Swollen Nose on Tip, Inside, Causes and Treatment, Remedies


A swollen nose is a very disturbing symptom that can mean different things for various people. Some may experience redness and extreme pain on one side of the nose, while others feel that their noses are clogged and need to blow them all the time.

Sometimes the pain in the nose radiates to the cheek or the eye on the same side, and others may even feel a lymph node in the neck area. Other symptoms that may be associated with a swollen nose are headaches, toothaches and pain in the face.

Before you continue reading: Are you interested in home remedies for swollen nose tip? If so, we highly recommend checking Essential Labs Tea Tree Oil. (Click here to see reviews on Amazon).

Other times, the swelling may be caused by nasal polyps which are painless growths inside the nasal passages that might cause a runny nose. Many times one may be oblivious to the fact that they have such growths in their nasal passages, and the situation may remain the same unless the polyps grow big enough to cause a blockage in the nose.

Causes of a Swollen Nose

What causes a swollen tip, inside or bridge of the nose? Injuries, piercings, nasal infections and trauma from trying to squeeze blackheads or pimples can all cause your nose to swell up.

1.      Swollen nose after a piercing

A nose piercing, just like other piercings, is a wound on the body and just like all wounds, they have to be well treated in order to get healed fast and without causing further damage to the body. You should monitor the healing of a nose piercing in order to ensure that the swelling and wound does not get infected.

Some of the symptoms of an infected nose piercing (that would cause a swollen nose) include:

Discharge from the site where the piercing was made.

You might have yellowish or greenish discharge that might have a foul smell. This pus-like discharge commonly caused by bacterial infection on your piercing site. You will notice the discharge when the jewelry moves or around your jewelry.  If you have a white discharge, it indicates your infection is minor

Swelling, tenderness, redness and soreness around the piercing sites

Swelling, bruising and redness are the other common symptoms you might have in case of an infected piercing. It is normal to have some redness, tenderness, bruising and a swollen piercing immediately and for the first few days after a new piercing.

Sometimes, swelling, redness and tenderness might be accompanied by hot feeling i.e. the piercing site will feel hot to touch.

If the swelling and tenderness does not disappear in a few days then it might be prudent to seek medical care.


The other sign of an infected piercing might include cold chills, nausea feeling and fever. This is a likelihood of a more serious infection especially the bacteria or pathogens have become systematic (infected your blood). You need to see your doctor immediately for further treatment since ignoring it could cause a more serious life threatening infections.

2.      Alcohol

Alcohol induces vasodilation and facial flushing in people who have rosacea. However, alcohol is not the cause of the skin disease in most people.

Although the classic ‘drinker’s nose’ (rhinophyma) was thought to be related to excess alcohol consumption, it has never been proven. In a case-control study of 175 people with rosacea and 145 people with normal skin, there was no significant difference in alcohol consumption between the two groups.

3.      Nose swelling after Injury

One can also suffer a swollen nose after injury caused by a fall, getting hit during a contact sport and also after getting punched by someone. This might get one a broken nose whose symptoms include:

  • pain in or around your nose;
  • a bent or crooked nose;
  • A swollen nose or swelling around your nose, which can cause your nose to look bent or crooked even if it’s not broken.

4.      Inflamed nose after squeezing blackheads

Blackheads are also known as open comedones, they are a plugged follicle that reaches the skin’s surface and ruptures. The plug’s dark appearance is not just from dirt and toxins, but contains a buildup of melanin (the skin’s dark pigment) and oil, which darkens as it oxidizes.

Improper squeezing of blackheads can cause inflammation. Many people have the habit of squeezing the blackheads on their face with their fingernails. This type of behavior can be dangerous, as it may cause redness around the nose, soreness, tenderness and scarring.

5.      Swollen pimple on nose

These pimples can either be inside or on the surface of the nose. It is usually as a result of folliculitis which is caused by infection of hair follicles or pores on nostrils. Mostly it is as a result of bacterial imbalances which could be triggered by a number of factors.

When they occur on the nose, pimples could indicate underlying problems in the body system. Those that form near the nose but close to the eyes could indicate poor functioning of the liver. They could also indicate insomnia, stress and restlessness.

Pimples on the tip of the nose could be as a result of a faulty digestive system. This makes the skin to lack important nutrients.

6.      Before Period and During Pregnancy/Sign of Early Pregnancy

Swollen Nose during pregnancy

The total body volume increases during pregnancy. It is very common for you to produce and retain more fluid when you are pregnant, so that could definitely be contributing to the increased swelling in your nose.

The fact that you notice that you are more swollen in the mornings likely has to do with the fact that your head is in a more dependent position as you lie in bed all night. So in the morning, you notice this extra volume in your nose and face. Throughout the day, the fluid works its way down your body due to the effects of gravity as you walk around and sit upright. The swelling should improve after the pregnancy.

A swollen nose can also be a pre-menstrual symptom. This is caused by edema which is swelling caused by excess water retention. This swelling typically lasts through the period of one’s menses and only comes back on the next cycle.

Some women have also presented with a case of a swollen nose during early pregnancy. It is considered in some circles as an early pregnancy symptom. It is advised however, that one takes a pregnancy test as soon as they suspect that they might be pregnant.

7.      Swollen Nose from Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant with potent cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) side effects. Signs of intoxication typically begin with enlarged pupils, a feeling of being “high” (euphoria), agitation, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Chronic cocaine use may cause septic perforation of the nose which makes the nose swell. A septal perforation is a hole formed in the nasal septum due to hardcore drug abuse.

A perforated septum can vary in size and location, and is usually found deep inside the nose. It may be asymptomatic, or cause a variety of signs and symptoms. Small perforations can cause a whistling noise when breathing.

8.      Nasal Bone Fracture

A nasal fracture is caused by a broken nose cartilage or bone.  Symptoms of a broken nose include:

  • Pain in or around your nose
  • A bent or crooked nose
  • A swollen nose or swelling around your nose, which can cause your nose to look bent or crooked even if it’s not broken
  • Bleeding from your nose
  • A stuffy nose that won’t drain, which can mean your nasal passages are blocked
  • Bruising around your nose and eyes, which usually disappears after two or three days
  • A rubbing or grating sound or feeling when you move your nose

9.      Sinus Infection/Swollen Nasal Passages

Sinusitis is an inflammation, thickening, and swelling of the normal tissue called mucosa, which lines all the sinuses. This same type of tissue lines all the passages of your nose as well as the small channels which connect the nose and sinuses.

These channels can become blocked by swollen tissue. The causes of such swelling may relate to allergy, viruses, bacteria, or fungus.

10. Staph Infection

Staph in the nose is caused by a bacterium named Staphylococcus aureus, commonly called Staph. In most individuals, colonization generally does not lead to infection; however, infection and colonization are often confused. Many symptoms caused by Staph in the nose are at sites away from the nose.

The presence of yellow to green mucus in the nasal discharge and throat is an indication of an active immune response. Other symptoms are nasal congestion or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, fever and pain and swelling of the nasal membranes. With further invasion and inflammation, the sinuses become involved which results in headache, fever, chills, pressure along the sinus cavities.

11. Allergies and swelling inside nose

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is swelling of the inside of your nose. The swelling is a reaction to allergens in the air. An allergen can be anything that causes an allergic reaction. Allergies to weeds, grass, trees, or mold often cause seasonal allergic rhinitis. Indoor dust mites, cockroaches, pet dander, or mold can also cause allergic rhinitis.

12. Inflamed nose due to cold

You can think that the virus that gave you that nasty cold is to blame for the sinus pain and pressure you’re feeling, that causes a swollen nose.  That pesky cold virus attacks the membranes of your nasal passages and your sinuses, making them swell up.

Those irritated nasal passages send mucus production into overdrive, and all that extra mucus is clogging up your normally air-filled sinuses. Instead of draining out, the mucus gets trapped inside your swollen sinuses. That’s when you start to have the sinus pain and pressure that make you so miserable.

13. After jaw surgery

When one undergoes jaw surgery, a swollen face and by extension a swollen nose.  Swelling after going through jaw surgery is a common and normal after effect. Nasal congestion may occur both from the tube(s) placed in the nostrils during surgery and also from surgical procedures involving the upper jaw.

When this occurs, the congestion can be managed by using nasal sprays and cleansing the nostrils. Cotton buds soaked in warm water may be used to remove nasal secretions. The nasal congestion will usually resolve 1 to 2 weeks after surgery.

14. After Nose Job or Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty swelling is common immediately after surgery. he amount of swelling and how long it persists after rhinoplasty depends on several factors such as the surgeon’s technique, open versus closed approach, whether the nasal bones were broken, and the number of prior nasal surgeries.

Patients in whom open rhinoplasty techniques were used, cases in which the nasal bones were broken, and a history of one or more previous nasal surgeries often will have more prolonged swelling.

During the first week, most patients will have moderate swelling . Usually, by the end of the second week, much of the bruising and swelling have subsided to the point that it is not obvious to the casual observer that the patient has had surgery. Tip of the nose swelling is usually the last to resolve.

15. Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that causes a red swollen nose. A rosacea nose has the extra complication that one might end up suffering from rhinophyma. Although rare, rhinophyma is also a much hated symptom of rosacea. While we don’t know for sure how any particular rosacea sufferer’s symptoms will progress, reducing your inflammation and flushing is a good start to winning the battle.

How to Treat Nasal Swellings

How to Treat Nasal Swellings

  • If your nose is congested due to allergies or sinusitis, nasal decongestants, nasal sprays and antihistamines may be helpful. However, when you have taken these for more than 3 days but the symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
  • Use an extra pillow to elevate your head when lying down. This will help drain the mucus and allow you to breathe and sleep more comfortably.
  • Avoid smoking or taking alcohol which may aggravate the symptoms. Avoid inhaling dust, pollen or other irritants that can trigger allergic reactions.
  • For sinusitis corticosteroids drops or sprays can help reduce inflammation. If your symptoms don’t improve despite trying the treatments mentioned above, a type of surgery called functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) may be recommended. This is a procedure to improve the drainage of mucus from your sinuses.

Home Remedies for a Swollen Nose

Home remedies can be used to reduce the inflammation. There are natural remedies against sinusitis. You will find simple easy steps that are safe to use at home for fast relief from the symptoms. Some of the easy procedures that you can do by yourself include:

  1. Steam Inhalation: Often considered the most reliable remedy, it provides a simple and quick solution. All you have to do is boil water and inhale the steam released.

You may also add the following essential oils to the boiled water for faster treatment.

Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus Oil: The benefits of these oils include their antibacterial properties. It has elements that fight any virus and bacteria blocking the nasal passage. To prepare the treatment, you need to add 4 drops of tea tree oil to hot boiled water and use the mixture for steaming on a daily basis. We highly recommend Essential Oil Labs Tea Tree Oil (Check price on Amazon)

  1. Drink extra fluids especially tea and broths.
  2. Rinse your nasal passages with a gentle saline solution using a neti pot, a squeeze bottle or a syringe. Tilt your head sideways as you carefully and slowly squirt or pour the saline into the upper nostril, letting the water course through the passageways and out the other nostril.

Milk Blister on Nipple or Areola Milk Bleb Causes, Treatment when Breastfeeding

A milk blister can be painful and obstruct breastfeeding. What causes milk blebs and clogged milk ducts? Yeast infections, poor latching and breastfeeding techniques, pumping friction, teething and blocked ducts are all causes. Here are pictures and how to treat and get rid of nipple blisters from breastfeeding.

What is a milk blister or a milk bleb on nipple?

A milk blister (also referred to as a milk bleb or a blocked nipple pore) is usually just “milk under your skin.”  It usually appears when a small piece of skin on the areola grows over a milk pore or duct and causes your milk to back up and blister.

The blister is usually painful white, clear or yellow and appears as a dot on your nipple. The bleb only seems to cover one nipple opening or pore. It can be very painful to the touch and while breastfeeding or pumping.

Before you continue reading: Are you interested in relief in milk blisters? If so, we highly recommend checking Organic Moroccan Argan Oil. (Click here to see reviews on Amazon).

Milk blebs from poor latch and friction

A milk bleb is not to be confused with a blister on the nipple caused by friction. This type of blister which may sometimes be a red or brown “blood blister,” can be caused by friction from baby’s improper latch or sucking or from the use of a badly fitting nipple shield or pump.

A white spot on the nipple may also be caused by an obstruction within the milk duct (as opposed to skin covering the milk duct). The obstruction might be a tiny, dry clump of hardened milk or a “string” of fattier, semi-solidified milk.

The first type of milk duct obstruction will often pop out from the pressure of nursing or manual expression, or can be gently scraped from the surface of the milk duct with a fingernail.

The second type can often be manually expressed from the milk duct; reducing saturated fats can help to prevent recurrence of this type of obstruction. Both of these types of milk duct obstruction are associated with recurrent mastitis.

What Causes Milk Blisters?

Milk blebs and blisters are thought to be caused by milk within a milk duct that has been sealed over by the epidermis and has triggered an inflammatory response.

The elementary cause of a blister on areola when nursing may be superfluity of milk, excessive pressure on that area of the breast, or the other usual causes of plugged ducts. Latch, suck, and or tongue problems may contribute to blisters because of friction on the tip of the nipple.

1. Yeast infections and thrush

Is it a milk blister or thrush? Could it be herpes? Thrush (yeast), can also cause milk blisters. Thrush occasionally appears as tiny white spots on the nipple, but can also appear as larger white spots that block one or more milk ducts. If you have more than one blister at the same time, thrush could be the prime cause.

Yeast is often accompanied by a “burning” sensation, and the pain tends to be worse after nursing or pumping (whereas a plugged duct generally feels better after the breast has been emptied).

2. Clogged, plugged or blocked milk duct

When breastfeeding, a blocked milk duct can make nursing very painful. According to Baby Center, plugged or clogged milk ducts are risky as they can lead to mastitis. But what is a blocked milk duct during breastfeeding?

Kelly Mom website describes it as an “an area of the breast where milk flow is obstructed. The nipple pore may be blocked or the obstruction may be further back in the ductal system.”

Incorrect latch and positioning, clogged nipple pore (by dried milk, clogged milk duct, milk composition (too thick and fatty hind milk) are all said to be the leading causes of milk blisters in pregnant and nursing women.

3. Milk blister on areola from pumping

The nipple and areola are the most affected with milk blebs, pimples and blisters. The main reason for these is badly fitted nipple shields or, if you are exclusively pumping, poor use of the pump. According to Livestrong, pumping breast milk usually causes “friction blisters on nipples and usually develops in response to incorrect positioning of the breast pump.”

4. White nipple blister from teething baby

Sore nipples or breast irritation often occurs when breastfeeding a teething baby. It is easy for your nipple to crack or form a blister due to trauma from the baby’s new teeth.

To prevent blebs and white blisters on your nipples, soothe your baby’s gums with a frozen cloth or teething toys. Teething babies are fond of biting their mothers’ nipples because they are trying to relieve the discomfort on their gums.

5. Breastfeeding milk blister

Poor breastfeeding techniques, latch or attachment is likely to cause you to get a blister on the nipple. Other than getting a breastfeeding milk blister, the following symptoms and signs point to poor latching or attachment technique.

  • Restless baby
  • Sore nipples
  • Engorged breasts due to milk being left in the breasts
  • A clicking sound when nursing

Other Symptoms of Milk Blebs and Nipple Blisters

Sometimes, it is possible to get a blister on your nipples and breast area even after weaning (after stopping breastfeeding).

It is easy to confuse it with something else such as herpes bumps. This often occurs within the first month of stopping nursing. In severe cases, see a doctor, especially if you see symptoms such as the following:

  • Blisters and pain in breast
  • Fever that accompanies the lesions
  • If the blister bursts or pops and won’t stop bleeding
  • Pus or discharge (usually yellow or green), similar to that of an infected pore on breast.
  • Itchy breasts with painless lumps around nipples
  • If the blister won’t heal or won’t go away for weeks or months and keeps coming back
  • If the growths are getting bigger
  • If there’s a scab on nipple or a bump that doesn’t hurt

Do Milk Blisters Bleed?

Cracked broken nipples and nipple blisters can cause blood in breast milk. This does not entirely mean that the milk blister bled, it only means that the blister caused the skin on the breast/ areola to crack up, hence the bleeding.

Finding blood in breast milk is nothing to worry about; it’s actually very common, especially in first time breastfeeding moms.

The blood cannot harm your baby since the blood consumed will pass through your baby’s digestive tract, as a bowel movement, therefore, you can continue to breastfeed.

Baby Milk Lip Blister on Gums, Lips

Baby lip blister is a common problem found in the babies, especially those who feed on mother’s milk continuously. Although feeding is something that should not be stopped, however, these blisters should also be kept in check as they may become severe if not attended on time.

Most of the mothers tend to ignore these baby lip blister thinking that they are just another kind of common rash that will go away. Of course most of the blisters formed on the baby’s lips are not severe and tend to go away with time, yet one should not ignore the possibility of it being something more severe than what is being perceived.

Milk Blister Treatment

There are various treatments and home remedies that can be used to get rid of a milk bleb or blister. While in most cases, home care and practices can help heal and remove the lesion, you should see a doctor for proper treatment. Here are the options to consider.


In case of a bacterial infection, your doctor will recommend an antibiotic to help clear the infection. This is common if the blister turned yellow or green. These colors indicate an infection in the nipple. Treatment must be sought to prevent passing the infection to the baby.

Topical antibiotics are only prescribed if you are not breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, your doctor might give oral antibiotics.

Prevent infection by using a double antibiotic ointment. If you think that the blister might be infected, or right after a bleb opens up, use a double antibiotic ointment (that does not contain neomycin, which causes skin irritation in some people) on the affected area.

Use a small amount, just enough to cover the area, and apply after feedings.  The ointment does not need to be washed off before the next feeding, and it is safe for your baby to ingest the very small amount that will remain when he next nurses.

Use essential oil to get rid of a milk blister naturally

A clogged milk duct can also be treated at home with a home remedy using essential oil. Here’s how:

  1. Take a warm or hot shower first.
  2. Massage the breast area as you shower to help unclog the ducts.
  3. Mix your body oil with 1 tablespoon of essential oil.
  4. Massage the nipple are with the oils to soften it.
  5. Allow about 30 minutes and then rinse.
  6. Nurse using the right technique.

Summary: Products that support treating milk blisters at home


Now Lecithin
  • Can prevent blocked ducts
Check price

Liquid Lecithin Fearn Natural Foods
  • Improves the breakdown of fat cells
Check price

Epsom Salt By Sky Organics
  • Epsom-salt soak before breastfeeding helps to open the milk duct opening
Check price

Epsoak Epsom Salt
  • USP grade
Check price

PURA D'OR (4 oz) Organic Moroccan Argan Oil
  • Used to soften the blister skin and to heal the skin after the blister was gone
  • 100% Pure
Check price

Sunflower or soy lecithin cure

Lecithin is known to prevent milk from thickening or becoming sticky. Sticky milk causes clogged ducts and thinning your milk can stop and get rid of a plugged duct. This remedy is recommended if you are prone to blocked ducts when breastfeeding.

If you are using soy lecithin, “The dose is 1 tablespoon, 3-4 times/day; or 1 capsule (1,200 milligrams each), 3 to 4 times/day.” [Pumpstation.com]. Our favourite is Lecithin from NOW Foods (Check price on Amazon)

If you prefer liquid form, Lecithin Fearn by Natural Foods would be a great choice

Suggested treatment for milk blisters usually consists of four steps: apply moist heat prior to nursing, clear the skin from the milk duct, nurse or pump with a hospital-grade pump, then follow up with medication to aid healing. You may need to repeat this for several days (or longer) until the plugged duct opening stays clear.

More comprehensive recommendations include:

  1. Firstly, you should do is take enough rest from breastfeeding. But you should not stop it entirely. If the baby doesn’t take the blister in the mouth then the breastfeeding can be continued. It may provide you relief from the pain.
  1. Application of moist heat to soften the blister prior to nursing. Several times per day, add a saline soak prior to applying the moist heat.

Epsom salt remedy

An Epsom-salt soak before breastfeeding helps to open the milk duct opening and also aids in treating and subsequent healing.

  1. Make a solution of Epsom salt by mixing 2 teaspoons with 1 cup water.
  2. First dissolve Epsom salt in a small amount of very hot water, and then further water is added to cool it down enough to soak in.
  3. Try to add this Epsom-salt soak to your routine at least 4 times per day.
  4. Prior to nursing (and directly after the Epsom-salt soak) place an extremely hot wet compress on the milk blister immediately before nursing or pumping. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  5. A cotton ball soaked with olive oil can be used to soften the skin in lieu of the wet compress.

What products do we reommend?

Other home remedies for clogged milk blisters

  1. Massaging is a good way relieving the pain. You can massage your breasts every day and it will help you in clearing out the milk ducts and will provide you relief.
  2. Loosen the milk stuck in the pore. If the bleb is being caused by milk which is stuck in a nipple pore, you can try applying vinegar to the area with a cotton ball over the nipple held inside your bra. Vinegar dissolves calcium, so it may help to loosen dried milk stuck in a nipple pore.

There also are traditional or natural remedies (home remedies) that are also quite as efficient. These include:

100% pure Argan oil

PURA D'OR (4 oz) Organic Moroccan Argan Oil

Argan oil is great at relieving milk blisters! This Moroccan plant oil is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which is the lifeblood of healthy-looking skin. It is used to soften the blister skin and to heal the skin after the blister was gone. It softens, moisturizes, nourishes and antioxidizes skin.

Argan oil is very well absorbed. But when you apply it to the nipples, don’t forget to wipe it off before nursing.

How to Prevent a Milk Blister

Prevention as they say, is better than cure. It is often better to pre-empt the occurrence of something by providing early solutions than waiting for it to happen then have to not only treat it, but also endure the pains.

To prevent blisters on breast from happening, you need to eliminate all the potential causes (look at the list above). Work on the most common culprits first:

  • Check your baby’s latch and positioning. Alternate positions to achieve different sucking angles.
  • Look for a possible source of nipple injury. Check your sleepwear, bras, and breast pads. Eliminate the source.
  • Clean your breasts after the feeding to remove milk remaining on the nipple. This prevents dried milk from clogging the pores.
  • Do not ignore milk oversupply.
  • Treat breast yeast infection fast.

Milk Blister Pictures

Because these blisters can easily be confused with other skin conditions, we have included a few images below for easy discernment.

This photo shows a breast with a milk bleb.

A white milk blister on areola
White bleb on areola

This picture depicts a newborn baby with milk blebs.

Milk blister on baby lip
Blistered baby lip

Sources and References

  1. KellyMom: How do I know if I have a plugged duct or mastitis?
  2. Baby Center: Clogged milk ducts causes and treatment
  3. Livestrong: How to Heal Blisters on the Breasts From Pumping
  4. Tesco Baby Club: Poor attachment during breastfeeding
  6. Mama Natural: Natural Remedy for a Clogged Milk Duct

Infected Pore on Face, Nose, Face Treatment and Symptoms

What are the infected pore symptoms and treatment? Discover the symptoms of pore infection on face, leg, nose, breast, back and skin with treatments. Learn also, where you can expect an infected pore on your body.

When you have oily skin, you should be prepared for multiple problems. If it is not acne, it is large pores on skin. Enlarged pores if not washed properly could become clogged with dead cells, sebum or oil and other impurities from the air.

When pores are clogged for a long period, bacteria can swarm them therefore leading to an infected skin pore.

You know you have an infected pore when the swelling is bigger on skin than that of acne. Sometimes there may be multiple infections on skin when you pick the pores with the problem.

When you discover you have an infection on your pores, you should avoid picking at it so that you do not spread the infection to the surrounding pores. What are the infected skin pore symptoms and treatment? Find out in a bit.

Infected pore symptoms

An infected pore is simply a clogged pore filled with dead skin cells, dirt from the surrounding environment and sebum from the sebaceous glands. Normally, a pore would clog because it is large in nature.

It is important to learn the causes of large pores and treatment to avoid having enlarged pores. Avoiding to unclog pores through proper skin care causes bacteria to swarm the clogged pores leading to an infection.

Infected pore symptoms include:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Infected bits of skin
  • Pus
  • Pain on the pore
  • Itchiness
  • Pressure in the pore

Infected Pore on Nose

The infected pore is prevalent on the entire face. The nose is one of the most prominent site where you can find infected pores. This is because it tends to have large sebaceous glands, hence large pores.

If a certain pore is left unwashed for a long time, bacterial infection takes place causing an infected skin pore on nose.

You can prevent clogging the nose pores by using makeup primers before application of foundation. These are oil free and block the foundation and other makeup from entering deep into the large pores on nose.

You will often find a teenager with an infected nose pore because of the hormonal changes that take place in adolescence. People who get acne breakouts also tend to have very oily T-zones. As a result, pores that bleed or are infected is not rare on a person with acne prone skin.

Infected Eyelash Pore

The eye makes us see, and is prevented from getting impurities by the eyelashes. Where the lashes grow from are pores. These pores have oil glands and when clogged they get infected.

You can know you have an infected eyelash pore when you have inflammation under or inside the eyelid. Sometimes the inflammation may occur alongside the eyelash rim.

Infected eyelash pore causes one to have a stye and chalazion. The symptoms of a stye are:

  • Inflamed red bump
  • Tearing in the eye, especially when you have an infected eyelash pore
  • You feel there is a particle under the eyelid
  • Crusty pus
  • A hard cyst also known as the chalazion

Infected Pore on Breast

Another type is found on the areola of the breast. Since hair grows in that area, the pores there if not cleaned after sweating or because of too much rubbing with fabric become infected.

An infected pore on breast is also known as folliculitis. This is because it is an infection of the hair follicles on the breast. Infected breast pores may cause you to:

  • Itch around the breast
  • Have a white headed pimple
  • Hurt on the breast

Avoid picking the zits on the breasts as they can easily spread to other sites on the aureola. You must also wear loose clothing that will not rub and tear the infected pore on breast.

Infected Pore on Face

The face is the the most sensitive part when it comes to infected pore on face

The face is the the most sensitive part when it comes to infected pore on face. If you have large pores on the nose, cheeks and chin, you should try to close them. You can close pores naturally at home or using facial products from drugstores. This is because if you keep the large pores open, they will collect all manner of debris that could cause bacterial infection.

An infected face pore is unavoidable because of not only large pores, but also the overproduction of sebum on the skin. An oily face will collect dust and other particles from the environment and when the right face wash for cleansing pores is not used, infection will occur.

Furthermore, if you are fond of touching your face every now and then, you can spread bacteria from your hands to your face.

The hands tend to be very dirty because of the various places they touch and the kind of work they do. Consequently, an infected face pore can occur leaving you with an unsightly zit.

Infected Pore Treatment

When you develop an infected skin pore, avoid picking at the zit. It should clear on its own within a few days. However, if the pore is very painful and has a developed a drainage passage, see a doctor to prick it for you to avoid scarring your skin.

You can expect the following infected pore treatment from the doctor depending on then nature of your infected skin pore:

  • Oral antibiotics
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Incision to drain the contents without scarring

The doctor may further drain the zit without causing scarring on your skin. You can also use these other treatments to get rid of the infection:

  • Warm compress: moisten a wash cloth with water to, which salt has been added. Compress for 20-30 minutes at least four times in a day
  • Buy a furuncle tape if the infected skin pore is unsightly and use it to help the pore drain out.

Sore Eyeball to Touch, Pain, Feels Bruised, Headache


Sore eyeballs can leave your whole face feeling irritated depending on its severity. There are different reasons why you could be having the sore feeling. Some lifestyle tendencies can cause soreness in the eyes. Allergens and eye conditions as are some other contributing factors. We explore what a sore eyeball is including one that is sensitive to touch, bruised or bloodshot as well as what causes sore eyeballs.

What is a Sore Eyeball?

According to Eyeinstitute, sore eyes are highly associated with a condition called dry eye syndrome. Pain that results from sore eyes may disappear on its own, or might become persistent and point to a symptom of a more serious problem.

The general sore eyeball feeling is normally associated witch some gritty and itchy sensation in the eyes. At times, this infection comes with other associated discomforts affecting the eye including eyelids and the mucous membranes.

Don’t neglect even just a minor eyeball soreness. A sore eyeball should prompt you to contact eye specialists from sites like 3Visions Eyecare or any trusted ophthalmologic clinic. It’s important to rule out the main cause of the problem to provide the proper medical intervention to avoid aggravation and any undue complications.

Causes of a sore eyeball and headache

There are various factors contributing to this condition. Some medications, cysts on the inside of eyelids, exposure to light may make your eyes to feel sore. The symptom may be accompanied with headaches or migraines. In addition to these causes, trauma or injuries to the eye can make the eyeball to feel sore.

1. Medication you are taking

Some drugs such as anti-depressants and diuretics can make the eyes feel sore

Some drugs such as anti-depressants and diuretics can make the eyes feel dry. This will with time contribute to a feeling of soreness.

  • Although these drugs do not harm the eyeballs in any way, one can have the dose of proton inhibitors reduced.

A lot of people take medication that causes them to have irritable eyes. This could be the reason for your sore eyeballs. Examples include birth control pills, antidepressants, artificial tears, beta-blockers, decongestants, certain antibiotics, and over-the-counter pain medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

2. Allergies and itchy eyes

Allergic reactions are yet another contributor to soreness in the eyes. Where the reactions causes you to tear up a lot over a short time, temporary eye dryness may result. This can leave your eyes feeling sore.

An eye allergic reaction occurs when an allergen (anything that triggers allergy) comes in contact with the antibodies attached to the eyes’ mast cells. These cells release histamine and other chemicals or substances that cause capillaries or tiny blood vessels in the eyes to leak, causing redness, itchiness, and watery eyes.

The drug in some eye drops could as well be causing sore eyes. Other than the eyeballs, these could cause problems to the cornea. Others contain toxic preservatives that could cause soreness. When your eye feels sore to touch, it might end up itchy as well due to allergic reactions.

3. Computer use and sore eye ball sensitive to light, when moving

The use of computers reduces the blinking time. It could also cause soreness when the eyes become sensitive to light.

This discomfort may be most prevalent on the sore eyeball when moving the eyes from the screen.

  • To deal with this, it is best to take breaks in between your working duration. Take eye breaks every 20 minutes by looking away for about 20 seconds.
  • Also ensure that you adjust your gadget’s light or brightness. A dark mode setting can help reduce eye strain. You can also enlarge the font type for easier reading. Position the computer monitor about an arm’s length away, ensuring that the top of the screen is at or below your eye level.
  • Blink whenever you can to produce tears to moisturize and refresh your eyes. When working in front of a computer, people tend to blink less than usual to focus on the screen, contributing to dry and sore eyes.

4. Trauma and sore eye ball pain with headache

Too much drinking can cause dehydration in the body. The same applies with smoking. When this happens, the eyes become dry, a factor that contributes irritation and soreness in the eyes.

When trauma is exerted on the eyes, some damage could occur. Depending on the severity, you could experience sore eyeball muscles. This is more so where the force used is excessive. Together with the muscles other internal structures may as well get hurt.

In severe cases, muscular ligaments could get trapped between the bones resulting in other ailments such as sinus pain and headaches. Medical attention is necessary to treat this.

Sore eyeball to touch and feels bruised

There are a number of reasons why you could be having a sore eyeball to touch. The soreness becomes most evident when something gets into contact with the eye. Some of the things that could lead to this include:

Abrasions: This occurs when a foreign body in the eye causes a scratch which could be on the eyeball. A small scratch can be very painful to touch but will heal itself with time. Where need be, some antibiotic treatment can help to hasten the healing process.

Corneal Ulcerations: These can also result in case there is an eyeball infection. At times there may be a feeling as if something is inside the eye. In severe cases, the soreness may develop into corneal ulcers. In such cases, you will need to see an eye doctor for treatment.

In other instances, the feeling of a sore eyeball to touch may not be as certain. At times when your eyeball feels sore, it could have nothing to do with it. A stye occurs when the eyelid gets infected close to the hair follicles. This results in some pain and soreness which could be mistaken to be coming from the eyeball. This though normally has nothing to do with the eyeballs since the condition is on the outer side of the eye.

Red sore eyeball, is bloodshot

In some instances, your sore eyeballs may be bloodshot. This mostly happens when there is some direct damage to this part of the eye. This could be as a result of a chemical burn which happens when the eye is exposed to alkaline products such as household cleaners and bleach. The eyes could also get flash burns during welding in case proper eye protection is not used. While using tanning beds, you could also get burns in sensitive parts of the eyes.

The use of contact lenses is also another reason why you could be having a red sore eyeball. They tend to be a contributing factor to abrasions and thus there is need for those wearing them to be very careful. Wash your hands before handling the contact lenses. Also avoid vigorously rubbing your eyes when you are wearing contact lenses.

Trauma on the eyes can cause injuries. It is a major contributing factor towards the swelling of eyes. Blunt trauma may cause the eyeball to get bruised. Where the trauma is excessive, damage could be done to internal structures surrounding eye.

What Causes Sore Eyeballs – after being hit, cold, pressure, in the morning

A sore eyeball can feel sandy, gritty and tired especially in the morning. This may be accompanied by dry eyes especially in people with diabetes and those who are older. Soreness in the eyeballs are mostly accompanied by a foreign sensation. They can also become itchy and red. With time, the eyes may feel worse especially where they are constantly in use over a computer or such and the blinking rate is reduced. The lashes could also crust up. There are many reasons why you could be experiencing this in your eyes.

Sore in the corner of the eye may make have discomfort
Sore in the corner of the eye may make have discomfort
  • Dry sore eyeballs can be as a result of dry eye syndrome. Contrary to what may be expected, dry eyes can at times water more. They however occur because there are not enough tears in the eyes to keep them well lubricated. It could also be as a result of available tears failing to spread evenly over the eyes. The result is dryness accompanied by irritation.
  • Red, itchy, sore eyes on the other hand could be as a result of excessive rubbing which can be caused by eye infections or allergic reactions. At times, irritation from contact lenses can as well make your eyes sore.
  • In case your sore eyeballs come with dull eyes and pain, you may have strained your eyes. This should subside the moment you get enough rest. If this does not happen, it could be a sign of a more serious condition and you should get your eyes checked by a professional.
  • Direct trauma or pressure on the eyes can leave your eyes hurt. It is therefore not a wonder to experience a sore sensation after being hit or bumping into a surface. This should die with time as the effect of the trauma wears off.
  • At times, the condition may be as a result of some other ailment. The eyes can feel sore from cold and flu. A viral common cold can cause viral conjunctivitis which is a serious condition. If not checked, it could ruin your eyesight. It is therefore necessary to monitor the state of your eyes and have them checked in case they keep getting worse.