What Are the Main Causes of Depression?

HomeMental HealthWhat Are the Main Causes of Depression?

Depression has been on the rise lately. It is a complex psychological condition caused by
different factors. Besides, the treatment for depression is not entirely medical but could
involve physiotherapy. While condoning all the causes into a short guide is challenging, this
article will provide an overview of some of the primary factors contributing to depression.

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Top Factors Responsible for Depression

There are different causes of depression. Here are a few factors:

Biological factors

Genetics is a key factor here. Family history plays a significant role. People with a family background of depression are bound to encounter it themselves. Specific genes may also predispose individuals to depression.

Next is neurochemistry. An irregularity in neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine can influence mood regulation and lead to depression.

Brain structure is another biological factor. Brain structure and function changes, such as the hippocampus, can be associated with depression.

Psychological factors

Stress and trauma can lead to depression. Traumatic occasions, like the loss of a friend or family member, abuse, or a significant life change, are triggers of depression. Also, chronic
stress can add to its development. Personality traits also cause depression. For instance,
low self-esteem and perfectionism are associated with a higher risk of depression.

Negative thought patterns can likewise be responsible for depression. Persistent negative
thinking patterns, often called cognitive distortions, can contribute to and perpetuate
depressive symptoms.

Environmental factors

Social isolation can have negative effects. Inadequate social support and feeling lonely can
eventually lead to depression. Financial difficulties, economic hardships, job loss, or poverty can be significant stressors leading to depression. Misuse of substances like drug addiction and alcohol can cause and result from being moody.

Medical factors

Chronic ailments can cause depression. Serious illnesses such as chronic pain, diabetes, or
cancer can prompt depression because of the emotional and physical burden that comes
with them. Also, some medications and certain prescription drugs can have depressive side

Hormonal changes also cause this mental condition. For instance, certain hormonal
fluctuations occur during menopause, pregnancy, and postpartum.

Certain life events

Childhood adversity is powerful. Early experiences of neglect, abuse, or adverse childhood
events can have long-lasting effects and increase susceptibility to depression.
Loss and grief may also contribute to depression. The passing of a friend or family member
or the end of an important relationship can trigger some episodes of depressive moments.
Cognitive factors

Excessive rumination or overthinking about negative experiences can contribute to the
development and persistence of depression. Perceived hopelessness is another contributor.
A pervasive hopelessness about the future can be a core feature of depression.

Gender and cultural factors

According to studies, depression is more common in women than men, conceivably because of hormonal, social, and cultural factors. Cultural expectations and stigma surrounding mental health may affect how individuals experience and seek help for depression.

Lifestyle factors

Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity can impact mood and contribute to depression.
Sleep is another factor. Disrupted sleep patterns, including insomnia, can exacerbate
depressive symptoms.


Moreover, seeking the help of a professional is vital for effective diagnosis and compelling
treatment. If you or somebody you know is battling depression, please contact a mental
health professional for help and support.

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