Avoiding Addiction Triggers: Use These 10 Tips To Help Stay Clean And Sober

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It’s not uncommon for people who are recovering from addictions to relapse at least once.

Some people even go off the wagon multiple times before finally becoming sober. In fact, despite FDA-approved treatments for nicotine, alcohol, and opiate addiction, more than two-thirds of those who begin treatment will relapse.

The first step toward prevention is to understand what can cause you to relapse and have a plan in place to deal with these triggers.

If you take a look at the Dallas drug rehab best practices, you will know what we are talking about. Their trigger management practices are well-known, and you must follow them if you want to stay sober.

How To Avoid Addiction Triggers And Stay Sober?

When you face addiction triggers, nothing can stop you. Even if you try not to give up on your urges, your body and mind don’t permit you. This is why we have brought some suggestions for you to avoid the addiction triggers here. Let’s take a look:

1: Stay With A Trusted Friend In Time Of A Celebration

Unfortunately, good times can lead to relapse, especially when parties are involved and temptations such as alcohol are present.

While you may be able to avoid certain celebrations, you will almost certainly be unable to avoid all of them, and some will undoubtedly feature alcohol or other temptations.

If you are mistakenly offered something that could trigger a relapse, your spouse or friend at these events may be able to support you and help you refuse.

You can get through an engaging scenario by relying on a close buddy.

2: Talk To Your Sponsor During Personal Problems

This could be in the context of your marriage, a friendship, a business collaboration, or a family bond.

You may have dealt by abusing alcohol or another drug before your addiction recovery, but now you must learn new strategies to deal with these challenging situations.

If you have a 12-step sponsor, this is a perfect moment to contact him so you may get the support you need as you implement new strategies for dealing with inevitable family disagreements.

Your sponsor may also schedule a personal trainer for you to learn to cope with the urges.

3: Don’t Let Your Professional Success Cloud Your Judgment

It’s easy to tell yourself. You may think that “If I was truly an addict, I wouldn’t have gotten that promotion, or that job offer, or that fantastic project at work.”

Do not let your professional success overshadow your recognition of addiction because addiction affects people at all levels of accomplishment.

As you advance in your work, your meetings, counseling, and good coping strategies are just as crucial as ever.

4: Find A New Hobby To Escape Boredom

Boredom is a silent killer.

Many people with eating problems eat to pass the time, and boredom can cause your thoughts to wander to “what if” scenarios involving alcohol or whatever drug you use.

Be aware of the dangers of boredom, and work with your counselor or another trusted friend to develop a strategy for dealing with it healthily.

5: Get A Mental Health Diagnosis

People with drug abuse disorders are more likely to have co-occurring mental illnesses.

In fact, self-medication to deal with untreated depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder may lead to substance misuse.

Fortunately, doctors can treat mental diseases in various ways that do not entail the use of addictive medications, and getting treatment for mental illness can help you avoid relapsing.

6: Learn Stress Management Skills

The most common cause of relapse is stress. Many persons who battle addiction use their chosen substance or activity as a maladaptive coping mechanism.

In reality, research shows that people have an increased “wanting” for the drug, alcohol, or addictive activity under stressful conditions—especially if the substance or activity was the person’s central coping technique.

To prevent functioning in panic mode, you should better manage your time. Mindfulness and relaxation training are both beneficial. Incorporating moderate exercise and healthy nutrition into healthy practices is also suitable for stress.

7: Don’t Go To Old People And Places

Whether or not they are currently drinking, smoking, or taking drugs, people who participated in your addictive behavior are possible relapse triggers.

Similarly, some locations that remind you of your addiction can be triggering. Even family members might trigger, mainly if they make you feel vulnerable and childlike.

If you’re an alcoholic and a group of drinking buddies invites you out, or you observe coworkers going to happy hour, learn to say no.

8: Don’t See The Object Of Addiction

During recovery, reminders of your addiction can lead to relapse.

In the early stages of quitting, a whiff of cigarette smoke, watching others sip cocktails in a club or restaurant, or seeing a couple wrapped in a passionate embrace seem to be everywhere.

It’s natural to want to relapse into your addiction. After all, it’s a place you’re used to. But recovery isn’t only about “giving up”; it’s also about creating a new life where it’s easier—and more desirable—not to use.

9: Be Honest

When you are tempted, you must reach out. You must discuss everything you’re doing, thinking, and feeling with your sponsor and support groups.

Feelings that aren’t expressed openly become locked up, leading to relapse. Invite safe, experienced people into your circle to expand your support network.

Your feelings will appear insurmountable and overwhelming at first. Because you’ve been numb for so long, you don’t know how to deal with stress. This is what sober living aids in the development of the abilities required to deal with life’s daily obstacles.

10: Join A Support Group

Addiction is a powerful disease. You’ll need professional help, just like with any other sickness. Finding a rehab coach and a sponsor is the first step in staying sober.

These people, as well as twelve-step mentors, will assist you in unraveling the deception that has dominated your life.

A strong support group is a group of people who share their experiences, strength, and hope. The love and support you’ll discover in these groups will replace the relief you once sought through substance misuse.


If you try to contact those friends who had your back before the addiction, try to contact them now. Then, we are sure that you will be welcomed with open arms.

Some seasoned veterans can also guide you along this new, fascinating, and terrifying route.

Sharing your story with someone who has been there without holding back encourages healing and accountability. So, if you need more details on them, let us know in the comment box.

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