

How to Treat an Infected Ear Piercing

You may be surprised to learn that about 30% of all ear piercings become infected even with meticulous care. Some studies put the figure...

7 Middle Ear Infection Symptoms

Middle ear infection is the most common ear infection, affecting at least 11% of the global population per year. This means that up to...

Signs of Ear Infection in Toddlers – Full List and Comprehensive Explanation

A toddler is a child who is 12 months to 36 months old. While some toddlers can point out and say, “My ear hurts”,...

Painful Pimple on Earlobe, Causes, Won’t Go Away and How To Get Rid

It is not uncommon to develop a bump in and around your earlobes. However, in some cases, you may develop a painful pimple on...

Swollen Ear Canal Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A swollen ear canal can be painful and cause a lot of discomfort. The causes can range from a simple pimple in the ear...