Scalp Lesions That Won’t Heal – Cancer and Lupus Sign?

HomeBest Hair CareScalp Lesions That Won’t Heal – Cancer and Lupus Sign?

What are the scalp lesions? What causes the sores? How do you get rid of the scalp wounds fast? Here’s more on causes, symptoms, relationship with hair loss, and the treatment options.

What is a lesion?

A lesion is an area of an organ or tissue that has received damage as a result of an injury or a disease like an ulcer, tumor, abscess, and a wound. The lesions can occur anywhere on your body, including the scalp. When it occurs, there is the appearance of small or larger areas pegged to the type of cause. The lesions can occur singly or in clusters.

The occurrence of the blisters can occur in different forms, for example, swellings, blisters, rashes, bumps, cysts, hardenings, discolorations, and sacs that are filled with pus. Apart from that, many other changes may occur on the scalp.


Several causes can bring about lesions on your scalp. The causes range from injury to the scalp, infectious diseases, hair follicle damage, and allergic reactions. There is also a likelihood that chronic causes like diabetes and autoimmune diseases could cause scalp lesions. The breakdown below discusses them one by one:

Scalp lupus

Lupus is a disease in the category of autoimmune diseases in which the immune system of your body attacks the cells of the body and thus destroying them. This, in the long run, leads to swelling of the scalp, pain, and a lot of damage to the several tissues on your scalp.

The causes of lupus are not clearly known, but over time, heredity has played a key role. Viral infections and sunlight are some of the causes that cause this. There are various symptoms, including swelling, rashes, and loss of hair are associated with lupus.

Allergies and irritations on the scalp

Allergy-causing components known as allergens have been linked to lesions on the scalp. The most common allergies that are linked to the lesions on your scalp are food allergies, allergies to medications, and the allergies to contact. There is also a likelihood that the scalp would cause an allergic reaction characterized by irritation.

Infections on your scalp

Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections can give you lesions on your scalp. The viral infections that can cause lesions include chickenpox, shingles, and warts on your scalp. The fungal infections that can lead to lesions include Piedra and tinea capitis. The bacterial infections linked to lesions include impetigo, scarlet fever, folliculitis, and meningitis.

Acne on the scalp

The excessive accumulation of sebum under the skin, which leads to acne, can cause lesions. When the bumps get infected, they result in the formation of lesions. When this occurs, there is a need to treat it immediately to avoid the eventuality of hair loss.

Systemic diseases

Some illnesses, including cancer and diabetes, would cause a change in the texture of the skin and lesions. This would be a result of poor wound healing mechanisms and a lack of proper circulation of blood. The diseases, in the long run, would make the immune system very weak and thus make the body be vulnerable to other infections.

Aging skin of the scalp

As your skin ages, you are likely to undergo some changes depending on the lifestyle that you are living and the diet that you are taking as well as heredity. Similarly, with age, your skin gets dry and very susceptible to any oncoming infections.


This condition is common when the body excessively produces cells. The production of the cells could not easily be determined. This condition leads to crusty, red, flaky, and red patches that form slippery scales on your scalp.

Injury on the scalp

Direct physical trauma or injury to your scalp could bring about changes in the various aspects of your scalp, which include changes in color, pain, and swelling. This would lead to bleeding and, lastly, loss of hair. The specific injuries include:

  • Bites from insects
  • Bruises
  • Cuts
  • Physical burns like sunburn
  • Rough massage on your scalp

Symptoms of scalp lesions

The following are some of the symptoms that can come with the scalp lesions:

  • Loss of hair
  • Production of sweat
  • Nausea and vomiting or nausea without vomiting
  • Pain in the joints and a lot of stiffness
  • Head pains/ headache
  • A lot of itch on the scalp
  • Swelling and red scalp skin
  • A lot of fever and chills
  • A lot of breathing problems

You should see your doctor immediately if you get the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting that is related to lack of appetite
  • Loss of consciousness from time to time
  • Development of rashes on your scalp especially after taking some medication
  • A lot of high fever
  • Changes in vision and pain in your eyes
  • Breathing difficulty and problems

Scalp lesions and hair loss

It is estimated that about 50 to 100 hairs are lost in a day when you have scalp lesions. The hair begins thinning, and in the long run, hair falls off. The loss of hair is known as alopecia in medical terms. The loss of hair could occur with or without inflammation.

When you have lesions, scarring is likely to occur. In this regard, there is inflammation and the formation of bumps. This makes the hair follicles to be very weak and, in the long run, brings about the loss of hair. The loss of hair could be temporary, but there are situations where the loss could be permanent.

Scalp lesions in babies

Scalp lesions are likely to occur just from the early stages of childhood, although it would go all the way to adulthood. The conditions would be mild and, therefore, would not be a cause of alarm, but they would heal without any treatment. You should always follow up on this condition to avoid putting your baby at risk of more severe conditions.

If the lesions on your scalp come with serious symptoms, then you should seek immediate medical attention for a quick response. Trauma on the scalp of your baby could be linked to the lesion, among other causes.

Scalp lesions that won’t heal

When you have cancerous growths on your scalp, you will likely have lesions that would not heal. The growths appear to be in different sizes and shapes that range from the size of a golf ball to the size of a pinhead.

The lesions appear to be very painful and itchy when they occur. The most suspected cancerous growth is likely called the squamous cell carcinoma that appears as thickened and crusty plaques that take a lot of time to heal.


To treat lesions on your scalp, you have to be aware of the causes. The medications could be divided into bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

First and foremost, you could use both oral and topical antibiotics to get rid of the lesions in case of bacteria cause them. This is mainly in the case of folliculitis that brings about the inflammation of the tissues of your scalp.

Apart from that, you could use steroids in the forms of injections known as biologics, which work by suppressing the triggers that bring up the lesions. On the other hand, not doing regular shampoo on your hair could also lessen the chances of you having rashes on your scalp.

What is more, you would use antiseptic shampoos or soap daily. These shampoos are mild and would not cause any irritation to your scalp. If you are not sure, then consult your doctor for the best directions.

Removal using natural remedies

At other times, the treatment of lesions could not stop at the prescribed medications. The use of home remedies would also come in handy to get rid of the lesions. The following are some of the remedies:

Castor oil

This oil would be useful in the treatment of folliculitis, which could lead to lesions. The oil also provides a soothing effect on the pain that comes with this kind of condition. What you have to do is get some drops of the oil and then massage it gently into your scalp. You should carry out this process about three times a day until the inflammation comes down.

A great choice will be 100% Pure Organic Cold-Pressed castor oil by Sky Organics (Check price on Amazon)

Tea tree oil

This oil has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. There is an agreement among various professionals and experts that the oil can eliminate bacteria. All you have to do is apply some of the oil on your scalp and then massage gently. Remember to repeat this process daily till you get better.

We highly recommend Essential Oil Labs Tea Tree Oil (Check price on Amazon)


Garlic has been known to treat various conditions, and lesions are one of them. All you have to do is obtain the juice and use it while fresh. After that, you apply it to the region affected and repeat it several times till you get relief.

Coconut oil

The oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiaging properties. With these properties, it helps to clean up the scalp and make it free of pain. All you have to do is massage the oil onto your scalp several times a day. This maintains the hydration of your skin and thus giving you relief from the symptoms.

Check Majestic Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil for Hair and Skin

Aloe vera

It has powerful antioxidant properties, and thus, it can get rid of the lesion within a very short time. To use it, you will use the gel obtained from the plant. You can also use organic cold-pressed Aloe Vera gel (Check price on Amazon)

The gel also has anti-inflammatory properties and thus useful in lesions. You should use the gel about three times a day to get the best results.


It has a compound called curcumin that has very powerful antioxidant properties, which is vital in dealing with scalp lesions. Further, the compound has very strong anti-inflammatory properties that would help clear out lesions. You should take the turmeric powder then spread it over the bumps of the lesions. Do it until you get relief.


The use of just a handful of neem would be useful. All you have to do is boil some of the neems in about 2 liters of water and then wash your scalp with it many times in a day.


To obtain relief, get a spoonful of the vinegar and then add to about four spoons of water. Soak a clean towel in the solution and then massage on the regions for about 15 to 20 minutes. To get the best results, carry on with the process about three times a day till you get relief.


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