical procedure, the doctor first uses a local anesthetic to numb the area. Non-surgical methods include heating pads or warm water; the heat brings the puss and bacteria closer to the surface of the skin, making it easier to remove the cyst.
Painful pimple on the back of the earlobe
A lump or bump behind earlobe can be harmless, and in most cases, they are not as dangerous or life-threatening. However, if infected, it can signal a serious health problem that requires immediate medical attention. What causes a painful pimple behind earlobe? This painful pimple could be as a result of allergic reactions or infections. The following are some of the conditions that lead to the development of these bumps, along with the highly recommended treatments.
1. Insect bites
A swollen bump at the back of the earlobe can be as a result of a reaction by the body as a result of an insect bite. Some of the insects that can lead to the formation of such bumps include bee stings and wasp bites. The pimples arise as a result of a reaction to the venom from the insect bite.
The body can combat the impact of insect bites on its own. If the swelling persists for more than a week, you should seek medical help for proper medication.
2. Abscess
A zit behind earlobe can be as a result of cells or tissues behind your earlobe getting infected. An effort by your body to fight such infections, it sends numerous white blood cells. As a result of white blood cell accumulation in the damaged location, a painful lump is formed. If infected, it feels warm and hurts when touched
To treat this condition, there are oral antibiotics recommended, such as ceftriaxone, for draining pus.
3. Infections
Many bacterial and viral infections can cause swelling in and around the neck and face; this also includes on the earlobes. Some common infections include;
- Measles
- chickenpox
- strep throat
- infectious mononucleosis
4. Swollen lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are small glands in the neck that filter lymph, the fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system. When they swell, they can lead to small bumps behind the ear that are tender, soft, and painful. These are as a result of health issues such as strep throat, viral sinusitis, bacterial sinusitis, or the common cold.
5. Piercing Bumps
Cartilage piercings get infected sometimes. This condition is characterized by a red bump that may appear on the ear. Bacterial infections on piercings and earrings can cause the formation of ear bumps and cysts. These need serious medical attention since they can cause permanent growth or deformation.
6. Acne
Acne is a pimple on the surface of the skin, including behind the ears. It can be caused by hormonal changes and high levels of staph infections or stress.
7. Dermatitis
Dermatitis is a condition that takes place when waxy dead cells or dry skin builds up and is joined by inflammation and redness. This condition can be a result of stress, yeast infections, fatigue, and neurological conditions.
8. Otitis media
Otis media is a common ear infection caused by a bacterial or viral infection. This infection can cause painful fluid buildup and swelling resulting in visible bumps behind the ear or earlobes.
You may take antibiotics to ease the symptoms and end the infection.
Earlobe pimple won’t go away
Pimple on earlobe may be painful, and in some patients won’t go away. This condition depends on the underlying causes. This is because the earlobe contains glands that are prone to viral and bacterial infections, among other reactions.
If your bump won’t go away for a long time, you must undergo a medical examination. It could be a Lipoma, a cyst, an inflamed lymph node, or a neurofibroma.
1. Lipoma
Lipomas are soft, fatty lumps that grow under the skin. They are harmless and can be left alone if they are small and painless. They are non-cancerous and are caused by an overgrowth of fat cells. Lipomas normally grow deeper inside the body, and they grow very slowly.
2. Earlobe cyst
An earlobe cyst is also known as an epidermoid cyst. They are sac-like lumps made of dead skin cells. They vary slightly from matching your skin pigmentation to red. These occur when epidermis cells that should have been shed get deeper into your skin and multiply. These cells form the walls of the cyst and secrete keratin, which fills the cyst.

They normally don’t need treatment since they are harmless and always benign.
3. Neurofibromatosis
Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissue. These tumors may develop anywhere in your nervous system, including your brain and nerves. This condition is normally diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood. The tumors are usually benign but sometimes could be cancerous.
How to pop a pimple
Pimples and spots in the ear canals are one of the worst and most annoying to get rid of. This is because they are not visible and are generally inflamed. On the other hand, pimples on the surface are much easier to deal with. Earlobes are susceptible parts, and pimples in this area can be very painful, sore, and uncomfortable. Depending on the location of a pimple, and whether or not in reach, you can try to squeeze it out. Here are some of the best ways to pop pimples without worsening the situation.
- You should first apply some pimples cream on the earlobe with a pimple if it is within reach- this is effective mostly for pimples that are as a result of clogging of ear wax, oil or pressure, causing pores to block and cause inflammation.
- Leave it for at least a day while monitoring its progress. Pimple products such as Clearasil will do the trick and can reduce the swelling and inflammation.
- If a pimple doesn’t reduce in size after a day and it is in reach, soak a cloth in warm water and apply it to the area. It helps open pores and makes the skin less vulnerable to damage. You should then grab some gloves, tissue or cotton buds to cover your fingertips and gently squeeze the perimeter of the spot.
- Once you have cleared all contents in a pimple, use a clean cotton bud to remove any remnants and wash the area with cold water to close the skin pores.
How to get rid of a pimple in my earlobe
There are some easy to follow home remedies that can help you eradicate pimples in your earlobes. You should first ensure that you clean the affected area with clean water and pat dry before applying any of these remedies.
1. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help kill the pimple-causing bacteria. It also helps in dealing with a sebaceous cyst, which is one of the causes of a pimple on earlobes. This helps in speeding up the healing process. The following is how to use this remedy to get rid of painful pimple of your earlobe;
- Apply the tea tree oil mixture on the pimple with a cotton ball- this oil provides a protective layer for the earlobe and will help fight against any infection
- You can use dilute tea tree oil- to prepare this solution, use one part of tea tree oil with nine parts of water
- Apply the mixture on the earlobe three times every day
- Repeat this procedure until the pimple clear
We highly recommend Essential Oil Labs Tea Tree Oil (Check price on Amazon)
2. Use Epsom salt
Epsom salt contains magnesium that can be easily absorbed through your skin. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation hence effective for muscle and nerve functioning.
Our favorite is Epsom Salt By Sky Organics (Check price on Amazon)
This remedy, when applied, facilitates the process of pulling out toxins, including the infectious bacteria causing pimple on the earlobe. The following is how you apply Epsom salt;
- Mix one teaspoon of Epsom salt with ½ cup of hot water
- Ensure that the water dissolves completely
- When the mixture cools, use a cotton ball to spread the saline solution on the pimple
- Rinse it off after it dries
- Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a day until the earlobe heals
3. Apply Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera contains antibacterial properties that can help clear up pimples and reduce swelling. It also contains magnesium lactate that helps get rid of excessive oil and dirt from the skin. This helps in faster healing and rebuilding of the damaged tissue. The following is how to apply aloe Vera on the affected earlobe;
- Extract the gel from aloe Vera leaf or buy from local stores
- Apply the get directly to the pimple and leave it for 20 minutes
- Rinse with lukewarm water
- Repeat this twice every day until the pimple clears.
A good choice would be organic cold-pressed Aloe Vera gel (Check price on Amazon)
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains antiseptic properties that can help prevent infection and bacterial growth. It also has a tonic action that promotes blood circulation hence helping in shrinking of pores. This is how you apply apple cider vinegar:
- Soak a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it over the pimple
- Leave it for about a minute then rinse with water
- Repeat this procedure at least three times every day until the condition improves
5. Honey
Honey contains natural antiseptic as well as antimicrobial properties that help in fighting bacteria responsible for painful pimples on your earlobes. It can also be used along with cinnamon to form a strong remedy for the pimple; this is because cinnamon has antimicrobial properties too. The following is how you use honey to remedy this condition;
- You simply use a cotton ball to apply natural raw honey directly to the affected area
- Leave it for about 30 minutes
- Wash the skin with warm water and pat dry
- Repeat this procedure 3 times every day until the pimple clears
6. Warm compress
This is a common and natural way of popping a pimple. This remedy promotes blood circulation, which speeds up the healing process by bringing on the pimple’s head. When the pimple opens, the infectious fluid trapped inside comes out, and the healings begin. The following is how to warm compress:
- Soak a clean washcloth in warm water and squeeze out the excess water
- Fold the washcloth and place it over the affected area
- Leave it for about 15 minutes
- Repeat this 3 to 4 times a day
7. Milk
Milk has alpha hydroxyl acids, which help unclog pores and remove dead skin. The following is how it is applied;
- Soak a cotton ball in milk, and then squeeze it
- Wipe the milk along with the pimple
- Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then wash the area with lukewarm water
- Repeat this 3 to 4 times a day
8. Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea contains wonderful anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The following is how to apply it on your painful pimple;
- Soak a few tea bags in hot water
- Leave the bags in hot water for about a minute
- Use one bag to compress your earlobe, keep it on until it cools and then use another
- Repeat this procedure three times a day- ensure you leave the compress for at least 10 minutes
Check Chamomile tea Reviews on Amazon
9. Baking soda
Baking soda could be mixed with other ingredients available at home to prepare solutions. It can help exfoliate the skin properly since it gets rid of excess oil, skin, and dirt from your skin. The following is how you apply baking soda
- Mix baking soda with lemon juice to form a thick paste
- Apply the paste on the affected area
- Leave the paste for a few minutes to dry
- Wash the earlobe with warm water after it dries
- Repeat this twice a day until the pimple clears
10. Lemon juice
Lemon juice contains citric acid, which is one of the alpha hydroxyl acids. Alpha hydroxyl acids make your skin smooth, firm, and remove dead cells. Lemon juice also acts as a cleanser for removing bacteria and dirt that speed up the healing process. The following is how you apply lemon juice;
- Extract lemon juice from one or two lemons
- Dip a gauze pad in the juice and apply it on the affected area
- Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off
- Repeat this 2 or 3 times a day for around 4 days- the improvements begin to show up
11. Cold compressing
Cold compressing helps soothe pain caused by the pimple on the is also an effective remedy for pimples that are tender, painful, and with excessive inflammation. Applying ice packs constricts the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood supply to that area. Reduced blood supply helps fight off bacteria that cannot survive for long.
The following is how you cold compress;
- Wrap the ice cubes in the cloth to make an ice pack
- Hold the ice pack against the affected area for 10-15 minutes
- Whenever you feel too cold or numbness, remove the pack and apply again after some time.
- Repeat this 2 to 4 times a day- avoid applying the ice for more than 15 minutes since it may damage your skin tissue.
- How to pop a pimple in your ear:
- Causes of lumps behind ears:
- Causes of pimple on earlobe:
- How to get rid of a pimple under the skin:
- Neurofibroma bumps on earlobe: