New to Nursing? Here are Five Tips to be successful

HomeArticlesNew to Nursing? Here are Five Tips to be successful

Although nursing is highly rewarding, you cannot take it lightly. It is also one of the most challenging professions in healthcare. The aim here isn’t to scare you but to get you acquainted with what being a nurse is about.

Working as a nurse is mentally and physically challenging, but seeing a patient recover is worth the long shifts and hard work. Moreover, if you are fond of helping people, a career in nursing is a perfect fit for you.

At the same time, if you want to be more involved in the healthcare industry without being a doctor or a nurse, consider working with health insurance companies or contributing your efforts to nursing research.

Experienced nurses usually venture into research or mentorship as they progress. You can do the same if you want to grow in your career if working as a nurse is too much for you to handle.

Despite the grueling hours and challenges, what sets nursing apart is that you work in various settings. Moreover, there are several career advancement opportunities from chief nursing officer to clinical nurse leader.

To apply for higher positions in nursing, the first step would be to acquire experience and higher education. We suggest enrolling in an online MSN FNP degree if you cannot attend a physical university. Online education allows you to manage time better and attend lectures, creating more opportunities to work at your pace.

With that said, here are five more tips to help new nurses succeed.

Maintain professionalism

One of the critical aspects of becoming a qualified nurse is keeping your personal and professional life separate. Maintaining professionalism as a nurse is essential because it improves team communication, promotes accountability among staff members, and ensures that patients receive quality care.

A dedicated nurse is someone who thrives on personal growth as well as professional development. Maintaining a professional work environment decreases the likelihood of medical errors, reduces nursing turnover, and promotes productivity.

There are a few to exhibit professionalism in the field. Advocating for patients is an example. It not only involves upholding their rights but also valuing their feelings. You must always put your patient’s needs first, especially when acting in the patient’s best interest.

Always maintain a positive attitude despite challenges because patients rely on you for care and emotional support.

Take your time

As a nurse, you are expected to learn everything on your first day on the job. However, it is important to note that you are human and will find your way with time. That said, with various responsibilities weighing on your shoulder, take as much time as you need to complete your tasks.

Though seniors might push you to wrap things up quickly, you must never rush your work. It is particularly important when dealing with patients, coordinating their treatment and plan of care.

A qualified nurse understands the importance of using time effectively and ensures that all essential processes are managed efficiently.

Enhance your organizational skills

What sets exceptional nurses apart is their ability to juggle multiple tasks without compromising the quality of work or wasting time.

Though many might not consider organizational skills essential, they are critical to excel in your duties. Nurses with solid organizational skills are more productive, make better decisions and manage workload efficiently.

As a new nurse, you can enhance your organizational skills in several ways. Arrive 30 minutes early to work, allowing you to gather insights on patients and the work dynamics. To ensure your day goes smoothly, prioritize tasks in the order they must be completed.

Gather all the supplies you require to do your work. Doing so saves time and makes you more efficient and organized.

Focus on self-care

One of the biggest rewards you can give yourself after a day of hard work is practicing self-care. It might be uncommon, but you must ensure your well-being to stay on your feet and excel at what you do. After all, the long shifts and hard work are wasted if your health deteriorates.

Besides helping you perform better, self-care reduces the likelihood of burnout, a common incidence among nurses. Spending time with family or friends, trying new hobbies, or traveling once every two months ensures physical and psychological well-being.

As a new nurse, you must incorporate self-care into your daily routine despite the workload.

Seek guidance from a mentor

As a new nurse, there is plenty of stuff to learn to turn you into a qualified healthcare professional. Learning things alone might take up most of your time, so it is better to seek guidance from a mentor.

Find a mentor whose skills and expertise you admire. You can request them to mentor you or gain their feedback on your performance and set up meetings with them as you make progress. Besides offering guidance, a mentor can help you grow professionally and personally.

A mentor helps struggling nurses find their way out of their problems. A day on the job might be overwhelming for beginners, and they need someone to listen during those times. A mentor in that regard can be an emotional anchor keeping them afloat.

Since mentors have years of experience, they can help novice nurses steer their careers in the right direction. Besides helping with career direction, mentors are also a great networking source.

Chances are you are likely to get in touch with the right people in the healthcare industry that open doors to various employment opportunities, thanks to your mentor’s network.


Undoubtedly, nurses are the backbone of the healthcare industry, from ensuring patient care to handling paperwork.

A nurse faces multiple challenges making them question their choice, but the patient’s faith in their abilities and recovery makes the hard work worthwhile.

If you are a beginner who dreams of becoming a successful nurse, you must do a few key things. These include maintaining professionalism, seeking guidance from mentors, and improving organizational skills.

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