How to Get Rid of White Bumps on Forehead that are Small, Itchy Lumps Won’t Go Away

HomeBumpsForehead BumpsHow to Get Rid of White Bumps on Forehead that are Small,...

Bumps on forehead are generally caused by acne breakouts. Hairline bumps and pimples form as a result of clogged pores, allergy to bangs and sun exposure. Small forehead bumps can also be millia or heat rash. If they won’t go away, bumps can lower your self-esteem. Here’s how to get rid of white bumps on your forehead fast.

Even if they don’t itch or hurt, bumps on your forehead can be a nuisance due to their highly visible location. The most likely cause of small bumps on your forehead, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, is acne.

Bumps on forehead from acne pimple breakouts.
Acne pimples on forehead

Failing to properly treat and care for your skin can make the inflammation worse and even cause permanent scarring. This article will highlight the causes and how to get rid of those small bumps on your forehead that are small, itchy and won’t go away.

See also: Bumps on elbows and knees

What Causes Bumps on Forehead?

Acne on the forehead due to clogged pores, bumps and rashes from hair bangs etc. are some of the causes. In some people, botox injections can lead to small lumps and bumps to form on the head and hairline. Here’s a complete list of causes that lead to pimples on forehead.

1. Botox Reactions

Many board certified doctors are unanimous in their opinion that having a Botox procedure done on your forehead will not cause it to break out in small bumps on your forehead especially. It is related to the drug itself but it can be related to the pre-procedure or post -procedure treatment that you are getting.

Be aware of what your face is being treated with before and after and consider asking for a change.

2. Clogged Pores

Clogged pores can be a harmless type of acne (as long as you don’t squeeze them), but these tiny flesh-colored bumps are really annoying because they give your skin an unwanted bumpy look and feel.

Clogged pores occur anywhere on the face, but are common at the forehead and chin area, those on the forehead manifest themselves as small bumps on your forehead.

3. Gluten allergy

Red spots on the hairline and forehead from allergy
Red spots on the hairline and forehead from allergy or acne

In sensitive individuals, gluten acts in two ways. First, it alters the integrity of the gut, creating cracks in the gut lining that allow toxins to recirculate back into the system.

Second, because gluten-sensitive people cannot properly digest gluten, these large molecules enter the bloodstream, and the immune system recognizes them as invaders, activating an immune response that increases inflammation, which in turn can result in acne.

This kind of immune response also triggers the release of insulin, which results in raised hormone levels, another cause of acne which almost always appears as bumps on your forehead.

4. Rash on forehead from bangs

Bangs are a fringe of hair combed or brushed forward over the forehead. If there is one thing bangs are notorious for, it is increasing your possibility of pimple breakouts. The truth is, the bangs-breakout connection is not a myth.

Keep in mind that acne develops when dead skin cells and oil plugs the hair follicles. When you wear bangs, the natural hair oils and dead skin cells deposit from your scalp onto your skin, which clogs the pores.

This cultivates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, hence the breakouts.

This could get worse, especially when your hair gets greasy, no thanks to products you apply on your hair. Using your bangs as a curtain won’t do any good for your skin.

5. Stress and Hormones cause pimples on forehead

Red spots on forehead from acne flare-ups
Hormonal imbalance and stress can cause lumps

Yes. Many scientific researches have been able to find a direct link between adult acne and stress. When your body is stressed, there is a hormone fluctuation that causes an increase in the amount of oil your skin secretes, which can cause formation of bumps on the forehead or worsening those already formed.

In addition to causing acne, these fluctuations can also affect weight, blood pressure, and other physical attributes.

6. Heat rash all over forehead

When you’re spending tons of time outside in direct sunlight, the heat may be too much for your body to take. This has essentially nothing to do with whether or not you’re wearing SPF, this is simply your body overheating and resulting in tiny bumps on your forehead and red skin.

The likelihood of getting heat rash is upped when you’re active outdoors. If you’re exercising outdoors while it’s hot outside, your body heat and the sun’s heat come together for a not-so-fun time.

Small bumps on forehead
Small lumps from heat rash.

7. Sun exposure in summer.

It’s a common myth that sun will help improve acne. Sun exposure can actually make breakouts worse in some people who are prone to acne.

Many people believe that the sun clears skin, but what they’re seeing is the tan darkening the skin around the bumps on your forehead, thus making them stand out less.

Sun also dries out skin, and anything that cuts through oil seems like a good start. But while the tan and dryness seem better in the short term, in the long run, sun only worsens acne.

UV rays damage the skin, weakening the natural barrier and causing it to lose moisture. While at first this means your oily zones dry up, your skin tries to fix this by producing more and more of its own oils.

Instead of preventing or lessening breakouts, sun exposure worsens the root of the problem. It leads to overproduction by and overgrowth of sebaceous glands.

8. Milia small white bumps on forehead

Milia are tiny white bumps that appear across a baby’s nose, chin or cheeks. Milia are common in newborns but can occur at any age.

You can’t prevent milia. And no treatment is needed because they usually disappear on their own in a few weeks or months.

9. Rosacea

Rosacea is a common but poorly understood long-term skin condition that mainly affects the face.

Symptoms often begin with episodes of flushing (where the skin turns red for a short period), but other symptoms can develop as the condition progresses, such as:

  • Burning and stinging sensations
  • Permanent redness
  • Spots (papules and pustules) e.g. Bumps on forehead.
  • Small blood vessels in the skin becoming visible.

10. Heat bumps on forehead

Heat bumps are caused when sweat ducts become blocked, trapping sweat under the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is common in infants, but can also occur in adults when the weather is excessively hot and humid.

Heat rash can appear as superficial blisters, bumps on forehead or be as troublesome as deep, red bumps. Heat bumps are often itchy and can cause a prickly feeling, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Heat rash tends to happen on areas where clothing rubs against the skin or within the folds of skin in areas such as elbow creases, forehead at times, armpits or the groin area.

11. Pimple and acne breakouts on forehead

For a pimple-free skin, it is important to understand what causes pimples. They cannot be your fault all the time. Contrary to the popular belief, these pimples or zits are not always caused by external factors such as food, skin care regimen or exercises.

They are caused by a combination of physiological factors as well. They also develop far beneath the skin’s surface that is beyond our control.

12. Boils on forehead

A boil, or skin abscess, is a collection of pus that forms in the skin.

Boils symptoms and signs include:

  • a firm reddened bump,
  • tender, swollen skin surrounding the bump,
  • the bump may increase in size,
  • pus-filled head on the bump, which may spontaneously drain, weep, or ooze

13. Whiteheads on forehead

Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, are a mild form of acne which look like small, white bumps on the forehead.

They are similar to blackheads, in that they are caused by a buildup of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria in the pores and occur most frequently on the oily patches of skin on the nose, forehead, chin and cheeks.

Whiteheads can be treated effectively at home, using a combination of good skincare and hygiene practices and topical creams.

Itchy bumps on forehead that won’t go away.

Bumps on forehead that won’t go away or won’t heal may be sebaceous hyperplasia which comes with time, but is not acne, they look kind of like little donuts. They respond to cautery not acne medicine, although once treated tazarotene has shown to reduce recurrence.

People with pityrosporum folliculitis acne have pimples and blackheads, but they’re slightly different than acne vulgaris lesions. One of the differences is where the breakouts occur on your skin. The breakouts are usually the worst on the forehead, causing several recurrent bumps on the forehead along the hair line and jaw line, and down the sides of the neck.

Pimples and blackheads may also be on the back and they can go all the way down to the waist. The chest can be affected too. You may even get an occasional tender pimple on the scalp. These are usually very itchy.

Small bumps on forehead

Certain illnesses, like measles or lupus, can cause a red, bumpy rash on your forehead. The rashes associated with these illnesses usually spread to other areas of your body instead of remaining localized to just one place.

You will also experience other symptoms along with the rash, such as fever or achy joints. The rash associated with lupus usually extends across the cheeks of the face and along the nose and forehead in a “butterfly” shape.

If you suspect an illness as the cause of your rash, or if you experience fever or itching, contact your primary health care provider.

Little Bumps on forehead not pimples

They are always given many descriptions. Tiny, little or small red bumps on forehead. When they occur on other parts of the body, red bumps are easy to conceal. This is however not so when they appear on the forehead.

These will always be visible unless one has perfect bangs. Using bangs to hide them could add to the problem as well. How then does one get rid of them? To do this in the best way, one ought to know their causes which are varied. As a result, their treatments are also different.

One major cause of little bumps on the forehead is clogged pores. This is caused by its proximity to the T-Zone which is known for its excess production of oil. To get rid of such acne bumps, one could steam their forehead.

Problems from the head can also trickle down to the forehead. Dandruff in hair could cause one to get small bumps on the forehead. To make these disappear, one ought to get rid of the dandruff.

An oily scalp could also cause bumps on forehead. Certain hair and skin care products may contain substances to which the skin is allergic to. Avoid having hair products getting into contact with the skin on the forehead. Avoid using facial products containing ingredients you are allergic to as well.

Exfoliation, when done excessively could irritate the skin leading to formation of red bumps on forehead. This is despite the fact that it is important in getting rid of dead skin cells. One should therefore do it in moderation.

Hard lump on forehead

Hard lump on the forehead
Hard lump on the forehead

Forehead osteomas are a relatively common and benign condition where a knob of normal bone forms under the skin.  They can occur at birth, develop over many years or develop quickly.  There is not distinct cause although it is hereditary.

The bony knob can be single or multiple and can occur just about anywhere on the skull or face.  Forehead osteomas frequently occur between the hairline and the eyebrows.

These non-mobile lumps on forehead are generally benign and cause not specific problems other than cosmetic concern.  It is interesting that some patients live with this condition for years because they don’t realize that the treatment is generally a simple office procedure.

Big bump on forehead

The forehead and scalp have an abundant blood supply, and injury to these areas often results in bleeding under the skin.

When the bleeding is restricted to one area, it causes bruising and swelling. Doctors refer to this as a hematoma.

Keep in mind that even a minor head bump can cause a large swelling. And the speed, momentum and size of the people (full-grown adolescents versus young children), and the forces involved (such as impact with a concrete floor or other hard surface) may increase the possibility of serious injury.

Occasionally, a blow to the head may be severe enough to cause bleeding in or around the brain. This type of bleeding can cause an intracranial hematoma, a serious condition that puts pressure on the brain.

See a doctor within one to two days of a significant head injury with ongoing symptoms, even if emergency care isn’t required.

How to Get Rid of Bumps on the Forehead

You can get rid of forehead bumps and pimples with clay masks, diet and better hygiene. Some treatments may include the use of hormone-balancing medications. Natural and home remedies, can include honey, apple cider vinegar and tomato masks. Here’s how to get rid of bumps on forehead naturally.

1. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo

Dandruff is a major reason for the acne trigger on your forehead. The dead skin flakes that fall on your forehead might cause acne due to infection or clogging of pores. So treat your dandruff right and also make sure that you use a good anti dandruff shampoo which does not have chemical ingredients you might be allergic to.

The most effective Anti-Dandruff Shampoos:

2. Eat a Well Balanced Diet

Digestive tract problems are often the reason for the worst of forehead acne triggers. Avoid too many spices in your food if you have acne prone skin. Spices that heat your body like chilli are especially harmful and must be avoided mostly in summer months.

Try maintaining a well balanced diet which does not comprise of too many fats, and most fats you consume should be good fats like nuts etc. than from junk food. Drinking enough and more water is a sure shot trick to minimize chances of forehead acne as it helps keep your digestive tract clear.

Fruits and leafy green vegetables are a must add in your diet too since they offer enough fibre for clear bowel movements which again reduce chances of acne.

3. Clay Mask with Tea Tree/Lavender Oil

  1. Make a thin clay mask with water.
  2. Add tea tree oil or lavender oil for a boost, and apply the mask on your forehead.
  3. Leave the mask on overnight and rinse it off when you wake up.
  4. Remember to throw a towel onto your pillow before you sleep.

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Therapeutic Tea Tree Essential Oil

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This simple mask can combat the most beastly pimples in just a day, and leave behind a fresh and supple skin that will win you compliments.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

If you can lay your hands on a pack of apple cider vinegar, you have got yourself the perfect remedy for pimples on the head or scalp. You need to swab a bit of the apple cider vinegar once or twice a day onto the affected area.

This works best on a single big zit or blemish. Remember, it is best not to rinse the apple cider vinegar, unless you really feel you should.

5. Lemon juice remedy for forehead bumps

Lemon juice can clear oils from the skin and allow pores to remain open. It is also anti-inflammatory and will prevent pimples on forehead. Here’s how to treat forehead bumps fast with lemon juice.

  1. Squeeze a fresh lemon to get lemon juice.
  2. Dab a few drops of lemon on the zits and leave it on overnight.
  3. Rinse it off in the morning.
  4. Repeat this remedy twice a week for faster results.

This comes as no surprise to many! One of the most commonly tried and tested pimple cures is the good old lemon.

It is best to use lemon on the pimples at night, and avoid stepping out in the sun if you have to use it during the day. Lemon juice makes your skin photosensitive and can cause many more blemishes or sun damage.

6. Mustard Powder with Honey

Slather some mustard powder mixed with honey onto the zits. Mustard contains natural salicylic acid that is an active ingredient in most over-the-counter pimple medications.

While you can use bottled mustard, it is best to make your own mustard pack by grinding together mustard and honey.

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Leave this pack on the zits for 15 minutes and wash off. Mustard is also rich in Vitamin C, zinc, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that will surely leave your skin glowing!

7. Tomato Mask to remove white bumps on head

If you wake up one morning to see an unsightly eruption or two and have a tomato handy, simply cut it and rub it onto your forehead twice a day. Rich in antioxidants, the tomato juice will miraculously heal acne on forehead.

Bear in mind that excessive use can cause dryness, so dilute the juice if you wish to use it more than twice a day.

Sources and references

  1. Mayo Clinic: Milia
  2. You Beauty: Sun and Acne.
  3. Livestrong: Small Bumps on Forehead.

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