A cyst on face appears as a small pus-filled or fluid-filled sac or bump. Small sebaceous cysts on face can appear near the eye or on the lip line, mouth corners etc. These can be confused with pimples. Here are pictures, treatments to remove and how to get rid of facial cysts that won’t go away fast.
Small cyst on face pictures
A cyst on face is the sac on the face that is filled with a fluid or semi-fluid material. Cysts usually develop in several places on the body and they arise from variety of tissues in the body. Two of the most common types of the cyst that happen under skin surface are the epidermoid and the pilar cysts. Here are pictures of cysts that can appear on the facial skin.
These cyst on face used to be known as the sebaceous cysts but the term is no longer used, as the origin of the cysts is not from the sebaceous glands of the skin.
Epidermoid and the pilar cysts appears like the small smooth lumps that are under the surface of the skin. They are normally benign (they are non-cancerous) and normally lead to no harm or any problems. If needed, they can be removed much easily by the small operation that is done under the local anesthetic. The main reason why some of the people want them extracted is for the cosmetic reasons, as they might sometimes appear unsightly.
- Cyst on face is normally a noncancerous small bump that is beneath the skin.
- Epidermoid cysts may appear on any part of the skin, but are most common on the face and trunk.
- Slow growing and usually painless, the epidermoid cyst on face rarely lead to problems or require treatment.
But you can choose to have the cyst extracted by a doctor if its unsightly to you or if it’s painful, ruptured or even infected.
However, it may be very hard to tell whether the lump is a cyst or not and if it might require treatment. So, if you have any sort of the lump, it’s best to see the doctor so it may be properly diagnosed.
Some people normally confuse cyst on face with the boils or the skin abscesses. Boils and abscesses are the painful collections of the pus that shows an infection. A cyst can go on to become a boil or an abscess.
- A skin cyst appears like round, a dome-shaped bump that is usually yellow or whitish, often having a small dark plug through which you can be able to squeeze out the pus.
- It might range in size from the smaller than a pea to a few centimeters across, and grows very slowly.
- Skin cysts don’t usually hurt, but can be very tender, sore or even red if they become infected. Another indication of an infection is foul-smelling pus coming out of it.
These cyst on face mostly affect the young and middle-aged adults, and are very common in people who have acne. They don’t run in families.
Some cyst on face form around the hair follicles. These are known as pilar cysts, and it’s typical to find a few of these on the scalp. Unlike epidermoid cysts, pilar cysts strongly run in families. They typically affect middle-aged adults, and women more than men.
A cyst that forms on the eyelid is called a chalazion, or a meibomian cyst.
Causes of cysts on face
What causes cysts on the face? It appears that some of the cells that are usually near the surface of the skin (cells of the epidermis or cells in the hair follicles) get into much deeper parts of the skin but also continue to increase in number. This may happen for several reasons – for instance, following the injury to the skin.
The cells that will multiply then form into a sac and then produce the keratin that they would probably make on the top layer of a skin. The keratin then becomes soggy and thus forms into a toothpaste-like substance.
Sebaceous cyst on face mostly arise from the swollen hair follicles. Skin injury might also lead to a cyst to form. A sac of cells is then created into which the protein known as keratin is secreted. People who have these cysts can have family members who also to have them.
A tendency to form the pilar cysts runs in some of the families. So, there is an established genetic factor in some of the cases. Epidermoid cysts in themselves are not in any way hereditary and mostly will form for no good reason in the healthy people. However, some of the people who have rare syndromes have many epidermoid cysts as one of their features.
Sebaceous cyst on face form out of the sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland then produces the oil known as sebum that coats the hair and skin. Cysts may thus develop if the gland or the duct, the passage where the oil is able to leave, becomes much damaged or even blocked. This normally happens due to a trauma to the area. The result is an infected cyst or an infected pore on face.
The trauma can be a scratch, or a skin condition, such as the acne. Sebaceous cysts grow very slowly, so the trauma may have happened months or even weeks before you notice the cyst.
Some of the cells occurring in the top layer of the skin produce keratin, a protein that normally gives skin its strength as well as flexibility. Normally, the cells move up to the surface of skin as they begin to die out, so that they can be shed.
But sometimes, the cells might move much deeper into the skin and then multiply, thus forming a sac. They then secrete keratin into the middle part of the sac, which then forms a thick, yellow paste. This may ooze out of the cyst if it is to burst.
Anyone is able to develop a cyst on face, but a person is more likely to experience it if he has gone through puberty, you have the history of acne, or maybe you have injured the skin (damaged a hair follicle, for instance).
Skin cysts are not in any way contagious.
There are a number skin conditions that cause lumps and bumps to appear on the surface or even just below the skin and includes the following:
- Skin cysts
- Cherry angioma
- Dermatofibromas
- Epidermoid cysts
Sebaceous cyst on face near eye
The scalp, ears, face, and upper arm are the common sites for sebaceous cysts, though they might happen anywhere on the skin except such places as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. In the males a common place for them to develop is the scrotum and the chest.
They are very common in hairier areas, where in cases of longer duration they may result in hair loss on the skin surface almost immediately above the cyst. They are very smooth to the touch, they vary in size, and generally round in shape.
The nature of the contents of the sebaceous cyst on face, and of the surrounding capsule, can be determined by the question of whether the cyst has ever been infected.
With surgery, the cyst on face might normally be excised in its entirety. Poor surgical technique or even the previous infection that lead to the scarring and the tethering of the cyst to the surrounding tissue can lead to the rupture during the excision and even the removal.
A completely extracted cyst will not recur, even though the patient has a predisposition to cyst formation, further cysts can however develop in the same general area.
Cyst on face won’t pop or won’t go away
Many people don’t get much disgusted by the small skin problems like the blackheads or cystic acne. But normally bring up infected sebaceous cysts, and things might get messy. While the skin breakouts are normally harmless, they’re also not very attractive and they love to linger for months.
- A sebaceous cyst on face usually pop up near the ears, neck, back and face, but don’t mistake it for a pimple.
- Even though it is filled with the sebum, it won’t ever come to a head the way most of the blemishes do. That’s due to the fact that it isn’t a clogged pore.
- Although the sebaceous cysts aren’t a health hazard, they’re very unsightly — and in some other cases, they may become very much tender and painful.
Cyst on face are the abnormal growths enclosed in various tissues of the body and they separate from surrounding tissue. They might be filled using all kinds of the foul things like the dead skin cells and the hardened greasy skin oil but they are usually just as usually filled with the keratin, or innocuous bodily fluids. What distinguishes the cysts from the abscesses is the presence of the pus. A cyst might have pus if infected but is very different from something like an abscess or even a boil.
Sebaceous cyst on face are very common and are brought about by the problems with the sebum-producing glands around the hair follicles covering our bodies. There are a couple of other dermatological cysts that have similar treatments
By through its very nature, a cyst on face will have an inflammation that is deep inside the pore walls, which is the reason why you aren’t seeing any typical head. Trying to lance or even squeeze a pimple like this is going to further irritate it, lead to more swelling, inflammation and even possible infection, and the delay the healing time. Not to mention that you run the risk of even rupturing the wall of your pore, and thus allowing the infection to spread much into surrounding areas underneath the skin.
How to get rid of a cyst on face
Getting the epidermoid cyst removed is very simple. The doctor will numb the skin using local anesthesia, then make a small cut in the surface of the cyst. He then applies strong pressure so as to squeeze out all the contents of the cyst or even uses the scissors that is able to cut around the cyst so as to get rid of the entire sac wall. Be forewarned however that some of the bad smelling pus that is inside the cyst can splatter around as it’s very much draining.
After the doctor is done, he will close the cut with a small stitch or layered closure if the sac wall was completely removed. If any of the cyst wall is in any way left behind, it might grow back again.
However, at home you can apply the below methods to get rid of the cyst on face;
1. Use egg whites to heal acne cysts
Egg whites have a lot of benefits for the skin. Egg whites have riboflavin and this is very effective in ensuring that the skin receives enough protein to assist to get rid of cystic acne.
- Open the egg and then separate the yolk from the egg white.
- Place an egg white on a bowl.
- Place the egg white evenly on the face or any other affected area and then leave it there for about 15 minutes.
- Wash it off using warm water.
2. Honey home remedy for cysts
Honey is all natural and that can be a very great alternative to sugar to sweeten some of the food items. Aside from that fact, honey can also be applied to assist fight the cyst on face. Honey is normally considered to be a very natural antiseptic and may also help exfoliate the skin very well.
- Apply the honey directly on the affected area of the skin.
- Leave the honey and then wait for it to dry in about 20 minutes.
- Rinse using warm water.
3. Aloe Vera to get rid of facial cysts fast
Aloe Vera is known to be a natural home remedy that is able to be used for several things. In this particular case, the Aloe Vera is normally applied to assist get rid of the cyst on face. The main reason why it is very effective is due to the fact that it has some other properties that may assist reduce swelling and the inflammation.
- Aloe Vera leaf is cut in half using a knife.
- The gel is then applied on the affected area. There is no need for rinsing unless you are uncomfortable with it.
- You can also choose to brew the Aloe Vera and then drink it to assist cleanse the insides.
We recommend Aloe Vera Gel from Organic Cold Pressed Aloe (Check the price on Amazon)
4. Baking Soda
It is a very good alternative to the toothpaste, baking soda also has a lot of antiseptic properties that may assist get rid of the cyst on face. Aside from this, baking soda is also used so as to get rid of harmful bacteria that can be found on the skin.
- Using a tablespoon of baking soda, mix it with a little bit of water.
- Add some of the sea salt on the baking soda and the water mixture.
- Place the mixture on the affected skin and then leave on the skin for about one half an hour.
- Rinse off using lukewarm water afterwards.
5. Tea Tree Oil
There are some other people who might feel that use of any type of oil so as to get rid of the cyst on face is much crazy but there are different types of the oil in this world and some are just very good for the skin like the tea tree oil. If you have never tried the tea tree oil before, now is the time that you should do it. This is a remedy that has been applied by our ancestors for a longer period of time so it is already proven to work very perfect.
- Prepare a large cup of water.
- Mix in a tablespoon of oil on the cup of water.
- Place the mixture on the affected area.
- Rinse off after about 15 minutes.
Best Tea tree oils available on the market:
- 100% pure and natural Therapeutic Grade Australian Melaleuca Backed by research (Check the price on Amazon)
- MAJESTIC PURE Tea Tree Oil (Check the price on Amazon)
- Australian Tea Tree Essential Oil – GCMS Tested, 100% Pure and Undiluted (Check the price on Amazon)
6. Potatoes
Potatoes are also known to be very absorbent which implies that they can get the impurities of the skin. Some of the things that can be leading to the cyst on face may be removed easily and successfully by potatoes. Potatoes may also assist to relieve inflammation and redness that is brought about by the cystic acne so immediate comfort can be given out.
- Blend a few pieces of the potatoes until it becomes very pasty.
- Use the paste on the areas affected by cystic acne.
- Leave it on the face for about 10 minutes.
- Do it twice a day for best results.
Facial cysts treatments
Cysts are normally harmless. If they’re very small and not much bothering, they can just be left alone.
You can find it assists to hold a warm flannel against the skin, to encourage the cyst to completely heal and reduce any inflammation.
Cyst on face normally do not cause any pain unless they rupture or become infected or even inflamed. Most of the cysts do not go away on their own without treatment. Some cysts may require to be drained so as to relieve symptoms.
1. Draining pus-filled cysts on the face
That involves piercing of the cyst using a scalpel and then draining it. That doesn’t cure the cyst, however. Some of the inflamed cysts may be treated using an injection of cortisone medication to cause it to shrink. Cysts that do not respond to any other treatments or reoccur may be removed surgically if they lead to troublesome symptoms.
2. Do not pop facial cysts
Don’t be tempted try to pop up the cyst, as if it’s infected, you only risk spreading of the infection and if the sac is left below the skin, it might grow back.
- If you think the cyst is infected, see the doctor as you may require prescription antibiotics.
3. Surgery for ingrown hair cysts on the face
If the cyst on face is bothering, for instance, it’s catching on the clothes or appears unpleasant – it may be removed. The doctor will apply a local anesthetic to numb the skin, make a tiny cut in the skin, and then squeeze the cyst out.
- This procedure can leave a scar.
- Also, the cyst might still grow back later, especially if it was extracted from the scalp or the scrotum.
The doctor may treat a cyst on face by draining it or by surgically removing it. Normally, cysts are completely removed. This is not due to the fact that they are dangerous but rather for cosmetic reasons. Since most of the cysts are not harmful to the health, the doctor will allow you to pick the treatment option that best works for you.
It is very crucial to remember that without the surgical removal, the cyst will come back. The best treatment is to ensure complete removal using surgery. Some of the people do decide against surgery, however, because it can lead to scarring.
The doctor may apply one of the following methods to get rid of the cyst:
- conventional wide excision: completely gets rid of the cyst but can leave a long scar
- minimal excision: leads to the minimal scarring but carries a risk that the cyst will return
- laser with punch biopsy excision: the laser is applied to make a small hole so as to drain cyst contents and the outer walls of the cyst are then removed about a month later
After the cyst on face is completely removed, the doctor may give you an antibiotic ointment so as to prevent infection. You should use it until the healing process is much complete. You can also be given a scar cream so as to reduce the appearance of the surgical scars.
Cyst on face removal
Surgical excision of a sebaceous cyst is a very simple procedure that completely removes the sac and its contents.
There are three general approaches that are applied: traditional wide excision, minimal excision, and punch biopsy excision.
The typical outpatient surgical procedure that is used for the cyst removal is to numb the area around the cyst using a local anesthetic, then to use of a scalpel to open the lesion using either a single cut down the center of the swelling, or even an oval cut on both sides of the center point.
- If the cyst on face is too small, it can then be lanced instead.
- The doctor performing the surgery will squeeze out the keratin surrounding the cyst first.
- He/she will then apply a blunt-headed scissors or even another instrument so as to hold the incision wide open while using the fingers or even forceps to try to get rid of the cyst intact.
If the cyst can be removed in one single piece, the cure rate is usually 100%. If, however, it is fragmented and thus cannot be entirely removed, the operator may apply curettage to remove the remaining fragments that are exposed, then burn them using an electro-cauterization tool, in an effort to destroy them. In such cases the cyst may recur.
In either case, the incision is disinfected and the skin is stitched back together over it. A scar will mostly result. In some other cases where “cure rate” is below 100% then the resulting hole is thus filled using an antiseptic ribbon even after washing it using an iodine based solution. This is then covered using a field dressing.
An infected cyst on face may need oral antibiotics or any other treatment before or after the excision. If the pus has already formed then incision as well as the drainage should be done along with the avulsion of the cyst wall using proper antibiotics coverage. An approach that involves incision, rather than the excision, has also been proposed.
Further references
- 10 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cystic Acne Fast: http://naturalremedyideas.com/cystic-acne/
- Cystic Acne: What Is It and How Do You Treat It?: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/cystic-acne
- Everything You Need to Know To Get Rid of Cystic Acne for Good: http://www.seventeen.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/tips/a31614/cystic-acne/
- Just in Time for Breakfast: All About Sebaceous Cysts: http://www.popsugar.com/beauty/Sebaceous-Cysts-1097572
- Get Rid of a Cyst: http://www.getridofthings.com/health/skin/get-rid-of-a-cyst/
- Epidermoid cysts (sebaceous cysts) :http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sebaceous-cysts/basics/definition/con-20031599
- Cysts, Lumps, Bumps, and Your Skin: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/cysts-lumps-bumps