9 Tips And Advice For A Healthier Gut

HomeArticles9 Tips And Advice For A Healthier Gut

Everyone should have good gut health to keep their entire body healthy. Good gut health is when your body has the perfect balance of good and bad yeast bacteria. 80% of your body’s immune system is in your gut. This means that your immune system will weaken or not function if you don’t have a healthy gut. With that, you’ll need to improve your gut health as much as possible.

Having a healthier gut isn’t hard work but instead adapting to a better and healthier lifestyle. This’ll allow you to live healthily and keep yourself out of harm’s way. To help you out, listed below are some tips and advice for a healthier gut:

1. Consume Enough Magnesium

Magnesium helps to regulate nerve and muscle function, make protein, DNA, and bone, and regulate blood sugar and pressure levels. The digestion benefits of magnesium help to create enzymes in your saliva that helps to break down your food into smaller parts, making it easier for your digestive system to process your food. With that, consuming a good amount of magnesium will be great to allow for easier digestion and a healthier gut. You can get magnesium from eating leafy, dark green vegetables, whole grains, dried beans, low-fat milk, and yogurt.

2. Exercise Regularly

One of the things that you could do to ensure that you have a healthier gut is to exercise regularly. Engaging in physical activities can help get your colon moving, leading to regular bowel movements. It can also help increase the blood flow to the muscles responsible for gut contractions which helps in the digestion of food.

3. Eat A Healthy Diet

If you want to achieve a healthier gut, you need to keep in mind that everything starts with what you eat. Ensuring you consume fresh and unprocessed foods allows you to make sure that everything that you’re eating is clean and healthy. Avoid eating processed foods as they harm your digestion.

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4. Get Enough Fiber

Introducing more fiber in your diet can be beneficial, especially since fiber plays a significant part in changing your gut. Eating more fiber can help you maintain a healthier gut as they provide good bacteria that can produce vitamins and short-chain fatty acids. These two can be beneficial as they can help promote weight loss and other health benefits. Fiber isn’t only good for your gut but can also help relieve your constipation and regulate your blood sugar.

5. Stay Hydrated

Ensuring you drink plenty of water allows you to achieve a healthier gut. Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses a day is always a good place to start. Always remember to keep yourself hydrated since water intake can be helpful when it comes to digestion and the lining of your intestines as well. Drinking water also has many benefits, not just for your gut but for your overall health. It can help you have good skin health, and it can also help with your brain function. 

6. Chew Your Food

If you are a fast eater, you may want to slow things down, especially if you are trying to achieve a healthier gut. Thoroughly chewing your food has a positive impact on improving your gut health. Remember that the digestive process starts once the food gets in your mouth. Foods you chew thoroughly can be quickly and properly digested by your body.

7. Eat Smaller

Eating in smaller portions allows your gut to process your food intake much better as they’re not flooded with a big wave of food. You can begin by not scooping a large food for your tablespoon and keeping it at a level. Bite into smaller pieces that allow you to open your mouth comfortably. It’ll also be great if you could save yourself with a smaller amount of food to avoid overworking your gut and allow it to work at its best. This can also help you lose weight and ensure you’re only eating what’s proper and healthy.

8. Take Probiotics

Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut. They can help your digestive system to relieve lactose intolerance, colic, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis. With that, taking a good amount of probiotics every day can help you have a healthier gut. You can get probiotics from Greek yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha. Alternatively, you can take supplements to ensure you get enough probiotics for the day.

9. Avoid Alcohol And Caffeine

Taking alcohol and caffeine can negatively impact your gut as they disrupt your body’s natural digestive process. To keep that from happening, you should avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine. However, if you must have your daily coffee, you might consider switching to decaffeinated coffee. It might not give you the kick you’re looking for, but it tastes what coffee should have. 

Alternatively, if you have alcohol use problems, you can always consult a professional to help you stop if you’re having trouble doing it yourself. While this might be a bit of hard work, it’ll benefit your overall health.


Improving your gut health is important to keep a healthy life and not disrupt your digestive system. Luckily, there are plenty of tips above that are easy to follow. This way, you won’t have much trouble adjusting to a better lifestyle, as those things are something you can incorporate into your daily routine.

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