Puke Smells Like Poop: Understanding Vomit Odor & Treatment Options

HomeConditionsPuke Smells Like Poop: Understanding Vomit Odor & Treatment Options

Ever wondered why puke sometimes smells like poop? It’s a perplexing and somewhat repulsive mystery that many have encountered. In this post, we’ll delve into the surprising reasons behind this unsettling similarity in odors. We’ll explore the science behind vomit and feces, uncovering the unexpected connections between the two. From digestive processes to bacterial activity, we’ll dissect how these bodily excretions can produce such comparable smells.

So, if you’ve ever wrinkled your nose at the familiar scent of both puke and poop, get ready to unravel the enigma with us. It’s a journey through unexpected olfactory parallels that might just leave you astonished. Stay tuned for some eye-opening insights into this peculiar phenomenon.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognize the Signs: Pay attention to the odor of vomit as it can provide clues about underlying health issues.
  • Seek Timely Medical Advice: If vomiting is persistent, accompanied by severe pain, or unusual in color and odor, consult a healthcare professional promptly.
  • Understanding Special Populations: Be aware that infants, elderly individuals, and pets may have unique considerations.
  • Take Preventive Measures: Maintain proper hygiene and food safety practices to minimize the risk of food poisoning and subsequent vomiting.
  • Consider Professional Help for Pets: If your dog is vomiting with foul smells, consult a veterinarian to address any potential health concerns.
  • Stay Informed on Cyclic Vomiting Disorder: Familiarize yourself with the symptoms and treatment options for cyclic vomiting disorder to better understand and manage this condition.

Understanding Vomit Odor

vomit odor

Causes of Foul-Smelling Vomit

Several factors can contribute to its unpleasant odor. Bacterial or viral infections, such as a stomach virus, can lead to vomit that emits a strong and offensive smell. Similarly, gastrointestinal issues like gastritis or gastroenteritis may result in foul-smelling vomit due to the inflammation of the stomach lining or intestines. Consuming spoiled or contaminated food can cause the body to expel vomit with a putrid odor.

Furthermore, conditions such as acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also contribute to foul-smelling vomit because of the regurgitation of stomach contents into the esophagus. Moreover, intestinal blockages are another potential cause of foul-smelling vomit due to the obstruction preventing proper digestion and leading to odorous vomiting episodes.

In some cases, an individual’s diet may also play a role in causing their vomit to have an unpleasant smell. For example, strong-smelling foods like garlic or certain spices might influence the odor of one’s vomit after consumption.

Connection Between Stool and Vomit

The link between stool and vomit is essential in understanding various gastrointestinal illnesses. When both stool and vomit emit similar odors, it could indicate an underlying health issue affecting both the digestive system and excretory functions. Furthermore, if there is blood present in both stool and vomit, this may signify a severe condition requiring immediate medical attention.

Moreover, changes in color or consistency observed in both stool and vomiting episodes could be indicative of specific digestive issues such as malabsorption disorders or bacterial infections affecting multiple parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Understanding these connections between stool characteristics and vomiting incidents is crucial for healthcare professionals when diagnosing certain conditions related to digestion.

Implications of Vomit Color

The coloration exhibited by vomited material provides valuable clues about potential health concerns within the body’s physiological processes. For instance:

  • Yellow or green-colored vomit may suggest bile presence due to potential blockage within the biliary system.
  • Red or black-colored vomiting episodes could indicate bleeding occurring somewhere along the upper digestive tract.
  • White or clear-colored vomiting might signal underlying health issues such as food poisoning from ingesting harmful bacteria.

By recognizing these implications associated with different colors exhibited by expelled stomach contents during vomiting episodes, healthcare providers gain insights into possible underlying causes behind patients’ symptoms.

Common Reasons for Vomiting

Food Poisoning Effects

Food poisoning can lead to vomiting with a foul odor due to bacterial toxins. It often includes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Severe cases may require medical intervention to prevent dehydration. Proper food handling and storage are essential in preventing food poisoning incidents.

Recognizing the effects of food poisoning helps in seeking appropriate treatment. For example, if someone experiences sudden nausea and starts vomiting after consuming a meal from an unhygienic place or contaminated food, it could be indicative of food poisoning. In such cases, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial to manage the condition effectively.

Rotavirus Symptoms

Rotavirus infection commonly causes severe diarrhea and vomiting in infants and young children. Dehydration is a significant concern due to excessive fluid loss from vomiting and diarrhea. Identifying rotavirus symptoms early is crucial for prompt medical attention and management.

Vaccination against rotavirus is available to protect infants from this highly contagious virus. If parents notice their child having frequent watery stools along with bouts of vomiting, especially during the winter months when rotavirus infections are common, consulting a healthcare professional becomes imperative.

Cyclic Vomiting Disorder

Cyclic vomiting disorder involves recurrent episodes of severe vomiting with no apparent cause. Individuals with cyclic vomiting disorder may experience intense nausea during episodes.

Understanding cyclic vomiting disorder aids in providing appropriate support and care for individuals suffering from this condition. For instance, if someone frequently experiences bouts of uncontrollable vomiting without any specific trigger or underlying health issue but feels intense nausea before each episode, it’s important for them to seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and management strategies.

Health Conditions and Vomiting

person going to vomit

Traumatic brain injury can lead to severe vomiting with an unusual odor due to neurological disruptions. Vomiting following a head injury may indicate potential complications requiring medical attention. It’s essential to monitor individuals with brain injuries for changes in vomiting patterns, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness or confusion. Prompt assessment and treatment are crucial when brain injury is associated with atypical vomiting.

Individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury may experience episodes of nausea and vomiting, which can be alarming if the vomit smells like poop. This occurrence could be linked to disruptions in the central nervous system, affecting the normal digestive process and resulting in abnormal odors during regurgitation.

In cases where someone has experienced a head trauma, it’s vital to seek medical attention if they exhibit signs of atypical vomiting, as this could signify underlying issues that require immediate intervention.

Intestinal Obstructions

Intestinal obstructions can result in forceful, projectile vomiting with a fecal odor. Common signs of intestinal obstruction include abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, and inability to pass gas. Surgical intervention is often necessary to address intestinal obstructions causing persistent vomiting.

When discussing conditions related to why puke smells like poop, it’s important to highlight that individuals experiencing severe bouts of vomiting coupled with foul-smelling vomit should consider seeking medical evaluation for possible intestinal obstructions.

Early detection of intestinal obstructions is vital in preventing complications such as tissue damage or infection arising from prolonged blockages within the digestive system.

Paralytic Obstruction Impact

Paralytic obstruction occurs when there is impaired movement within the intestines due to factors such as surgery or certain medications. This condition can lead to significant challenges in proper digestion and bowel movements, potentially resulting in severe dehydration due to persistent nausea and recurrent episodes of foul-smelling vomit.

Understanding paralytic obstruction impact on gastrointestinal function is crucial when exploring reasons behind why puke smells like poop. Individuals experiencing continuous nausea followed by bouts of abnormal smelling vomit should consult healthcare professionals for appropriate assessment and management strategies tailored towards addressing potential paralytic obstructions impacting their digestive health.

Foul-Smelling Diarrhea Concerns

In some instances where individuals experience both foul-smelling diarrhea alongside vomit that smells like poop, it could indicate underlying gastrointestinal conditions requiring medical attention.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Foul-Smelling Diarrhea Concerns

If you notice that your vomit smells like poop and is accompanied by foul-smelling diarrhea, it could indicate a more serious health issue. The combination of these symptoms may be a sign of an underlying gastrointestinal infection or malabsorption problem. In such cases, seeking medical attention is crucial to determine the root cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Foul-smelling diarrhea along with vomiting can be caused by conditions such as gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or even food poisoning. These conditions can lead to dehydration and nutrient deficiencies if left untreated. Therefore, consulting a healthcare professional becomes essential in order to address the issue promptly.

It’s important not to ignore these symptoms as they may indicate a severe illness that requires medical intervention. If you experience persistent foul-smelling diarrhea alongside vomiting, especially if there are additional symptoms like fever or abdominal pain, contacting a physician for guidance is highly recommended.

Vomiting Urgency

When experiencing puke smells like poop, it’s imperative to assess the urgency of seeking medical attention based on certain factors. If the vomiting occurs repeatedly over several hours and is accompanied by an unusual odor resembling feces, it could signify an underlying digestive disorder or infection requiring immediate evaluation by a doctor.

Vomiting frequently with an odor similar to feces might suggest issues such as intestinal obstruction or bacterial infections affecting the digestive system. These situations necessitate prompt medical assessment to prevent potential complications and ensure appropriate management.

Persistent vomiting with foul odors should not be overlooked as it may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, posing significant health risks if not addressed promptly. Therefore, individuals experiencing this symptomatology should seek urgent medical care for thorough examination and necessary interventions.

Stool Odor Evaluation

Assessing stool odor can provide valuable insights into one’s digestive health when dealing with concerns related to vomit smelling like poop. Fecal matter emitting an unusually strong smell resembling vomit could indicate various gastrointestinal issues requiring medical attention for diagnosis and treatment.

Stool odor evaluation plays a critical role in identifying potential problems such as malabsorption disorders, bacterial overgrowth in the intestines, or dietary intolerances contributing to abnormal bowel movements accompanied by vomit-like smell. Consulting healthcare professionals enables proper assessment through diagnostic tests tailored towards determining the specific cause behind these distressing symptoms.

Vomiting in Special Populations

Adult vs Child Symptoms

Adults and children can experience vomiting differently. In adults, vomiting is often caused by food poisoning, infections, or other gastrointestinal issues. They may also vomit due to alcohol consumption or reactions to medication. On the other hand, children commonly vomit as a result of viral infections such as the stomach flu or rotavirus. In some cases, it can be triggered by motion sickness or overeating.

Vomiting in adults is usually accompanied by nausea and abdominal discomfort. They may also experience dehydration if vomiting persists for an extended period of time, leading to symptoms like dry mouth and dizziness. Children tend to show signs of distress when they are about to vomit; this could include crying or excessive salivation.

Parents should monitor their child’s condition closely because dehydration can occur more rapidly in children than in adults.

During pregnancy, women may experience bouts of nausea and vomiting known as morning sickness. This typically occurs during the first trimester but can sometimes last throughout the entire pregnancy period.

Pregnant women experiencing severe and persistent vomiting should consult their healthcare provider as this could be a sign of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a condition characterized by extreme nausea and vomiting that can lead to weight loss and dehydration.

It’s essential for pregnant individuals with HG symptoms not only to seek medical advice but also receive proper treatment promptly since prolonged dehydration from excessive vomiting could potentially harm both the mother and baby.

Influenza Symptoms

Influenza (flu) symptoms often include fever, coughing, sore throat, body aches, fatigue – along with gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and yes…vomiting! The flu virus affects people differently; while some individuals might primarily exhibit respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sneezing others might have more pronounced digestive problems including diarrhea and vomiting.

For instance: A parent might initially mistake their child’s influenza infection for gastroenteritis due largely on account of similar initial symptoms such as fever, vomitting, diahorrea etc which are common between them .However ,a key difference is that Gastroenteritis doesn’t cause respiratory issues unlike influenza does .

Treatment Options for Foul Smells

Managing Rotavirus

Rotavirus is a highly contagious virus that can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting. It often affects infants and young children, leading to foul-smelling vomit. The primary treatment for rotavirus focuses on preventing dehydration by ensuring adequate fluid intake. This can be achieved through oral rehydration solutions containing electrolytes like sodium and potassium. These solutions help replenish the body’s lost fluids and electrolytes due to vomiting.

It’s crucial to continue breastfeeding or formula feeding during this time to maintain proper hydration in infants. For older children and adults, clear liquids such as water, broth, or sports drinks can help replace lost fluids. In some cases where dehydration is severe, intravenous (IV) fluids may be necessary to restore the body’s hydration levels.

Furthermore, maintaining good hygiene practices is essential in managing rotavirus-induced foul smells from vomit. Regular handwashing with soap and water after handling an affected individual or their belongings can prevent the spread of the virus within households or communities.

Addressing Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting with a smell akin to feces. When addressing food poisoning-related foul smells from vomit, it’s crucial to focus on rehydration and rest. Similar to managing rotavirus-induced vomiting, replacing lost fluids due to vomiting becomes paramount in treating food poisoning.

Consuming small amounts of clear liquids at frequent intervals helps prevent further irritation of the stomach while promoting hydration. Clear broths, electrolyte-rich drinks like coconut water or oral rehydration solutions are beneficial choices for replenishing lost fluids and minerals.

Moreover, avoiding solid foods until the vomiting subsides is recommended as it allows the stomach time to recover without additional stress from digestion processes. Once vomiting ceases, reintroducing bland foods like rice, bananas, toast (BRAT diet), boiled potatoes or plain crackers gradually can aid in restoring normal digestive function without exacerbating symptoms.

In addition to focusing on fluid replacement and dietary adjustments when dealing with food poisoning-related odorous vomit smells; practicing good food safety measures becomes imperative in preventing future occurrences of foodborne illnesses causing similar symptoms.

Migraines are debilitating headaches that sometimes accompany nausea and vomiting which might produce puke that smells like poop because bile gets mixed up with vomitus when you haven’t eaten anything recently due migraine induced nausea. When addressing migraine-related odorous puke smells caused by accompanying nausea/vomiting episodes; preventive medications may be prescribed by healthcare providers based on individual patient needs.

Moreover lifestyle changes such as identifying triggers -like certain foods , stress management techniques , regular sleep schedules etc- could also reduce frequency/severity of migraines thus reducing associated smelly puke instances.

Exploring Cyclic Vomiting Disorder

Disorder Effects

Cyclic Vomiting Disorder (CVD) can have a significant impact on an individual’s life. The condition is characterized by recurrent, sudden episodes of severe nausea and vomiting. These episodes can last for hours or even days, leading to dehydration, exhaustion, and disruption of daily activities. The foul smell associated with vomit in CVD often resembles that of feces, causing distress and embarrassment for those experiencing it.

Living with CVD also means dealing with the fear and uncertainty of when the next episode will occur. This unpredictability can lead to anxiety and stress, affecting both mental and emotional well-being. Frequent vomiting can result in nutritional deficiencies due to the body’s inability to retain necessary nutrients.

The impact of CVD extends beyond physical symptoms; it affects social interactions as well. Individuals may feel isolated or stigmatized due to their condition, especially if they experience a vomiting episode in public or social settings. This can lead to feelings of shame and self-consciousness.

Moreover, managing school or work commitments becomes challenging for individuals with CVD due to the unpredictable nature of their symptoms. They may miss out on important events or deadlines because of recurring episodes.

Treatment Approaches

Managing Cyclic Vomiting Disorder involves a comprehensive approach that addresses both acute symptom relief during episodes and long-term prevention strategies.

  • Acute treatment focuses on relieving symptoms such as nausea and vomiting during an episode through medications like anti-nausea drugs.
  • Long-term management includes identifying triggers that contribute to vomiting episodes—common triggers include certain foods, stressors, lack of sleep—and making lifestyle adjustments accordingly.
  • Behavioral therapies such as biofeedback training are also utilized to help patients recognize early signs of an impending episode so they can take preventive measures.

In some cases where trigger identification proves challenging or ineffective at preventing episodes entirely, prophylactic medications might be prescribed for long-term use.

Furthermore, maintaining adequate hydration is crucial in managing CVD since frequent vomiting leads to fluid loss. In severe cases where oral intake is not possible during an episode due to persistent vomiting, intravenous fluids become necessary for rehydration.

By shedding light on the effects experienced by individuals living with Cyclic Vomiting Disorder (CVD) along with effective treatment approaches aimed at alleviating its symptoms, we gain insight into this complex medical condition.

Understanding Mechanical Obstructions

Mechanical vs Paralytic

They occur when there’s a physical blockage in the digestive system, such as from a tumor or an intestinal hernia. On the other hand, paralytic obstructions are caused by a lack of movement in the intestines due to nerve or muscle problems. Mechanical obstructions can lead to vomiting that smells like poop because the blockage prevents food and waste from moving through the intestines properly.

Mechanical obstructions are often more urgent than paralytic ones. They require immediate medical attention because they can cause serious complications if left untreated. In contrast, paralytic obstructions may resolve on their own with supportive care and monitoring.

In cases of mechanical obstruction, surgery might be necessary to remove the blockage and restore normal bowel function. This contrasts with paralytic obstruction where treatment focuses on addressing underlying causes such as infections or electrolyte imbalances.

Symptoms Recognition

Recognizing symptoms of mechanical obstruction is crucial for prompt treatment. Common signs include intense abdominal pain, inability to pass gas or stool, bloating, constipation, and vomiting that smells like feces due to prolonged stasis of contents in the intestine leading to bacterial overgrowth.

If you suspect someone has a mechanical obstruction based on these symptoms, seek emergency medical help immediately as delays could result in severe complications like tissue death within the blocked area (intestinal ischemia) which can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly.

In contrast, recognizing symptoms of paralytic obstruction involves identifying signs such as mild abdominal discomfort rather than severe pain seen in mechanical obstruction cases. Other indications include decreased bowel sounds upon auscultation by healthcare providers and less pronounced distension compared to mechanical issues.

Addressing Vomit in Dogs

Canine Symptoms

When your dog’s vomit smells like poop, it can be an indicator of various health issues. Vomiting with a foul odor may suggest gastrointestinal problems such as intestinal blockage, infections, or dietary indiscretion. If the vomit contains fecal matter or appears to have a brownish tinge, it might indicate that there is indeed stool present in the vomitus.

Dog owners should also look out for other symptoms accompanying the smelly vomit. These could include lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea with blood or mucus, abdominal pain manifested through whining or restlessness, and dehydration. If any of these symptoms are observed along with the unpleasant-smelling vomit, it is crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly.

It’s important to note that while occasional vomiting might not necessarily be cause for alarm (for example after eating grass), persistent episodes accompanied by a foul smell warrant immediate attention from a veterinarian.

Possible Solutions

Upon noticing that your dog’s puke smells like poop and observing concerning associated symptoms, seeking professional help is paramount. A veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause of the issue. Diagnostic tests such as blood work and imaging may be necessary to identify any potential obstructions or infections causing the problem.

Treatment will depend on the diagnosis made by the vet. For instance:

  • In cases where an intestinal blockage is identified as the culprit behind both vomiting and fecal odor in regurgitated material, surgical intervention might be required.
  • If an infection is diagnosed through laboratory tests following physical examination findings indicating inflammation or tenderness in certain areas of your pet’s abdomen, antibiotics would likely form part of treatment.
  • Dietary changes might also be recommended based on findings during consultation with your vet.

In addition to medical intervention from professionals:

  1. It’s essential for pet owners to ensure their dogs do not have access to items they shouldn’t ingest – this includes keeping household chemicals out reach.
  2. Regularly monitoring what they consume can prevent instances where dogs eat something harmful without supervision.
  3. Ensuring proper waste disposal practices can minimize exposure to bacteria and parasites which could lead them ingesting something harmful inadvertently.

Differentiating Vomit Colors

Color Meanings

The color can provide valuable insights into a person’s or pet’s health. Understanding the different colors of vomit can help in identifying potential health issues and seeking appropriate medical attention.

Yellow: Yellow vomit may indicate that bile is present. Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, which helps in breaking down fats in the small intestine. If a dog’s puke smells like poop and has a yellowish tinge, it could be due to bile reflux or an empty stomach.

Green: Green vomit might be a cause for concern as it could signify that there is bile mixed with mucus, often seen when vomiting on an empty stomach. In some cases, green vomit may also result from ingesting something toxic or consuming large amounts of grass.

Red: Red-colored vomit typically suggests bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It could stem from various conditions such as gastritis, ulcers, or even ingestion of blood (hematemesis). If your dog’s puke smells like poop and has red streaks, seek veterinary care immediately.

Health Indicators

The color of vomit serves as an essential indicator of underlying health issues both in humans and dogs alike. For instance:

  • A yellowish tinge might signal liver problems.
  • A green hue could indicate intestinal issues such as an obstruction.
  • Red streaks point towards potential internal bleeding requiring urgent medical attention.

It’s crucial to monitor any changes in your pet’s vomiting habits along with associated colors and odors since these symptoms can offer vital clues about their well-being.

Recognizing Food Poisoning

Causes of Vomit Smell

Food poisoning can lead to a situation where puke smells like poop. This smell often occurs due to the presence of certain bacteria in the digestive system. When food is contaminated with harmful bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella, it can cause severe stomach upset and result in vomiting that emits an unpleasant odor resembling feces.

The human body’s natural response to expelling harmful substances is through vomiting, which helps remove the toxins from the system. However, when these toxins are particularly potent or if there is a large amount of them present, it can lead to a foul-smelling vomit that resembles poop.

In some cases, food poisoning may also cause diarrhea along with vomiting. This combination further contributes to the vomit smelling like poop, as both processes involve expelling waste from the body and can result in similar odors.

Preventative Measures

To prevent encountering situations where puke smells like poop, it’s crucial to prioritize food safety and hygiene practices. Properly storing, handling, and cooking food can significantly reduce the risk of contamination by harmful bacteria.

When preparing meals at home or consuming outside foods, ensure that all meats are cooked thoroughly at their recommended temperatures to kill any potential pathogens present. Practicing good hand hygiene before handling food and after using the restroom can help minimize bacterial transfer.

Refrigerating perishable items promptly and ensuring they are not kept beyond their expiration dates plays a vital role in preventing bacterial growth that could lead to foodborne illnesses causing foul-smelling vomit.

Moreover, being mindful of cross-contamination between raw meats and other foods during meal preparation is essential for reducing the risk of exposure to harmful bacteria responsible for inducing symptoms such as foul-smelling vomit associated with food poisoning.

Closing Thoughts

You’ve now gained a deeper understanding of why puke smells like poop, delving into the various reasons behind vomit odors and the potential health implications associated with them. Whether it’s recognizing food poisoning or addressing vomit in dogs, you’ve explored a range of topics related to vomiting and foul smells. Remember, always prioritize seeking medical attention if you’re unsure or if the symptoms persist. Your health is essential, so don’t hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals for guidance and support.

Now that you’re equipped with this knowledge, take proactive steps to address any concerns you may have regarding vomiting and its associated odors. Stay informed, listen to your body, and don’t hesitate to take action when necessary. Your well-being is worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does vomit sometimes smell like poop?

When vomit smells like poop, it could indicate various factors such as bacterial overgrowth in the stomach or an obstruction in the intestines. The presence of bile and other digestive fluids can also contribute to this odor. Seeking medical advice is crucial for proper diagnosis.

What are common reasons for vomiting that results in foul smells?

Vomiting with a foul odor may be caused by gastrointestinal infections, food poisoning, or even certain medications. Conditions such as acid reflux and gastritis can lead to unpleasant-smelling vomit. Identifying the underlying cause through medical evaluation is essential for appropriate treatment.

When should I seek medical attention if my vomit smells unusual?

If you experience persistent vomiting with a strange odor resembling feces or notice blood in your vomit, it’s vital to seek immediate medical attention. These symptoms could be indicative of serious health issues such as intestinal blockages or internal bleeding that require prompt evaluation and treatment.

How do I address foul-smelling vomit in dogs?

Foul-smelling vomit in dogs may stem from dietary indiscretion, gastrointestinal infections, or more severe conditions like pancreatitis. It’s important to monitor your pet’s overall well-being and behavior while consulting with a veterinarian promptly to determine the root cause and necessary intervention for their condition.

Can differentiating colors of vomit provide insight into its causes?

Yes, observing the color of vomited material can offer clues about potential causes. For instance, greenish-yellow hues might suggest bile involvement while red-tinged vomiting could signal blood presence. Understanding these visual indicators can assist healthcare providers in diagnosing underlying issues accurately.


Related links & resources

  1. “Fecal vomiting” on Wikipedia: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the medical condition known as fecal vomiting, including causes and related symptoms. Read the Wikipedia article
  2. https://www.americanjournalofsurgery.com/article/0002-9610(56)90175-1/fulltext
  3. Feculent vomiting (Concept Id: C3874311)

  4. Fecal Impaction: A Cause for Concern? – PMC

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